I really didn't expect that the woman who came down from Maserati would be Xie Yu. Her tall figure and black dress perfectly set off her graceful posture, which made her look particularly sexy, especially the nameless army behind her. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Xie Yu's body and everyone's eyes They all showed a strong look, and I was the most shocked person on the scene.

Xie Yu en and I have not been complaining for a day or two. Even if I went on this road of no return, she was forced to do so. She has always been my strongest enemy. Although she came to me before the war and said that she had given up her revenge on me, my hatred for her did not decrease at all. But now she suddenly visited and was still so strong that I couldn't figure out my head for a moment Brain, what is she doing?

If I was killed by the Xuanwu army, it would be necessary for me to kill her, but now it is necessary for me to kill her. How can't think of a reason to come, now I have to hold my breath and concentrate, tightly staring at Xie Yu's movement.

In the face of the attention of the whole audience, Xie Yu did not feel a bit flustered. She twisted her arrogant posture and, accompanied by several horsemen, walked directly towards me. Her manner was so natural, as if our life and death war was nothing important in her eyes.

Along the way, her eyes have been locked on my body, and the wasabi on the side immediately felt Xie Yu's extraordinary. So, when she was about to approach me, the wasabi immediately protected me. With such powerful bodyguards as wasabi, I felt particularly safe no matter where I was.

Or Xie Yu also knew that wasabi was so powerful that she didn't get too close to me. She just stopped at a distance from me. Then, she took out a cigarette and took a puff. Then she said to me with a smile: "Suluo, sister, I told you earlier that you should not take this road, or you will lose your life. You see, I didn't move you, and you were forced to die Is that it? "

I don't know why, as long as Xie Yu talks, I can hear full of sarcasm. I feel that in her opinion, there will always be a small existence. This really makes me very uncomfortable. Even if there is no Xie Yu, today my mood is bad enough, especially if so many brothers are involved, and Bai Ling is involved. Even if I die, I will not die The purpose, and now Xie Yu ran to ridicule, really broke my last trace of dignity, I stare at Xie Yu, cold voice said: "your purpose is to laugh at me?"

Xie Yu listened to my words, charming smile, said: "I just don't have that spare time, bring so many people to laugh at you, you think I'm fed up, I'm afraid you die unknowingly, come to help you!"

Xie Yu's words shocked all the people in the audience. Before she said this, no one knew what Xie Yu's people were coming for, let alone which side she was facing. Everyone knew that once the unknown forces stood on which side, the victory would be in hand, because Xie Yu's nameless army's strength was really too strong For a moment, Xie Yu said frankly that she had come to help me. How could it not surprise people, especially the brothers on my side, who originally had a solemn and stirring face, but after listening to Xie Yu's words, everyone immediately showed a look of excitement and saw hope.

Shen Muchen and crab, in particular, were startled and excited. They knew the relationship between Xie Yu and me. At the beginning, I was still lurking near her house with them, ready to wait for a rabbit to kidnap her. They knew that Xie Yu and I were incompatible. At this moment, they suddenly heard Xie Yu say that he wanted to help me, This makes Shen Muchen can't help but float out a trace of gratification and smile.

It's just that I didn't feel ecstatic when I heard this, but I felt a little uneasy. Today I came here with my brothers' blood. It's because I put all my bets on Wu Tianhao, but I made a mistake. He seemed to want me to die. If he didn't promise to help me deal with the Xuanwu society at the beginning, I must have self-knowledge and would not take it with me If my people come to stone with their eggs, they won't hurt all my brothers. But Wu Tianhao deliberately promised me to let me go to the battlefield in high spirits. As a result, I took my brother to the tiger's mouth, but he didn't show up, and he didn't show up at the last minute. Isn't that why he hurt me?

Sure enough, the most terrifying thing in the world is people's heart. He can kill people easily. Only then did I deeply understand the meaning of my father's words. Wu Tianhao can only be used and can't be relied on. In fact, I didn't believe it. Up to now, my fault lies in relying too much on him. Today, I regard the life and death of my brothers and myself The pressure on him was placed on Wu Tianhao. Therefore, he will fall into such a field now.

It is also because I fell into Wu Tianhao's maze that I became afraid of people's hearts and did not dare to trust anyone easily. Although Xie Yuming said she would help me, I couldn't trust her completely. Anyway, I couldn't be happy any more. I continued to stare at Xie Yu and asked carefully, "is what you said true?"Xie Yu light reply way: "that still need to say, otherwise I excite a teacher to come over why?"? Do you mean to laugh at you? You won't let me spend a lot of time watching the fun, because you are in the end now. If I deal with you, it's easy, right

Xie Yu's words answered my initial doubts. Indeed, if she dealt with me at any time, there was no need at all. At this time, I was about to become an orangutan in the desert. It was absolutely impossible that she wanted to step on my corpse. It would be ridiculous. Therefore, after receiving this answer, she would have become an orangutan in the desert, My tense nerves were really relaxed. An unprecedented sense of relaxation swept through my whole body, which was more exciting than coming back from the ghost gate, because I knew that once I was planted today, it would not be so simple to die, but also implicate my brothers and the woman who was important to me.

The reversal of things is too bizarre. Xie Yu, who was my enemy a few days ago, turned out to be my helper and my biggest helper. I really didn't expect that when God still cared for me, Bai Ling came with Xue Ning and rushed to the battlefield for me, and then suddenly killed a Xie Yu.

Now, the total number of Xie Yu's forces is more than 200 than that of Lin Xuanwu. In a moment, Xie Yu's nameless army and Xue Ning's Xuejia army are both very strong in fighting power, and their strength has far surpassed those of the Xuanwu society. Therefore, we should fight now We're absolutely on this side.

It was only in a moment that the situation changed. People on our side were very excited. However, people on the side of the basaltic society were a little bit black faced. From the beginning of Xie Yu's appearance, they were shocked and were in a state of incomparable shock. Until now, Xie Yu stood on our side, their faces changed greatly, and their hearts were a little flustered The morale of the former soldiers is already unstable. This is a huge blow to them, which is equivalent to the resurrection of the dying man.

In particular, Lin Shihan, who wanted me to die quickly, was even more angry. Her eyes were full of amazement and anger. In her eyes, I was a smelly rascal. I was dead and abnormal. I couldn't call anyone at the critical moment. She also said that I couldn't find a woman in my life. But now, the reality slapped her, and she saw two women bring people to help me, How can it not make her face look like eating shit.

The most important thing is that at the beginning, she swore to me, mocked me and belittled me. It was because she was full of confidence that I would die this time. Therefore, she gave me the final blow before me in order to vent her emotions. Now the situation has reversed, which makes her realize that I will not only die, but also bite them in turn, which makes Lin Shi Han was a little panicked. She was angry that I would not die. What she panicked was that they would be in danger.

Lin Maofeng has never been afraid of the situation. Even though he has not been afraid of the situation, he has not been afraid of me any more.

After a long silence, he finally began to speak. Immediately, Lin Feng called out to Xie Yu, "this young lady must be the flower queen on earth. I have drunk wine with your boss several times. I think that our Xuanwu association should have no grudges with you. I don't know what you mean by your coming here today?"

At this moment, Lin Feng, who is usually arrogant and domineering, has become extremely sincere and shows no arrogance any more. Obviously, he does not want Xie Yu's influence to interfere with us. Therefore, in the face of strong strength, even if he knows that Xie Yu is a woman of wind and dust, he should put down his face and speak respectfully to Xie Yu.

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