Lin Shihan is merciless. Don't blame me for my unfairness. I made up my mind at the bottom of my heart. This time, I will surely ask Lin Feng for blood debt. Although I have recovered from the following, I will never forget my hatred for him. If it is not for him, I will not suffer so much. What's more, if I have no problems below, I will not be related to bailing, and I will not be involved in it She got involved in my whirlpool and let her fate change because of me.

I looked at Lin Shihan and said in a cold voice, "OK, OK, OK, I hope you have that ability, but I can also tell you the truth. If you lose this time, I want all of you to be completely ruined. At that time, even if you kowtow to me, it will be useless!"

After saying that, I ignored her directly and left here smartly. When I walked a long way, Lin Shihan's angry voice suddenly came from behind me: "Suluo, don't fantasize, this time you must die!"

I didn't pay attention to her or stop. I just quickened the pace of leaving. There were five days before the war. After returning to school, I didn't prepare anything deliberately because I had already done what should be done. The next time was just waiting. In the next few days, all of us spent safely. Relaxation was our biggest task, Even so, we have not relaxed our vigilance and are always preparing for the war.

The leisurely time soon passed. Unconsciously, we came to the day of war. In this morning, we still relaxed without hesitation. At about 11 o'clock, I organized my brothers and Shen Muchen brothers to get together and have a good drink.

We drank a moderate amount of wine. We didn't get drunk. We only wanted to have a good time. We drank this wine because we made it brave. This time we were cutting people with swords and witnessing the real swords and swords. It's possible that people may die. Therefore, even the strong people will inevitably take care of it. If we drink some wine to strengthen our courage, the result will be much better. On the wine table, I encourage you all We must show our own momentum and work hard to fight. With concerted efforts, we will surely win the final victory. At the same time, I also said that those who have done meritorious deeds in this war will be rewarded accordingly.

All of us are looking forward to the moment of witnessing the history and the rise of the organization, because the moment of changing our destiny has made us wait for a long time. In the turbulent atmosphere, we finished the meal. At this time, it was already 12 o'clock, and then, we could not Let's go at once.

Shen Muchen and I together, there are more than 320 people in total, and the strength of our brothers is not bad, and the momentum is full. This team is absolutely a strong army, with all kinds of weapons. In this prosperous city, guns and ammunition are very strict. Even if you can get them, no one dares to use them. You can kill people with a knife or shoot them The idea is totally different. Once a gun is involved, it will be dealt with as a terrorist. Therefore, in general, no one dares to use a gun, and the gangsters fight with cold weapons.

After everything was ready, I contacted Wu Tianhao again. On the phone, he told me to let me go first. His staff were ready. Later, he would go to the battlefield. He promised that he would arrive within the specified time. After thanking Wu Tianhao, I hung up the phone. Immediately, I looked at the many brothers in front of me at the assembly site, and my eyes were shining It is surging to the extreme.

At this moment, I feel like a general who is about to lead his soldiers to the battlefield. His face is majestic. He is ready to throw his head and shed his blood. Soon, a great war will come to decide my life and death. This battle is not only related to my personal safety, but also to so many brothers who have been killed. It is related to the existence or destruction of the organization, and the coming of victory and defeat 。

At this exciting moment, I have thousands of words to say to my brothers, but time is pressing. I have just said a lot of inspiring words on the wine table. Therefore, at the moment, I don't want to talk nonsense any more. I just stare at these brothers who are willing to go through fire and water for me, and shout: "brothers, all try our best to fight against the enemy, and we will win this battle!"

After listening to my words, all the brothers on the scene stretched out their fists and yelled in unison: "win, win!"

Momentum straight into the sky, shouting exciting, see the brothers excited appearance, I smile, in the brothers voice down that moment, opened his voice and yelled: "OK, no more nonsense, let's go!"

Then, all the brothers dispersed and got on the prepared cars. Shen Muchen, crab and Chen Haoran, the senior leaders headed by Chen Haoran, rode motorcycles, while the other brothers got on the trucks in batches. My motorcycles led the way in the front of the army and drove the wind. Next to me are Shen Muchen and their ranks are orderly and turbulent. We, the passers-by, gallop on the huge road and drive to the agreed place.

