Although Lin Feng was respectful to Xie Yu, Xie Yu didn't take it seriously. He didn't give Lin Feng face at all. After he finished speaking, Xie Yu was still indifferent and said coldly: "didn't you hear what I just said? Well, I don't mind saying again, I'm here today to help solo deal with you! "

Xie Yu's attitude is very clear, no doubt, this moment makes the other party's people more flustered. Even the extremely calm Lin Xuanwu's face is even more ugly. After a pause, he gritted his teeth and yelled to Xie Yu: "do you know that your behavior is a manifestation of ignorance. Don't you think about the consequences of doing so?"

Lin Xuanwu came prepared this time. No matter whether he is a gangster or a white one, he has got through the relationship, which is why he is so confident today. Therefore, even if we win him, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat. If we make things big today, we will not be able to explain them to the police. Obviously, Xie Yu is also well prepared, since she has settled the matter If you help me, you won't be afraid of Lin Xuanwu. In the face of his threat, Xie Yu's expression is still indifferent, and she still says coldly: "to deal with your so-called Xuanwu Association, I will not think about the consequences!"

Xie Yu's words were extremely arrogant, and chiguoguo hit the face of the Xuanwu society, which made Lin Feng, who was already hot tempered, couldn't stand it. He glared at her eyes, stood up directly, and yelled at Xie Yu: "you TMD is just a whore. What qualifications are you to shout here? Tell me, who ordered you to do this? You call him out, I want to tell you Make your people talk

This is Lin Feng's nature. No matter what time he is, he is extremely rampant, and he is not a fool. He knows that it is impossible to call out so many thugs with Xie Yu, a woman of dust. Then, someone must support her. Xie Yu is just a puppet, and he will not care at all.

However, although Xie Yu is a young lady, she also has dignity. Her dignity is trampled on by Lin Feng. She can't tolerate it at all. She turns pale and says to Lin Feng coldly: "you don't have the qualification yet!"

After that, Xie Yu ignored Lin Xuanwu's father and son, but turned to look at me and said to me decisively, "Suluo, today's battle is inevitable. I'll unite with you and destroy the Xuanwu association here. Let them become history in this city from today."

After that, Xie Yu did not wait for me to reply, but directly ordered: "brothers, give it to me!"

Xie Yu looked serious like a strong woman. She felt like Xue Ning. After his command, the soldiers she led immediately took up their swords and rushed to the group of people who had already been frightened. All the soldiers of the unknown army were as brave and fierce as the sentimental beasts, and had already crushed them in momentum They went back countless times.

On the other side, Xue Ning, who had already been eager to try, saw Xie Yu's fight on this side. Immediately, she led her Xue family army and rushed to kill each other. In this way, the war started when I was not ready. My lost heart surged with their useless fighting spirit. Xie Yu was right. This is the best way to eradicate the Xuanwu society Opportunity is also a good opportunity for me to become famous in this city, so I can't let it go.

I was exaggerated by their actions, and then, I also raised the knife in my hand and yelled at the brothers behind me: "up

My cry shook the hearts of each brother, and immediately aroused the passion of all brothers. Their haze had already been swept away. At this moment, all people seemed to be burning with fire. They almost rushed to the enemy at the speed of flying. In this way, a thousand people war officially started.

On the wasteland, there was a lot of noise and thousands of people dancing. The scene was extremely hot. The sound of shouting, fighting and killing was shocking. The blood was full of everyone's body. Almost all of them turned into beasts and fought bloody battles here. However, even though they were in chaos, they were not fools. They did not just fight with their eyes closed, especially Lin Xuanwu I understand that the main target of today's visit is me, a weak and nameless little man. Therefore, the eight most powerful King Kong of the basaltic association did not participate in the scuffle at all. They directly broke through the crowd and attacked me.

Maybe Xie Yu also understood Lin Xuanwu's intention, and immediately said to me, "they are aiming at you. Maybe you are not their opponent. So, you should retreat quickly and don't have an accident!"

