I also understand the reason why the brothers are unstable. Two days ago, I suddenly disappeared, so that some people could not help but suspect that I was shrinking in the face of the battle. But now, I suddenly appear again. Although I look a little embarrassed, I finally show up, which makes the brothers' morale follow.

For them, I am the core of the organization and the soul of the organization. I am in the organization. As long as I am the leader, everyone will advance and retreat with me, prosper and lose everything. What the brothers fear most is that I fall down or I shrink back. It is because I have disappeared for two days that the morale of the army has been somewhat lax.

Of course, during these two days, Chen Haoran didn't do anything. He did a lot of things. The guys were ready. The list of people willing to join the war was also determined. The core members of the organization were 320, and the peripheral ones were nearly 250. The total number of people willing to participate in the battle was only 270 I am very satisfied with the result.

Even in the face of the real battle of life and death, there are still these brothers who are willing to stay. I am really very satisfied. And I understand that people's lives are fragile. They cherish their lives. I have no objection. Of course, even if we win, the glory has nothing to do with them. So I don't care what they do, but these brothers can come It's all my family, and it's all my strength.

However, although the brothers believe in me, know my ability and know that I have helpers, the enemy we have to face is no longer as simple as a basaltic society. There are also Song family and Wanjia family intervening. If they take out any one of them, they can set off a bloody storm in this city, and their combined power is absolutely infinite 。

According to our intelligence personnel, there are quite a number of them participating in the war. It can be said that a force formed by the three parties has no problem in dealing with the alliance of all the gangs in the city. It is also said that the Song family spent a lot of money to find a lot of thugs and bodyguards, so as to make me die here and mine The complete collapse of the organization is also the biggest reason for the unstable morale of the brothers.

To be honest, this news has made me not calm down. I have no confidence that I can defeat them. I rely mainly on Wu Tianhao. For this unpredictable Wu Tianhao, I have no idea how big his actual power is and whether he can suppress the combination of the three forces.

In addition, we also face a problem, that is, in terms of the police, this war is very important. Even the director's son I know has told the truth and said that he can't fix it. This is a serious problem. Since we want to fight a war, we must be prepared for something. This is not as simple as fighting a group fight in school because of the accident The latter should be held criminally responsible.

It's needless to say that they have been in the city for so many years. They are still standing still. They must have their own connections. Originally, I relied on Wu Tianhao, but now it's different. Because of Zhang Lei, I have successfully realized that director Zhuang can basically settle the matter for me as long as he doesn't make too much trouble. Therefore, in this respect, I directly contact my brother My brothers said that I could carry anything if anything happened.

As for the upcoming war, even I don't have much confidence to win. However, no matter how much confidence I have, at least, I want to give my brothers confidence, and I must motivate them. Taking advantage of this meeting, I constantly encourage them and tell them that in this battle, we should not only win, but also give each other a tragedy A painful lesson, starting this war, no one dares to shit on the head of our organization.

The key point of this meeting is to boost the morale. I am not in good health, but I am full of energy. I am impassioned here and said a lot. The purpose is to let the brothers regain their confidence and not be afraid. They can do their best in the battlefield at that time. However, the final result is still good. After my brainwashing, all the brothers present are in high morale and excited Waiting for a few days of war, in everyone's expectation, I ended the meeting.

Then, I arranged for them to have a good rest in the past two days to give myself a good state. At the same time, I also told them that if they won, they would hold a banquet and celebrate for three days. After listening to them, the brothers became more excited. The scene began to be eager to try. Seeing their state, I was relieved.

After saying goodbye to my brothers, I went back to my bedroom and immediately contacted Wu Tianhao. Wu Tianhao also knew about their alliance. What he meant was that he had confidence in dealing with the Xuanwu society and the Song family, but now another 10000 family has emerged from the sky, and his confidence is not so enough. However, he assured me that he would do his best to help me, which made me feel relieved.

