Bai Ling said that, my heart is really excited, but now is not the time for emotion, I just wanted to open a reply, at this time, only listen to bailing pointing to the three coalition forces in front of me, again yelled: "you all listen to me, on the way back, I have already called the police, the police will come soon, if you dare to mess around, then something happened, you will be finished! ”

I thought Bai Ling had something to do with her, but I didn't expect that she even moved the police out. It's OK that she didn't say that. Once she finished, the enemy were all amused by her words. Many people couldn't help laughing, thinking that the words were a joke. However, Lin Feng, who had been in a violent state, didn't laugh. On the contrary, he had no patience Sex, he suddenly yelled at bailing: "Miss, you'd better save it. I might as well tell you that the police will come, but we will come after we have solved Suluo. If you don't want to die with him, I advise you to leave with this miss Xue."

Obviously, Lin Feng understands that Bai Ling still has a voice here. Therefore, seeing that he can't persuade Xuening, he points his spearhead at bailing and wants her to persuade Xuening to leave. But Bai Ling didn't make any response after listening to his words. Xue Ning on one side was angry. She roared at Lin Feng and said, "I'll go to your mother's house. What kind of a thing are you? Do you really think you're a great group of Wuhe people? If you really want to fight, you don't have to be good at it! "

I don't know why, Xue Ning is always so confident. This may be due to the family she was born in. It's impossible for her to grow up in Xue's family. But she doesn't care, but I care. I can see from Lin Feng's words that the three of them jointly deal with me this time. It's obvious that both black and white are settled and the police are here At the end of the day, they are fully prepared to let me die, or to let my organization collapse.

Since this is the case, I can't let more people accompany me to die, especially bailing. I owe her too much, and she has done too much for me. She wants to be here for a long time. I will really die in my eyes. So, I pulled bailing again and said anxiously to her: "ling'er, do you listen to my words, I know you are for me, but You can't help me at all. You and Xuening will only cause more casualties if you and Xuening stay here. So, listen to me and leave with her! "

Maybe when Bai Ling came, she had a great hope. She brought Xue Ning, who thought she was very powerful, and even moved the police out. Her purpose was to save me. Bai Ling's abacus was full, but now these two methods were useless. She was hit hard and her eyes were a little red.

And bailing is also a stubborn person, listen to my words. This time, she retorted directly, "I'm not going to leave!"

Seeing her so stubborn, I was a little angry. When I said goodbye to her that day, I promised to protect her. Unexpectedly, I didn't see her for a few days. Now I'm in the abyss, and I have to be rescued by someone to protect. This makes me very upset. Therefore, I stare, increase the volume, and roar at the white Ling in front of me: "don't you see that, I'm a big number of people It's almost the same, but our strength is not as good as others. They are all well-trained people, and we are all students who have no strength to tie a chicken. We can't beat them at all. If you don't want to die, you should go quickly! "

At this time, for the sake of Bai Ling's Anwei, I didn't care to hurt her heart. Even if she hated me, I would like to. I can't let her get involved in today's affairs. I know that Lin Xuanwu will not stop Xue's family if they leave voluntarily. After all, he doesn't want to offend the Xue family. However, what I didn't expect was that Bai Ling was still unmoved after listening to my words. Tears were accumulated in her eyes and she said to me affectionately:

"if you don't fight, how can you know that you won't win? We will stay here. Maybe you will have a chance to win, but if we leave, you will surely die. I don't want to see you die, so I can't go!"

Bai Ling's words, like sugar coated bullets, hit my broken and disordered heart, making me both painful and warm. Originally, bailing is not brainless. She just cares about me and doesn't want me to die. Therefore, even if there is a glimmer of hope, she will fight for it. Maybe, what she said is right. If she didn't fight, no one knows which side will win. It's because Bai Ling is clear in her heart That's why she didn't want to leave.

