After getting my affirmative reply, Shen Muchen didn't say anything. He just smoked a deep face. I can see that Shen Muchen attached great importance to the war. It was because of his attention that he wanted to ensure that everything was safe. However, the simple minded crab was not the same. He did not worry about the gap between the enemy and me. He just liked to fight, especially now When others were nervous, he kept waving his machete, like a juggler, and his mouth could not help but make a lot of people laugh, which relieved the atmosphere of the scene temporarily.

At the moment when we were all amused by crabs, a sharp eyed brother suddenly called out: "look, everyone, it seems that someone has come!"

At the moment of hearing this, my heart jumped up. I quickly stood up and looked into the distance. I found that a large group of people came in front of us. Looking at the past, they could not see the end. Their momentum was very strong, and the number of people was more than all of us. Seeing this scene, my heart couldn't help beating 。

When the group of people approached, I knew that these people were not our friendly forces, but the enemy's three services alliance. At this time, my brothers also saw clearly that the enemy was coming. They came from different directions from us, and the specific number of people could not be seen clearly. But when they approached, we could estimate the number of each other, at least Eight hundred.

I was surprised that they came to these places. There were only 300 more than us. However, in the past, these people were not ordinary people at all. They might be some Desperado who had experienced life and death. They were definitely selected elite soldiers. Although there were many more than us, I suddenly felt that Alexander.

What scares us even more is that the clothes of these big men are extremely unified. Everyone is dressed in black. Even, a piece of black cloth is pinned on each arm with a pin, just like the kind of black cloth we tied to our arms when we attend a funeral. If it wasn't for this powerful team, everyone had a knife in his hand, I would have thought he was We were attending the funeral, but even though we knew they were fighting, our hearts were still beating with the uniform of these people.

The atmosphere here was originally strange, and this group of people made such a careful dress up, so that the atmosphere of the scene was even more strange. All the brothers of our group could not help but sweat, and I felt a little uneasy in my heart. But as their leader, I could not take the lead in panic. Therefore, I took a few steps forward steadily and held my head high Standing at the forefront of our team, staring at the group of people in black.

At this moment, I must not tremble. I have to face it bravely. No matter how strong the other party is, I have already anticipated it in my heart. Since I have made psychological preparations, I don't need to be afraid of them. However, these are the thoughts in my heart. When the fear really comes, you can't stop it. When the mighty army stops in front of me, their group of people will suddenly However, it is very orderly to disperse, give up a channel, through this channel, a small team slowly came over.

It seems that this group of talents is the main character of the scene. Their small group of people actually escorted two coffins with a very strange appearance. Among them, there are Lin Xuanwu, Lin Feng, Lin Shihan, song Qingfeng's father, and Wanlong and Wanlong's father.

Looking at these familiar faces, they were all dressed in mourning clothes and escorting two coffins. Everyone's eyes showed an extremely cold light. The people who saw them were very flustered. Slowly, they finally came to the forefront of their large team. At this time, the main personnel who escorted the coffin stopped. Immediately, those who carried the coffin put the coffin Wood slowly put on the ground, and then consciously back away.

Although I know that this war is also very important to them, they will fight with me to death, so I am also prepared in my heart, but I really did not expect that they will play so much, even the coffin is ready. What is more frightening is that these main characters wear hemp and wear filial piety, and other personnel wear black clothes and black cloth, which is really too cautious.

