Bai Ling is a sensible adult, she knows it's useless to detain me, so she just said it frankly. Although I know I have to go, but when it comes time to go, my heart will hurt, and the feeling of not giving up is full of my whole body. I said sadly: "ling'er, I'm gone. Are you OK at home alone?"

In fact, I'm really worried about Bai Ling. She has experienced too much these two days. I'm afraid she can't bear it. But in the face of my problem, Bai Ling seems very indifferent and says in a low voice: "what do you think? Before I didn't have you, I didn't have the same good life?"

Her words are light, but I can hear that she is also reluctant to part with me. After all, we have to separate this time, and there is no possibility that we will be so close again. Our contact in these two days can be regarded as liberating ourselves. Up to now, I am still immersed in Bailing's indulgence, and I can't extricate myself. My heart is very heavy, and my steps suddenly become heavy. My heart is very heavy Want to leave, but the pace is difficult to move, as if their own body is not controlled, also does not belong to their own.

When I was tangled around, my mobile phone ring suddenly rang, breaking the rigid atmosphere, ringing in the silent room, so I immediately connected the phone, and the voice of Chen Haoran came from the other end of the phone: "brother Xuan, have you finished your business? Brothers are waiting for you to take charge of the overall situation

Hearing this, my heart suddenly cluttered for a moment and asked in doubt: "what happened?"

Chen Haoran replied: "it's nothing. It's just that we've got the news that the Xuanwu association has already won over the Song family and the Wanjia family and United their forces to deal with us. But you haven't been here these two days. The brothers are obviously losing confidence. When will you come back?"

As soon as I heard this, I immediately realized that the matter was serious. At that time, I only thought about the alliance between the Xuanwu Association and the Song family, but I forgot about the Wanjia incident. Now it seems that Wanjia has always remembered my hatred. They must want to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe me out completely in order to avenge me for abolishing Wanlong. Therefore, Wanjia will unite with the Xuanwu Association.

Originally, I didn't have enough confidence in fighting against the alliance between the two forces of the Xuanwu society and the Song family. I mainly relied on Wu Tianhao. Now the other side suddenly came up with a combination of three swords, and I lost a lot of confidence in a moment. If Wu Tianhao didn't do his best to help me, then I would be really useless. But I haven't been at home for the past two days. There are still some leaders in the guild. The morale of the army has been weakened, and the major events are burning. I really can't delay it. Even if I don't give up, I must go.

So, I gave Chen Haoran a reply, then immediately hung up the phone, immediately, I said solemnly to Bai Ling: "I'm going to go!"

A simple sentence, has fully expressed my determination, and although bailing just pretended to be calm, but when I really want to leave, she is still very reluctant to give up, so at this moment, listening to my words, her eyes can not help flashing a little strange, pause for a while, bailing said to me reluctantly: "then I'll send you!"

I leisurely said: "it's OK, I can take a taxi to go back."

See me say so, white Ling says adamantly: "listen to me, I go to see you off!"

Without waiting for me to reply, bailing walked out of the room. I hesitated, but I had to listen to her. Then, I immediately followed up and went out of her house with bailing. After getting on the bus, we didn't say a word. Bai Ling was still as silent as before. When driving, she didn't show any difference But the more she is like this, the more entangled my heart is, the less I want to leave her.

Because the more she pretended to be calm, the more I felt something was wrong. She kept all the pain and pain in her heart. All the way, I always wanted to find a topic to talk about, but I didn't know what to say. I was afraid that when I opened my mouth, I would touch bailing's sensitive nerve. I didn't want to make her sad, so I just shut up. Soon, the car drove to the gate of our school She stopped the car at the gate of the school. Then, she turned her head and looked at me and said seriously to me, "sulo, promise me, these two days, you will think nothing happened, forget it, and we will not contact again, OK?"

When Bai Ling said this, her expression was extremely cold, and her voice was very heartless. I knew what she meant. She wanted to draw a clear line with me. From then on, it was impossible for us. I separated from her. I had Ziyi and a bunch of good brothers. My life can still be the same as before However, bailing is different. She was taken away by me for the first time. Her heart was taken away by me. Even more, she offended Kang Ming. How can I put her down easily.

