The situation has become one-sided. The stronger our side is, the more timid the other side will be. Now the scene is very chaotic. Even those who are fighting are not able to do what they want. In a moment, the situation reversed. Xie Yu's appearance really gave me endless strength.

As the strongest person in the Xuanwu society, Lin Xuanwu was also knocked down by wasabi after a while. With the fall of the enemy commander Lin Xuanwu, the battle was finally over. Because those of them who were still fighting senseless lost their fighting power. When the only two or thirty people who were standing there saw the boss fall down, they directly surrendered.

In this way, a grand war ended with our victory. However, no one cheered on the scene. It was a battle fought with blood. All the people who joined the battle paid the price of blood. We all deeply realized how difficult it was to fight down this war. Although we have won the victory, not everyone here is in good condition Many people were injured, especially my brother and the brother brought by Shen Muchen.

They are not like Xie Yu's people who have experienced many battles. My brothers are all students. They were obviously inexperienced when they first participated in a war of this nature. Their combat effectiveness was also too poor with them. Therefore, many brothers fell down. Even crab, the most valiant soldier, was decorated with a lot of colors. It was heartbreaking to see them. Of course, Xue Jiajun and Xie Yu also had many people People fall down, that's only a small part.

Our two sides have suffered injuries. However, the casualties on the side of the basaltic society are obviously much heavier. Therefore, morale is still important in this battle. If morale is not lost, it is easy to lose. The number of the other side is small, and the main force is not hostile to our side. Losing is an inevitable result.

At the end of the battle, Chen Haoran, covered with blood, immediately ran to me and said to me, "brother, many brothers have been seriously injured. What should we do?"

Maybe for the first time, even Chen Haoran, who has always been brave, was a little flustered, because this is a matter of human life, which is very important to us. At present, I dare not delay. I immediately ordered Chen Haoran and said, "Haoran, take all the injured brothers to the hospital. Remember, be quick and don't let the brothers have any mistakes!"

After Chen Haoran got the order, he immediately did as I told him. On the other side, Xie Yu and Xue Ning also ordered people to take the seriously injured people to the hospital. Then Xie Yu himself came to me and looked at the wounded and prisoners of the other side and asked me, "what are you going to do with them?"

Although I didn't take part in the fight, I was the commander in chief of our side after all. I was also responsible for something. Therefore, it was also the time for me to make decisions. I glanced at the people brought by Lin Xuanwu. They seemed to be defeated soldiers. I could not help but feel a burst of melancholy in my heart. Obviously, Xuanwu would hurt more people than us There are even many people lying on the ground motionless, life and death unknown.

This war has obviously caused human lives. No matter how to deal with the result, this matter may be a big one. It may be difficult to suppress it. I also understand that if Xie Yu didn't arrive in time, the immediate result would be our side. Now, it's time for me to make a decision. Thinking of this, I immediately said to Xie Yu, "help me get them All of them

After that, my hand pointed to the leaders of the Xuanwu society. Xie Yu understood what I meant and immediately ordered her people to arrest those leaders, whether standing or lying down, and all of them were taken to the two pairs of dark coffins. I also slowly walked to the front of the coffin, where many people gathered, the father of song Qingfeng Lin Shihan, Wan Jia father and son, these few people who were totally ineffective in fighting, but they were pale at the moment because they knew they had lost and fell into my hands.

As for those vajras of the basaltic society, they were seriously injured, but in order to prevent them from disorderly behavior, we still sent people to use knives against them, so that they did not dare to move. At the moment, these people in mourning clothes were at the end of their strength. Looking at them just now, my eyes all gave out a cold light. I stared at them tightly and said, "you When they came, did you ever think that there was less preparation for the coffin? "

At this moment, my voice is very vicious. I have a strong hatred in my heart. I think of their terror at the beginning, my brothers who were injured, and Bai Ling who was cut by Lin Feng. Today, I can't give up easily. Therefore, I can't be kind to anyone any more 。

But my words obviously didn't scare them, especially Lin Xuanwu. Even though he was seriously injured, he still had the courage to be the leader of the gang. He said to me fiercely, "Suluo, don't be complacent. Even if you win today, you can't do anything. Do you think you've finished today? If you're smart, let us go and run, because the police are coming soon

