Lin Xuanwu knew how strong wasabi was, so he would gather the best experts of his basaltic Association. The purpose was to attack wasabi with all his strength, so that he could not care about me. As expected, I guessed right. They were ready to let me die without any suspense and no chance of survival.

My heart was in despair again, and at this time, Lin Feng, who had never made a sound, suddenly stepped forward and said to me and wasabi: "I almost fell in your hands last time. I remember this hatred in my heart, so today you both have to die!"

After that, his eyes immediately showed a fierce murderous spirit. Lin Feng not only hated me deeply, but also hated wasabi. His dignity was swept away by wasabi last time, which caused him to be seriously injured and almost become a disabled person like me. It can be seen that this time, Lin Feng must take the life of Wasabi to vent his hatred.

Originally, with Wasabi's personality, how could he stand such provocation from others? When he said this, he started to do it. But today's grim situation is here, even if the wasabi is impulsive, he will not be foolishly. He is still in front of me, always protecting my integrity.

Seeing this kind of wasabi, my heart is more uneasy, so, I directly forward, walked to his side, whispered to him: "Uncle wasabi, thank you for being able to appear at this time, but you can also see the situation, even if you are fierce, it is impossible to turn the tide, today's matter has nothing to do with you, so, you'd better go!"

Wasabi listened to my words, is still expressionless, only light spit out a word, said: "I promised your father, to protect your safety!"

This has already shown that wasabi is not afraid of death. He won't watch me die and run away alone. If I don't go, he won't be able to leave. This makes my desperate heart even more miserable. Now, I even implicate this legendary figure. I can't bear it! Since a character like wasabi dares to stand up, he can't escape alone.

For a while, I was speechless. When I was silent, the dragon on the opposite side couldn't help it. He directly came up to me and yelled at me: "I said Suluo, you don't have to chatter there. Today, you can't get out of your way. If you are smart, you can ask your brother to put down the weapon quickly, so as to save more casualties. Don't think about it What's the trick? "

Wan Long's words stimulated the nerves of my brothers. They suddenly took the guy up to protect my Zhou Wei. They told each other with their actions that even if they were dead, they would die with backbone. Wan Long was a little dumb when he saw this. At this time, Lin Shihan, who had been standing silently behind, moved, and she walked towards us She stopped at the side of Lin Xuanwu.

At this moment, Lin Shihan did not have the image of a lady in the past. Perhaps the hatred on her body was too great, which made her whole person extremely fierce. She stood in the cold wind, her head was flying in the air, her face was grim, her eyes were always on me, and her eyes were full of hatred and indifference.

After a long pause, she said to me, "sulo, I thought you had the ability to make you so arrogant. I told you before, for the sake of our classmates, you run away, or you will die. As a result, you don't care. I thought you could find many people. I didn't expect that in the end, such people would accompany you to die. You really let me down! "

Her words are sincere, not like malicious banter and ridicule. It seems that she is really disappointed with me, or the kind of disappointment at the bottom of my heart. Indeed, I was powerless to refute what she said. Several times before, I was very strong in front of Lin Shihan. It was because I had the backing that I had confidence in myself. But who could have thought that I would fall into such a field today Ground, was put together, betrayal of this thing than being stabbed in the back, but also prick the heart, I really don't know what kind of heroic words to fight back at her.

But Lin Shihan didn't wait for my answer. She came here today, not only to witness how I died, but also to criticize me. After saying this, she continued to say to me in a cold voice:

"Suluo, I really can't understand why you are so arrogant? You dare to kill and challenge my father. You don't think about yourself before. You are a poor man who was trampled and trampled on everywhere. Do you think anyone has seen you? Now think about it, at that time, I was really stupid and naive. At that time, I looked at you as a person, but you were good. The toad wanted to eat swan meat, and even wanted to make my idea in University. You are such a fool, and you don't think about yourself.

I know why you hate me so much, song Qingfeng and Han Boyang. In a word, it's because you, the toad, didn't eat the swan meat, but missed me but didn't get me? Therefore, you put the hatred on my cousin and Bo Yang, and indirectly killed Qingfeng. Now you have not got retribution, but also blame me. If you hadn't caught Qingfeng, would you have been abandoned by my brother? If you didn't kill Qingfeng, would there be so much behind? You are such a sinister villain, you should become a disabled person. You should not have loved ones. No, you are not worthy of having a woman. You deserve to dieAt the end of the day, Lin Shihan's voice was trembling. Her emotions were especially excited, but the most was anger. In her eyes, I was really worthless now, even worse than a dog. It seems that Lin Shihan's misunderstanding of me has reached the point of irreparable. Now she wants me to die and expects me to die. Anyway, she will not let me live go back.

Lin Shihan's words are insults, blows and misunderstandings to me. But I don't want to explain anything to her or argue with her. However, if I have a little bit of confidence, I will attack her back. But now, I have come to the end of my life. I feel that no matter how much I say, it will make them feel meaningless I'm just procrastinating, just adding other people's jokes.

So, I directly ignored Lin Shihan and stood in the same place full of emotion. Maybe, Lin Shihan didn't want to see me live in this world for more than a moment. So, after she finished shouting at me, she directly turned to Lin Xuanwu and said, "father, you can do it now!"

After listening to this sentence, I suddenly realized that Lin Xuanwu was waiting for Lin Shihan to vent on me and insult me. Now, Lin Shihan has let out her frustration in her heart and hit me to the bottom. Then, she is waiting to see me die.

As expected, Lin Shihan's arrogance shot out in a flash as soon as Lin Shihan's voice fell. He raised his knife and yelled at us: "listen to me, you kids. Maybe I can give you a chance to live. If you resist, you will be cut and killed by my people carelessly Blame our Xuanwu for bullying children

From the beginning to the end, in Lin Xuanwu's eyes, we have no hope of winning. Now, in order to avoid casualties, Lin Xuanwu intimidates our people to surrender with his strong power. Although there are people behind him, there are many lives. At that time, he just wants to suppress them. What's more, even though we are just young people entering the society Wolf cubs, but the strength is not too weak, although their number is only more than 200 than us, they are all well-trained people, but we will not admit it. Since all of them have come, how can we prove that I will surely lose if we don't spell it.

What he said was obviously that he looked down on our brothers, but Lin Xuanwu was not unreasonable in doing so, because after his words, there was no movement on our side, but he firmly put forward the momentum of taking death as home. Lin Xuanwu saw that we were so stubborn and didn't bother to talk to us. He frowned and raised his hand to give orders, but it was in this thousand At the moment of Jun, the roar of motorcycles suddenly broke through the air and cut through the gloomy atmosphere of the scene.

The roaring sound of motorcycles, from far to near, is getting louder and louder. It fills the sky above the wilderness and spreads to each of us. At this moment, I have a little hope in a moment, and my brothers all shine their eyes and look in the direction of sound. This scene makes everyone in the other party confused When he got up, especially Lin Shihan, his eyes were full of resentment. He saw me gnashing his teeth as if he were going to eat me.

In front of the motorcycles, I saw a lot of motorcycles in front of us. All of a sudden, I saw a large number of motorcycles in front of us, and I saw a lot of motorcycles in front of us In front of us, there was a sudden brake. In an instant, a domineering tail flick unfolded, and suddenly stopped in front of us, rolling up bursts of dust.

When the Harley Motorcycle stopped, two people in the car got off one after another. They almost took off their helmets at the same time. When I saw the faces of these two people, I was completely shocked, because they were not others. One of them was Bai Ling, who had a confused relationship with me. The other person, in an instant, made me feel a little strange and was also a woman.

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