I don't know if it's because of my father's words, I always feel that Wu Tianhao's strength is really immeasurable. Similarly, I also have a vague feeling that he will not use all his strength to help me. Therefore, I am sitting in silence with other plans in case of unexpected needs. However, it may be that I think a lot. After talking with him for a while, my confidence gradually comes up and has his guarantee I think it's OK.When I went back to school that night, I also accomplished two major things, stabilizing the morale of the army and getting repeated guarantees from Wu Tianhao. With these two points, my heart was also much more stable. Later, I did not do other things, but went to bed directly. For me, the most important thing now is to rest. The two-day medical journey has consumed me too much energy, and these two days have not been rested Well, I suffered a severe beating in the police station. Up to now, I'm really exhausted, and there will be a big war in four days. As the protagonist of this scene, I must take good care of my injuries and stand on the battlefield with enough spirit to meet the arrival of the enemy.

Thinking about me, I went to sleep, tired of me, this sleep is very heavy, a sleep to the next day, I got up at dawn, this day, my body also eased a lot, the more full of spirit, and let me excited is, I just wake up for a while, Shen Muchen contacted me, asked me to go to his school.

Why did I do it? Shen Muchen insisted that I go to his school. When I arrived, I found out that Shen Muchen had prepared more than 70 brothers of life and death for the sake of my war. Although students dare not fight with people in the society, Shen Muchen's hands are different. He has many brothers of life and death in his hands. He has not been a fool for two years There are many brothers in life and death, even in the face of a strong enemy, they will not be afraid, especially the crab is more eager to try, he is really silent for too long, in his words, the body is almost stiff, no activity can be useless!

Shen Muchen said to me that although his strength is a little weak, this is the greatest strength he can do for me. He knows that in this battle, the more people are, the better the better. Therefore, he added a little more people to increase my winning rate. I did not refuse Shen Muchen's intention. He was right. I really need people, and the more people I have, the greater my winning rate will be, Although Wu Tianhao is my main force, I can't all rely on him. I still have to do my best. Shen Muchen is also my most trusted brother. There is no need to be too polite between us. In the future, where he can help me, I will certainly have no hesitation.

After chatting with Shen Muchen for a short time, I talked about the time and place of the meeting, and after thanking Shen Muchen's brothers emphatically, I said goodbye to him and went back to school alone. But when I was about to leave the normal university, I met an old acquaintance, Lin Shihan.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that Lin Shihan was very lonely, as if there was a shadow of me at that time. No matter how deep the hatred I had with her, I could feel her desperate heart. After all, she didn't know who would laugh at the end of the battle. However, I didn't have any sympathy for her situation. Where would her future go? What's the relationship with me Even if I met her by chance, I would like to take her as the air and fly by.

I can't see her, but she can see me. As soon as I see her, the fire in her eyes bursts out. She recklessly walks up to me and directly says to me sarcastically: "Suluo, for the sake of our old classmates, I advise you to run for your life, or you won't have a chance!"

On the surface, she seems to care about me, but I can hear it. It's full of sarcasm. It seems that she is afraid that I won't go to the war. Seeing her like this, I can't help laughing, and then I said, "don't worry, I don't know who has no chance to escape."

When Lin Shihan heard my reply, he snorted coldly and said, "don't run, you will never come back!"

After that, there was a cold light in her eyes. It seemed to her that I would die in this war. Similarly, it was the result she wanted to see. She could not be forgiven for thinking so. They were three leagues, and their hatred for me was extremely great. They would never be willing to die without this battle, especially Wanjia, before this war, had already exposed the fox tail, obviously, they can be sure, this time will let me have no chance to reverse, otherwise, they will not jump out in such a hurry.

Although they were confident that they would kill me, since I chose to challenge the Xuanwu society, I was ready to give up my life and die. Therefore, there was nothing to be afraid of. Instead of frightening me, Lin Shihan's words made me feel funny. Fate is really a trick of fate. I didn't expect that we two were unconsciously from our old classmates to my goddess It's ridiculous. It's really ridiculous!

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