It's already at this juncture. He still has the leisure to threaten me. Lin Xuanwu, when I'm anything, must run away when I see the police. However, what's more ridiculous is that other leaders listen to Lin Xuanwu's words, and they all agree that the police and they are in collusion, and will come to arrest me in a moment. Let me let them go and run. I look at their ridiculous appearance and snort coldly With a deep voice, he said, "if I lose today, I will surely die. Now that you are in my hands, I will let you go easily. Do you think it is possible? "At this time, my eyes were full of murderous gas. They could not scare me back when they saw that the police were mentioned. They heard me so resolute. Immediately, they felt my terror and knew that I was going to act seriously.

At this time, Bai Ling, accompanied by Xue Ning, also came to my side. She gently pulled me down, obviously persuading me to retreat quickly, because she was worried that the police would come and I would have any accident. As soon as I saw bailing injured, my resentment grew deeper and deeper. Lin Feng wanted my life several times, but he even attacked an innocent woman, which was against me If you do not report, you will not be a man.

So, I looked at Bai Ling firmly and said seriously, "don't worry, nothing. You stay here first, I'll deal with it soon."

After that, I took a knife with some curling blades from my brother's hand, and came to Lin Feng directly. At this time, Lin Feng did not dare to be arrogant, and he did not dare to show his hegemony at the moment. Even though he did not dare to frighten me, he just looked at me with an unwilling look.

I stood in front of Lin Feng, looking down at him who was seriously injured and pressed on the ground, and said coldly: "Lin Feng, you should know that the hatred between us has reached the point where either you die or I die. Therefore, I understand that you want to kill me here. However, you dare to hurt a woman who has no strength to bind a chicken. This makes me look down on you very much. Similarly, it is something that I can't tolerate. Now don't say the police are coming. Even if the emperor comes, I can't stop any behavior of me, because I'm going to kill you! "

At this moment, I directly and mercilessly sentenced Lin Feng to death. With my words falling, I immediately aroused a panic among those leaders, especially Lin Xuanwu himself. Seeing that I was determined to kill his son, he suddenly became furious and wanted to resist. However, he was seriously injured and was captured by the wasabi people. He wanted to rush over, but it was just nonsense. There was no way for him Only angry roared at me: "solo, I warn you can't kill my son, otherwise, I want your family buried with me!"

When Lin Xuanwu said this, his eyes burst with blood and his face was ferocious. After hearing this, Lin Feng himself was even more in a cold sweat. He was always arrogant. At the moment, he was staring at me tightly and murmured: "I tell you, Suluo, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

No one is not afraid of death, especially in the hands of a man he despises. I can clearly feel Lin Feng's unwillingness. I can see that my eyes are full of panic. I don't want to talk to them any more. I directly chop Lin Feng's neck with a knife. At this critical moment, Lin Shihan, who has been silent, suddenly rushes forward and pulls my sleeve Son, prayed: "Suluo, I beg you, you can do anything, don't kill my brother, OK?"

When he said this, Lin Shihan was crying with tears, not to mention how miserable it looked. It was even more pitiful than when I wanted to abolish his brother. With her appearance, it was very easy for people to feel pity for her. But I was determined to kill Lin Feng. This time, no one could stop him. Lin Shihan's appearance only made me feel more disgusted Really, I can't forget her sarcasm to me before the war. It's good that she didn't show up. My anger surged uncontrollably as soon as she appeared. When she touched my sleeve, I held her hand directly and threw Lin Shihan aside.

Lin Shihan fell to the ground. When she was sad and desperate, I called out to her: "Lin Shihan, I have already told you that I will not be soft hearted this time. Lin Feng will die today. If you are blocking me, be careful that I will kill you together!"

After saying this, I ignored her directly and focused my eyes on Lin Feng. I knew that once the police came, I would not be able to do it, and I would not have this opportunity. I can't give them a chance to make a comeback. Now the time is too urgent, so I can't have any delay.

Thinking of this, I directly ignored Lin Feng's complicated eyes and said, "Lin Feng, you can go to die!"

Finish saying, I once again did not hesitate to wave the knife, mercilessly toward the neck of Lin Feng to cut down.

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