This voice is like a call of death to me, tearing my soul and destroying my hope. For their power, although I was afraid, I knew that Wu Tianhao still did not come after time. Even so, I still held a glimmer of hope, hoping that Wu Tianhao would be like what he said, but the fact is so cruel, how can I I didn't expect that Wu Tianhao's phone was turned off at the most critical moment. What does it mean to me!

Betrayal, as expected, at this critical moment, Wu Tianhao betrayed me. Suddenly, a heat stream suddenly surged into my throat. I seemed to have the impulse to spit blood. My eyes turned red and my face became particularly ugly. My brothers also saw my abnormality and guessed that something was wrong. Shen Muchen, who was beside me, patted me on the shoulder and asked me "Arlo, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

My hand tightly clenched the mobile phone, then, I looked at Shen Muchen painfully and replied: "he turned off the power!"

The short four words showed everything. Shen Muchen couldn't help but change his face. The unexpected situation really caught us off guard. My brothers, who did not see reinforcements coming, were already in a panic. Now when I heard what I said, everyone's face was even more pale and gray, and everyone's heart had fallen to the bottom of the valley, In the eyes of all the brothers.

Wu Tianhao promised that he would come, but who could have thought that things would turn out like this. In fact, even if reinforcements arrived, everyone's confidence would not be very strong, because the other side was really too strong and weird, but everyone was still looking forward to the arrival of the reinforcements to give them a little confidence, and then the brothers could turn the situation around and turn the corner For safety.

But now, at this most critical juncture, I told them that the number of reinforcements could not be reached. How could it not hurt the hearts of the brothers? Even if they were not afraid of death, they did not want to fight a battle that could not be won. They were just like opening plug-ins with great disparity of power. The most important thing is that because they believe in me, they will follow me to the war without hesitation But I failed to live up to your trust.

Now I don't know how to face this group of brothers. At this time, Lin Xuanwu, the opposite of us, suddenly strides forward and shouts: "Suluo, you should not be calling Wu Tianhao. I will tell you that he will not come!

His words shook my heart. Seeing Lin Xuanwu's confident look, I understood in a trance. No wonder Lin Shihan thought I would die. No wonder song Qingfeng's father would bring the coffin to me. No wonder the other party made a funeral form to confront me. It turns out that they planned all these things. Maybe they already knew that I had Wu Tianhao is a supporter, so they cut off the way ahead of time. In this way, Wu Tianhao will surely stand me up.

Now that Lin Xuanwu has made such a pledge, it is enough to show that what he said is true. It seems that Wu Tianhao will not come this time. Looking at the horrible coffin, my heart is shaking. What I worry about most is not my own life and death, but that I feel that my brothers have been implicated. These young people who were still in high spirits when they came here are already pale at the moment 。

Looking at these brothers in front of me, I felt painful and helpless. These are all fresh lives. They are brothers who accompany me all the way to this day. How can I let them bury them here for me? Thinking of this, my heart quickened the beat speed, but my reason still had a trace of soberness. I suddenly stepped forward and yelled at him:

"Lin Xuanwu, you Listen to me. No matter what we have to do with each other, it's just me. The people you're dealing with are just me, solo. Today, I admit that I've fallen. I can't fight you, but I've decided to stay. It's up to you to let my brothers leave. That's all! "

This is the last thing I can do. I'm not afraid of death or pretending to be a hero. I really don't want to implicate my brother. If I have a little chance to win, I will never give up. But I can see that although there are only 200 more people than us, they are not the same as us. They are all well-trained people, and it is light to kill us Easy to take things, we fight with them, only to be tortured!

The disaster was caused by me. Today, even if I kneel down and beg for mercy, I'm afraid I can't save my own life. Soldiers only die standing, not kneeling, so I can't be wronged and asked to be buried with my good brother. However, what I didn't think of was that as soon as I said this, the other side had not opened their mouth. Shen Muchen was the first to stand up and be angry "Arlo, what are you talking about? Who do you think we are?"

