The mysterious woman in the luxury sports car seems to be full of magic to me. She pulls me tightly and makes my body uncontrollable. At this moment, I am full of curiosity about the people in the car. It seems that there is an inexplicable force leading me and forcing me to approach the mysterious people in the car.

And when I was about to get close to the car, suddenly, two men suddenly rushed out, breaking my fantasy, quickly flashed in front of me, and said coldly to me: "no approaching!"

These people look cold and heartless, even their voices are the same cold, they do not care who I am at all, just like a robot obeying the master's command, silently guarding the sports car, and no one is allowed to approach. Obviously, they care about the safety of the person in the car. Their duty is to protect the woman from any harm.

When they stopped me, I immediately explained to them, "I'm solo. The person inside may know me. Please ask for me. I want to see her."

I thought these two security guards should be flexible, at least they would help me to ask, but unexpectedly, they did not hesitate to say to me: "no way!"

The moment I heard this, my heart felt very uncomfortable, itching hunger and thirst, because I was too eager to know the truth, and what I wanted to know was put in front of me. Although I could get it, it was still out of reach. For me, it was really too oppressive. I wanted to rush forward, but I knew that these security guards I'm not their opponent at all.

While I was entangled, Xie Yu suddenly appeared beside me and whispered to me, "don't go there, she won't see you!"

I quickly turned back and looked at Xie Yu, excitedly asked her, "she is a person I know, isn't she?"

Xie Yu didn't say anything, just a profound smile. Obviously, her meaning was obvious, almost tacit my question. I knew the woman in the car. Thinking of this, I immediately opened my mouth to Xie Yu again with an urgent heart: "I really want to see her. Please, Xie Yu, can you help me to talk about it?"

Hearing my prayer words, Xie Yu showed a rare serious color. She shook her head seriously and said solemnly, "if I say no, it won't work. You don't use your brain to think about it. If she wants to see you, she would have come out by herself, why let me come out to help you!"

Xie Yu's words are very decisive, there is no room for discussion, but what she said is reasonable. However, since she has said so, I am even more entangled. Who is this familiar figure? Why should she hide from me and help me? I can't think of it. I really can't think of it. After a pause, I asked Xie Yu again: "But why did she help me?"

This is a question that I have been puzzled about at the beginning, and it is also the problem that I want to know about the person behind the scenes. I don't know who the person behind is. Why did she aim at me several times and suddenly came to help me today. When Xie Yu faced this problem, she was still indifferent. She did not hide it, and directly said to me: "because, she doesn't want you to die! ”

in a short sentence, it shows everything now. Indeed, this is absolutely not a deliberate excuse for me. The person behind the scenes doesn't want to see me die. Therefore, she came to help me when she knew that I must die. Moreover, she hurt me several times and didn't want me to die. Was it her intention to slap me and then give me a piece of sugar 。

After such a thought, I feel in a trance and hold a breath in my heart. Then, I asked Xie Yu again: "if so, why does she not even want to see me, I just want to know who she is!"

Xie Yu listened to my words, can not help but smile, then, to me light said: "you want to blame only yourself, she is very disappointed with you, you have not reached her ideal appearance, so now she does not want to see you, you do not want to see her, to her willing to see you, naturally will see you!"

Xie Yu's words made me feel that there was something in it. I remember that Xie Yu told me before that the person behind the scenes didn't want me to fall in love, not deliberately tormenting me, but because if I had to have a woman, it would be her. And now, after this scene, people say that she will meet me until I reach her ideal appearance. Does she really like me? Or is it a trap? She's just entertaining.

I really want to see this familiar and fuzzy figure, but the fact is, I can't see it, nor can I guess that the woman in the car is wearing a cap on her head and sunglasses on her eyes. I can only see her body and can't see her face clearly. Even if I was lucky enough to rush to the front of the car, I'm afraid I can't see who she is, because at this time, she is lowering her head.