Feeling the meaning of Bailing's words, my heart trembled for a long time. When she said this, I couldn't even say what to say. I couldn't help but stretch out my hand and stroked bailing's cheek, wiping tears for her The scene of Bai Ling and I were in the eyes of Lin Shihan. Now for her, I should not be ambiguous with any woman, or be unqualified to be with anyone.

But now, she saw that there was a woman like this for me. What's more, this woman is more beautiful than her. Therefore, she can't look down. She doesn't know what she said in Lin Xuanwu's ear. Her father couldn't help it. Lin Xuanwu suddenly yelled: "Miss Xue, I'll give you another chance at last. If you take your people with you If I leave now, I'll take it as if nothing happened. Otherwise, we can only fight each other. If something happens, don't blame me for being an elderXue Ning listened to his words, almost without hesitation replied: "I said, can you stop the ink, if you want to fight it quickly start!"

Xue Ning's voice was full of lofty sentiments. It can be said that Lin Xuanwu was completely angry. Now he has begun to be reckless. He waved his knife and yelled, "listen to me. Kill Suluo first. If anyone obstructs him, he will kill him together."

Lin Xuanwu's words pierced my heart. The moment his voice fell, all the people in black behind him attacked us. The morale was overwhelming. Facing these fierce soldiers, Xue Ning was not afraid at all, but seemed very excited. Immediately, she immediately ordered: "whether it is my people or Su Luo's people, they will be given to a man I'll do it

Immediately, she led her people to rush up. The war was inevitable, and I might not escape death. Since it was all death, I could not hold back. At least I had to pull a few points on my back. In that case, even death was worth it. Xue Ning's words of encouragement were introduced into our eardrums, which made them eager to try and see brother The younger brothers did not advise, I also have no scruples, immediately, raised the knife to shout: "brothers, take out your momentum, give me up!"

As soon as I heard my order, the brother behind me rushed out recklessly. In an instant, the two armies were at war with each other. Then, I rushed up with a knife. I saw that our two forces were about to interweave. Suddenly, a great noise came over. This is the movement that large vehicles can send out, and this is a huge movement Let's both of us slow down unconsciously, but it can't stop our impulse to move forward.

Just as we were about to fight, the harsh sound of trumpets rang through the sky, instantly covering up the sound of our fighting. Many of us were stunned and looked at the source of the sound. To our surprise, we found that a large truck suddenly shot out from the side of the road. It was so fast that it even went straight from the main road Then we drove to the rugged soil and rushed towards us without hesitation. The speed didn't decrease at all.

This scene scared all of us. No matter how high you are, you will be crushed to pieces when you are hit by this truck. Then, all of us almost reflexively scattered and avoided the track of the truck. Then, the large truck killed us and stopped in front of us.

As soon as the big truck stopped, suddenly several similar cars came. They all rushed in like the first truck. Then they set up their seats and stopped. When these trucks stopped, I could clearly see that countless big men with steel knives jumped out of the trunk of the truck. They were all dressed in the same way , majestic, majestic standing in the wind.

All the people jumped out of the car. At this time, I was shocked to find that the number of them was at least 500. This nameless force was no less inferior than their allied forces. In an instant, we formed a three legged situation. I was confused, my brother was also confused, Bai Ling and Xue Ning were confused, Lin Xuanwu and others were all in the opposite The Department was in a daze. I can see that these people are not familiar with any force, but none of us know who this share belongs to.

Just when all the people in the room were dumbfounded, a Maserati came into our sight again. The gorgeous sports car flew directly to the nameless army and finally stopped in front of them. Then, the door of the sports car was opened, and a person came from the car. At this moment, all of us held our breath and opened our eyes, Keep a close eye on the man up and down Maserati.

Because all of us have already guessed that the owner of the sports car killed in the air is the leader of this group of nameless regiments. However, when I saw this man clearly, my eyes directly burst out the most complicated light, and my heart was full of mixed flavors, especially not tangled, because this person was no other than my old friend, Xie Yu!

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