At the end of the speech, Chen Haoran and a group of senior leaders of the organization also stood up and decided to advance and retreat together with me. Later, many brothers came forward and said the same encouraging words. I was very pleased with the loyalty of the brothers. However, I could not let them die with me. It was because I failed their trust. At this moment, they are more loyal, The more determined I am, the more I can't let them die with me.

But the brothers were determined to stay. I was helpless. Just as we were arguing, Lin Xuanwu's strong voice suddenly came over and said, "well, don't argue, because none of you can escape today. Su Luo, you're too naive. Do we need to mobilize people like this to deal with you alone The purpose of my coming here today is to uproot your organization and resolutely avoid future troubles! "As soon as Lin Xuanwu's words were finished, song Qingfeng's father immediately said, "yes, we will not only take your life today, but also your good brothers to bury with you, because you are not the only one who has harmed my son!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes showed a cold light. Obviously, they could never let me and my organization go. I can't imagine how I would regret if my good brothers really died because of me. Even under the yellow spring, I couldn't erase my deep sin, and all kinds of emotions followed, They broke my will like a flood.

I know that even if I break my tongue, I can't move each other, because no matter what I say this time, they will not let me go. However, when I was in despair, the horseradish, who had been guarding me silently, suddenly flashed to me. His majestic figure still stood in front of me like Mount Tai. At any time, he looked so There is a sense of security. He comes out to protect me at this time. It must be that my life is in crisis.

It is precisely because of this that the wasabi will appear in advance when the other party even doesn't make a move. He must know that once the enemy's army rushes in, it will be a little late for the horseradish to appear again. Therefore, he will come forward at this critical moment. But even though I know the strength of wasabi and his great ability, today, I have no hope for him. His appearance, unlike before, does not make me feel gratified. On the contrary, it makes me feel uneasy, because they know that I have such a master of horseradish, they must have thought of Countermeasures to deal with them.

Just when I wanted to talk to wasabi, the silent wasabi took the lead in speaking. He turned his back to me and said in a deep voice, "master Su, you can go. I'll give it to me for the time being."

His tone is particularly decisive. Obviously, his preparation is to let me escape. I believe that he has the strength to do it and can take me away safely. I also know that for wasabi, protecting my safety is his only task. His attitude has been clear. Now the only way and the last way is to escape!

However, it is impossible for me to escape under such circumstances, because there are hundreds of brothers here, and I can escape. It does not mean that all my brothers can escape. They are fighting with me. If my boss runs away, how can they think? I will escape this time and how can I have the face to see my brothers in the future.

Therefore, I did not hesitate to refuse the wasabi, said: "I can not go, because my brothers are here!"

Hearing this, wasabi immediately turned to look at me and said seriously, "master Su, but you will be in a very dangerous situation, and you may die."

Hearing the wasabi's words, I firmly replied, "I'm not afraid! I don't care! "

After hearing this, wasabi frowned slightly, but at the same time, his eyes also showed a sense of appreciation. Perhaps, he also admired me for this kind of righteousness, perhaps, he also understood me, so he did not persuade me any more, just looked forward fearlessly, bravely faced the tiger and wolf teacher in front, and Lin Xuanwu, opposite, saw the sunflower suddenly again Appear, not too much surprise, he must think, wasabi is my last card, since even this card has appeared, it also indicates that I can find all the people.

Therefore, Lin Xuanwu directly ignored anyone, looked at the wasabi lightly, solemnly said: "wasabi, I know you will appear, but you can also rest assured that today I will not let you come in vain, because today, for you, I specially brought the eight King Kong in our guild, and they will never let you down!"

As soon as his words were finished, eight people came out of Lin Xuanwu's back. They were very extraordinary at first sight. I had already guessed that they should be the eight King Kong in Lin Xuanwu's mouth.

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