The atmosphere of this place was originally very depressing. I thought that when the fight broke out, the two sides would be able to dilute the strange atmosphere. However, the situation is not as good as I imagined. The other party dressed in clothes and filial piety, just like coming here to attend the funeral, and even brought the coffin over, which made the wasteland more desolate 。

Many of my brothers were scared by this scene, their faces turned pale. Even I myself was a little flustered. I had a sense of fear out of control in my heart, and my body trembled involuntarily. Just when our army was unstable, song Qingfeng's father, who was ahead of us, suddenly opened his mouth and yelled at me: "Suluo, you really didn't let us I'm disappointed. I dare to come here. I like it very much. Ha ha! "

After that, his mouth also showed a smirk. At this moment, song Fu did not feel the tension on the eve of the war. It seemed to him that they did not worry about winning or losing at all. They just saw me in the battlefield as if they had succeeded in a conspiracy. His attitude also represented the attitude of these key personnel. Perhaps, in their opinion, I would die in this war.They made me feel nervous. I looked at Song Fu closely and said in a low voice, "I started this fight. How can I not come? However, I remember that we agreed to fight instead of funeral. What do you mean by this?"

My voice is full of displeasure. Since the war has not yet begun, it is not certain who will win. However, they try to oppress us with such cautious manner, which makes our brothers panic. This action is really too much, but my question makes the other party's people indifferent. Those leaders are still indifferent and even have a faint cold in their eyes Light, especially Lin Shihan, her face is more ugly, eyes full of killing.

After listening to my words, song Qingfeng's father even laughed directly. The laughter was desolate and strange, which was really unpredictable. After a long pause, he stopped the penetrating smile. Then, he went to the middle of the two coffins and stroked one of the coffins. While touching, he said to me coldly:

"Suluo, do you know Even today, my son has not been buried, because he died with his eyes closed. Every night, he would dream to me that he died miserably and asked me to revenge him. But now that the opportunity comes, I can revenge my son immediately, and he can be buried at ease! "

After that, song Qingfeng's father even shed a trace of tears. It can be seen that his feelings for his son are very deep. That is to say, the person lying in the coffin he touched is his son. Song Qingfeng, however, what is the other coffin and who is lying in it?

Just when I was puzzled, song Qingfeng's father suddenly turned around, patted another coffin with his palm, and yelled at me: "Suluo, this coffin is customized for you. It will definitely make you sleep very comfortable. Don't worry, I won't let you die too lonely. After you die, I will let your good brothers go down and bury with you!"

When he said this, song Qingfeng's father's voice completely changed, full of dignity, as if he could take my life immediately. It seems that he decided that I must die today, and asked me to bury his son. At this moment, I felt a strong sense of fear in my heart, which suddenly hit my heart. I was not afraid of bleeding and tears, nor afraid of any difficulties But at this moment, the enemy I'm facing feels like it's going to eat me. It's terrifying.

After Song Qingfeng's father said this, all of them showed a terrible cold light to me, and the breath of death suddenly attacked my whole body. Now it seems that not only my heart has been eroded by fear, but even my brothers have become the same as me. How can we say that we are all men and have experienced a lot of fighting, everyone When everyone was passionate, but after such a thing as me, I, including our people, couldn't calm down and showed dignified color one after another.

Originally, the expectation in the hearts of the brothers was that our reinforcements would come quickly and give us all a little confidence. But now, the time appointed for the war has passed, and the domineering power of the other side has also been fully displayed. However, our reinforcements have not arrived yet, and everyone will be in a panic. Finally, someone can't help it and ask, "brother, why haven't we got our reinforcements Come on, there's no real problem? "

His voice is not big, but it is particularly clear into each brother's ears, so that many brothers are suspicious. You can hear from their voice that they all hide the meaning of panic, but the performance is not very obvious. At this time, Shen Muchen still can't help walking to my side and whispering to me: "alo, brothers are like this, I am You'd better call and ask! "

To tell you the truth, even at this time, even I have no confidence, and the restlessness is constantly eroding my heart. Once there is something wrong with Wu Tianhao, I'm afraid that I will really lie in the coffin, even implicate my brothers, especially Shen Muchen. He has not entered my class meeting, but he still takes him with him My brother came to help me without hesitation. I can't repay this kindness.

So, when I saw Shen Muchen, I quickly took out my mobile phone and called Wu Tianhao. I was waiting for the voice to connect. But what made me even more surprised was that there was something even more terrible than I was in the coffin. I only heard a voice from the other end of the phone: "sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off!"

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