It seems that Xie Yu really cares about my life this time, so I will try my best to help me today. While she makes me wonder, she also makes me feel grateful to her. I also know that I can't be given to birds by Lin Xuanwu's people, otherwise everything will fall short. Therefore, after the battle started, I didn't fight with my brothers, but led me Bai Ling's hand, slowly back away, but they are obviously ready to put me to death, relentless pursuit, refused to let me go.

Lin Xuanwu's father and son, as well as their eight vajras, were all out of the encirclement and rushed towards me. I can see that these eight men are all very high in force. Few of them are their opponents. It is very simple for them to break through the encirclement. Seeing these eight men rush to attack me, my close bodyguard Yamai immediately shows his invincible power To resist the attacking enemy.At this time, I really felt the invincible power of the sunflower powerful. It was just a surprise to cry ghosts and gods. He was like a human being. The infinite power, no one can do it. Now he knows the seriousness of the matter, and he can't be as good as the last time. Just for playing, he directly plays the greatest power to resist the enemy's progress Attack.

However, even if the sunflower is even more powerful, even with the general power of God, he can only guarantee that he can not hurt by one enemy at most, and can not guarantee that one person can control eight people at the same time, and can not separate himself to protect me. That is, in the moment when the sunflower is entangled, Lin Feng takes advantage of the machine to slip over and take his machete to attack me.

Obviously, he is trying to deal with me deliberately, but I am not flustered. I know the strength of Lin Feng. He has no moves. Only with a lot of brute force and years of fighting experience, it will be so fierce. Especially with hatred, he has full power. Although last time, it was because of all my scruples that led to the success of Lin Feng's sneak attack, but this time, it is not Who will surely win!

However, I can't take it lightly, because there is a white Ling around me. My situation is once again passive, and the situation is too severe. Even Xuening, the mother tiger, is entangled by other people. No one can worry about coming to my side. Some of my brothers are willing to stand up to the attack of Lin Feng, but they are not his opponent. They are straight Then he was cut down by Lin Feng.

The situation is getting more and more serious, my danger is getting closer and closer, my heart is getting more and more flustered. In the rage, Lin Feng is too fast and fierce, so I can't go straight up and run away. It's really two sides of the dilemma. When I am confused, my eyes suddenly see a direction, that is, around the Maserati, and the same with the same Like standing eight people, these eight people and his people are different, each of them wear a pair of sunglasses, the strength is absolutely high.

Moreover, the eight people who are around the sports car form a very tight defensive situation. As if this battle of thousands of people has nothing to do with them, they only guard the sports car, and when Lin Feng rushes towards me, one of the men with sunglasses suddenly stooped down and approached the car window, as if listening to the instructions of the people in it. After a while, then, then A bent Sunglasses guard brought two other people to me. They moved quickly, no less than Lin Feng in his rage.

As soon as they approached me, they directly resisted the attack of Lin Feng and protected the safety of me and bailing. I didn't know why. At this moment, my mood was very complicated. My attention shifted to the direction of the sports car. My eyes were closely focused on the masharatti. To be honest, at the beginning, I didn't pay attention to it The eight people did not notice why they were protecting a car, and even more unexpectedly, there were other people in the car.

Now, I looked there carefully, and found that there was indeed a person sitting in the car. From my seat, I could only see the side of the person. But from this side image, I can conclude that the person in the car is definitely a woman, and after I conclude that she is a woman, my heart beat faster and my nerves are all tense, My eyes are a little red. I know now that the person sitting in the car is not a small person. Xie Yu is just a lady. She has no ability to mobilize these people. From the perspective of their attitude towards her, she is the leader of these people. Not only that, but it can be inferred that this woman in a luxury car, such as If I guess it is true, she should be the one behind me repeatedly [br >

but it is strange that this behind the scenes person saved me today. Her identity has made me a little confused. However, it is this side image that makes me feel familiar more and more, and always feels familiar with each other. It feels close to me, but it seems very far away , this inexplicable feeling deeply stimulated my heart, and involuntarily, my hand released Bai Ling, and my footsteps, can not help but walk towards masaratti.

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