She is really too hard, in this world, in addition to I may really no one can understand her, now, I am really worried about leaving her alone, so I asked her sincerely: "but, what do you do in the future?"

As soon as I opened my mouth, I found that my voice was hoarse. After listening to my words, Bai Ling said bitterly, "Oh, don't worry about my business. You can live your own life well. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me!"

Hearing Bai Ling's words, I couldn't help but smile bitterly. Looking at her affectionately, I whispered, "but I'm worried about you. I really can't let you go!"Even if I'm heartless and want to draw a line with bailing, my heart can't do it at the moment. I really care about her now. I'm really afraid of any accident. I have a vague feeling that I can't lose her now. But Bai Ling listened to my words and her face was slightly angry. She said to me, "I said, I don't care about my business. You can get out of the car, I don't want to get involved with you! "

I know that Bai Ling said this because she was afraid that we would fall deeper and deeper. Therefore, at this moment, there was no emotion in her words. She was determined to draw a line with me. I like her and care about her, but I couldn't give her any commitment. Even if she was the woman who gave me the first time, I couldn't be responsible for her. Now, the only thing I can do is to let go Hands.

Looking at the cold white Ling on the surface, I opened my mouth and solemnly said to her, "Bai Ling, I'm sorry. I know that no matter how much I say I'm sorry, I can't make up for the regret between us, but I can only say I'm sorry, because I have a girlfriend, so I can't be responsible for you, but I can assure you that you will encounter any problems that can't be solved in the future, You can ask me for help. Even if I spare my life, I will help you! "

My words are all my sincere words, no matter because of bailing, or because of Bailing my grandfather, I do it without regret. Although I can not give bailing the promise of vows, but I can help her get rid of all the troubles she encounters, because this is what I can promise her, and it is also the only thing I can do, that's all.

Bai Ling listened to my words, her expression also had a trace of movement, she can no longer pretend to be indifferent, her sadness is all unfolding, but she still tried not to cry out, also did not show any abnormal, still said to me in a cold voice: "you can get out of the car!"

A short sentence, said everything, I also understand, even if there are more reluctant, no matter how helpless, we are about to go our separate ways, the time to leave don't detain, and I can't help but stretch out my hand, pulled bailing's head, I gently kiss on her forehead, this kiss may be to express all my apologies.

Then, I let go of Bai Ling and said to her resolutely, "goodbye!"

After that, I got out of the car directly, and my heart broke with the moment I got off the car. The feeling was really heartbreaking. I just got off the car and closed the door. Bai Ling's car sped away without half a minute's stop. I stood still and watched the shadow of Bailing's car gradually smaller until the car completely disappeared in front of me. I also understood, We're really in a different place at this moment.

Although she left, but her appearance, her expression, her voice, still reverberated in my mind, I stood in place for a long time, recalling the scenes between me and bailing, full of memories, there are happy, sad, sad, but there are more really do not give up.

A cold wind slapped on my face, blowing down the tears accumulated in my eyes for a long time. I closed my eyes heavily and squeezed out the extra tears. Then, I suddenly opened my eyes. The world in front of me no longer had the shadow of bailing. I knew that the road ahead of me was still full of thorns, and I had to step down wholeheartedly. Recently, there was a life and death war waiting for me, so I can't immerse myself in the pain. I have to get out of this emotion, adjust my own state, and face the next thing calmly. Then, I have a new look at the place where bailing's car disappeared. After that, I decided to go back to school.

After I stepped into the school gate, looking at the campus scenery, my heart also slowly firmed down, I closed my eyes, trying to forget all the troubles, these things I want to put behind temporarily, fight all my heart, to meet the battle that changed my destiny, life and death will be revealed in five days.

Then, my pace from just decadent powerless, gradually become vigorous and steady, although it is now dark, but I returned to school, I did not return to the dormitory rest, directly went to the school auditorium, at the same time called Haoran to gather brothers, come here for a meeting.

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