This is the first time that I have participated in such a war in my life. It's a fight with my life. Either you die or I die. Such a battle is too exciting for me. Success or failure will be the turning point of my life. All brothers are like me. They are all boiling with blood. Crab, in particular, may not have been fighting for a long time. He was so excited about the battle that he couldn't help singing while riding his motorcycle. With his singing, the atmosphere of the queue changed.All of our brothers on motorcycles sang along with the beginning of crabs. All the way, all of us had smiles on their faces. On the fast road, we arrived at the battle site at 12:30. Before that, we were full of energy. However, once we arrived at this place, we suddenly had a gloomy breath, and our blood froze instantly, Instead, it was a deep chill.

This piece of wasteland is not an ordinary wasteland. The government has not developed it here, so it has become a desolate place. There are many kinds of grave buns. They look very cautious. It seems that if we kill two people here, it will not be a problem. Of course, the chill will come and disappear quickly. We will bear to think of the war to be fought in the future The excitement, the body's enthusiasm can not help rising, that sense of expectation, more and more strong.

We parked the car in order. Then, I led the people to the battlefield. When we went deep into the wasteland, we found a large open space. It was a relatively flat and open area in the wasteland. A pole was inserted in the middle of the field, which was a sign that the battlefield we had agreed on was this large open space.

At the moment, the whole open space was still quiet. It was not until we arrived that we gained a little popularity. Obviously, the Alliance forces of the basaltic association had not come. It was we who arrived first. Shen Muchen and I looked at each other. Then, we two led the brothers of the big gang and sat on the ground directly.

Sitting in this desolate open space, the brothers did not make a loud noise, but quietly smoked cigarettes, waiting for the arrival of the enemy. The cold wind blew, blowing our soot flying all over the sky. In the surrounding jungle, the sound of insects was also loud, and from time to time, the birds chirped, which made the atmosphere more strange.

The strangeness of nature is the most cautious. It can destroy everything, including people's enthusiasm. In the process of waiting, we are constantly eroded by the strangeness of the environment. The original surging passion is also slowly becoming uneasy. At this time, a brother could not suppress his feelings. He suddenly stood up and asked: "brother, why is the Xuanwu Come on, they're not going to make a sneak attack, are they? "

At the same time, his question also poked the hearts of many brothers. Everyone became restless in the waiting, and they could not help thinking wildly. Especially now it is getting faster, and the other party has no movement. Who knows whether they will make a sudden attack and come to a large group of people to directly give our group of student party a nest.

I know the concerns of my brothers. Even if I have them, I have to let them go at this time. I have to get rid of them. So I took a deep smoke and calmly said to everyone, "brothers, don't worry. They won't. Even if the Xuanwu association is not aboveboard, it won't do such shameless things. Besides, we have a large number of people and they steal If you attack, you won't get any good. All of you, wait for them. They should be here soon. "

After listening to my words, the brothers' faces relaxed a little, but the hidden worries in their hearts were hard to calm down. In fact, at this time, not only the brothers were worried, but also I was a little worried. Now I wonder why the basaltic alliance has not come, and I am also a little worried about what they have sold in the gourd Medicine.

These are not the key points. What's more, Wu Tianhao, who I've been looking forward to, hasn't come. After all, he's my main force. Now, these two real armies have not come, and only my brothers are here. It's true that things are a bit weird. When I'm thinking hard, Shen Muchen can't help asking me a question and saying, "Arlo, Do you think that boss Wu is reliable? "

At the moment, he asked me this, his face was very grim. Maybe, at this time, everyone would be worried, especially Shen Muchen, who was more cautious, he was also afraid of making mistakes. However, for Wu Tianhao, I think there should be no problem. He had helped me many times before in the face of my father. In this war, I also followed him I contacted him several times, and I visited him personally. Every time he promised, I firmly believe that Wu Tianhao would not stand me up.

Immediately, I was still very confident to Shen Muchen and replied: "I believe Wu Tianhao, he will certainly come to help me!"

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