However, in spite of her actions, her figure is really familiar. The more you look at it, the more familiar you feel. The more I think about it, the more headache I get. And just when I have a headache and want to think about it, but I can't remember who she is, suddenly, a piercing scream came into my ears and pulled me out of my fantasy.This clear scream is quite different from the other fighting voices on the scene. It is a special female voice and a familiar female voice. This voice disturbed my thoughts and made me turn back immediately. I saw bailing fall on the ground, and her clothes were stained with blood. It seemed that she was injured.

Lin Feng, who hurt her, was the one who was going to kill me. He was just entangled by those security guards. He didn't hurt me at all. He turned to the innocent bailing. Obviously, he already knew the relationship between me and bailing. He wanted to use bailing to restrain me. However, when he was about to catch bailing, Xue Ning, who was not far away, saw it. He was crazy Around, in time to prevent the behavior of Lin Feng, and he tangled together again.

Xue Ning's fighting capacity is as strong as her personality. The fighting capacity of the eldest daughter of Xue's family is no less than that of Lin Feng. In addition, with the help of security guards, she directly defeated Lin Feng. What's more, Xue Ning seems to care about Bai Ling very much, even more than I do. So, after seeing Bai Ling injured, she almost killed her eyes Lin Feng is merciless, which can be said to be a deadly move.

But at this time, my heart is really confused. I have no heart to appreciate Xue Ning's fighting power, and I can't immerse myself in the backstage. In a moment, I directly ran to Bai Ling and helped her up. I don't know whether Lin Feng didn't kill her intentionally or that Bai Ling avoided the fatal blow. She just suffered a little skin injury, but Bai Ling was after all A weak woman, even if only cut a layer of skin, but also nearly her life, white Ling pain straight out of cold sweat, I saw the heart can not help a tight.

But even if the wound hurt again, she also kept silent. After I helped her up from the ground, she still took the initiative to say to me: "solo, I'm ok!"

As soon as Bai Ling's words were finished, Xue Ning suddenly ran over. She joined forces with the security of the people behind the curtain as quickly as possible, and knocked Lin Feng to the ground. After doing him, Xue Ning immediately ran to Bai Ling's side. First, she looked at Bai Ling's situation with concern. Then, she aimed her vicious eyes at me and yelled at me loudly: "Suluo, what are you doing You can't even protect a woman? "

At this moment, I was directly scolded by Xue Ning speechless. I could only look at Bai Ling with an apologetic face and whisper to her, "I'm sorry!"

Hearing my apology, Bai Ling didn't say anything, just chuckled and pretended to be nothing, which made Xue Ning hard to say anything. After such a small episode, I had already transferred all my energy from the mysterious woman to the battlefield. I found that the man who fought with Xue Ning had already subdued Lin Feng.

There were four people who took part in the battle. The other three were the two great vajras of the basaltic society, which was also very good. It reduced the pressure of wasabi. It also made the inferior wasabi change from passive to active, and launched a fierce attack on the remaining five people. It had to be said that the strength of Wasabi was really strong. It can be said that his martial arts were extremely strong In my opinion, he has reached the stage of perfection. This is his real Kung Fu, which is not at the same level as Lin Feng's brute force. Kung Fu is displayed incisively and vividly on him. He can easily defeat the enemy by taking advantage of the shortcomings of the enemy. As long as the so-called five King Kong are hit by the horseradish, he can hardly get up again.

For a moment or so, in addition to the leader Lin Xuanwu, who was still struggling to support himself, the other people were also knocked down. In addition, the whole battlefield was in full swing. Although our basic strength was not good, we fought with the people who supported me, and my brothers also showed their brave strength.

What's more, Xue Ning's people and Xie Yu's people are like lunatics. They fight bravely and bravely. They all look like desperators. Maybe they have orders in their bodies, and they don't kill people. But they don't cut people down. They are not good at giving up.

According to the current situation of the war, our side has defeated and retreated the Allied forces of the basaltic society. On the open wasteland, blood has flowed into a river. The morale of the army on the side of the basaltic society has long been lax. Some people have already fallen without fighting. There are few people who can fight. It seems that the battle will be over.

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