I came back to make uncle Yang excited, looking at him into the kitchen, I also follow the past, is busy with the work of Uncle Yang said: "uncle, I help you fight it!"

Seeing that I was in the kitchen, uncle Yang said, "Arlo, you just came home. Go and have a good rest. It's good to have uncle here. You can wait for dinner."

Seeing uncle Yang like this, I couldn't say anything more. I turned around and walked out of the kitchen and went back to my room. I pushed the door open and found that the furnishings in the room were still the original appearance. The only change was that it was cleaner than before.

Entering the room, I directly lie on the big bed where I have been sleeping for more than ten years. Everything is still so familiar. For so many years, only in this room that belongs to me can I have a sense of security.

Because I didn't have a good rest last night, I gradually fell asleep on the bed. This sleep was very stable and comfortable. I didn't know how long I had slept. Uncle Yang called me up and told me to start eating. I got out of bed in a daze and walked into the living room. Through the window, I found that the sky was still bright outside. Although I had a short sleep time, it was very tiring, and my tiredness was all gone.

The table is full of rich dishes. Looking at the food, my appetite came up in an instant. I picked up chopsticks and started to eat. After eating a few mouthfuls, uncle Yang, sitting opposite me, said, "it's hard to be so happy today. Come on, Arlo, let's have a drink!"

Uncle Yang did not see him drinking in my impression. Today, he wanted to drink surprisingly. In fact, I refused at the beginning, but I seldom came back. Uncle Yang was still so happy. I was embarrassed to say that he refused.

I said, "uncle, I don't know how to drink, but I can accompany you!"

Seeing that I didn't refuse, uncle Yang said again, "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, you can drink slowly and chat with your uncle."

I replied, "I see, uncle. Where is the wine? I'll get it

Uncle Yang told me that he had a bottle of good wine which had been kept under the bed in his room for more than ten years. I followed Uncle Yang's instructions and came to his room. I opened the door and saw the pictures of Miaomiao on the table on the wall. I was sure that Miaomiao hadn't come back for such a long time.

Looking at the picture on the wall, my heart was full of ripples, and said to myself, "if it wasn't for me, Miaomiao would not have left home and never come back. So that only uncle Yang is left in this huge house, not even a nagging person. "

Now I know it's useless to say anything. Although uncle Yang pretends to be innocent on the surface, he still misses Miaomiao in his heart. Only by finding Miaomiao can I untie uncle Yang's heart knot. Here I secretly swear that I will pay everything to find Miaomiao.

Seeing that I haven't come back after half a day, uncle Yang called out to me: "ah, Luo, haven't you found it?"

Leng in place of me, heard uncle Yang's cry, this just returned to God, to Uncle Yang replied: "uncle, I found, this will come out."

This time I quickly came to Uncle Yang, opened uncle Yang's bed and found the aged wine in his mouth. The package of the wine was very ordinary, and there was no specific name on it. After I picked it up, I turned and walked out.

Out of Uncle Yang's room, gently closed the door, I stood at the door to sort out their emotions, which was back on the table. I opened the wine, and there was a strong aroma in the bottle. I poured a glass for uncle Yang. To set off the atmosphere, I also poured myself a full glass.

I picked up the cup and sipped it gently. The burning alcohol made my throat tingle, but it was still good to drink. After swallowing it, I said, "uncle, this wine smells good, and it tastes better."

Seeing my swallowing expression, uncle Yang advised me: "Arlo, don't be forced to drink if you don't want to drink it!"

If I just said no, it would be a great disappointment. I pretended to be calm and said, "Uncle Yang, I'm ok. Let's have a drink." Then I raised my glass.

Uncle Yang saw that I was so serious and didn't say anything more. He also raised his glass and touched me. After that, uncle Yang said to me, "Arlo, you know, this bottle of wine was given to me by your father. It has been about 15 years. Because I don't drink much, this bottle of wine has been preserved to the present."

When I heard the word "father", I became gloomy and excited. I asked Uncle Yang, "uncle, I know that my father has been in prison for years, but why don't you let me see him? Even if he has committed any crime, you don't tell me. Are you hiding something from me?"

Hearing my question, uncle Yang was silent. Instead of answering my question immediately, he took up his glass and drank it himself, as if I had just said something as if I had not heard it.

Seeing that uncle Yang didn't answer me, I roared at him again: "uncle, tell me why this is, but you are talking!"

At the moment, uncle Yang still didn't pay attention to me. He poured up the wine and drank it again. Then he said faintly: "Arlo, you drink too much. Go back to your room and have a rest."

Looking at Uncle Yang's evasion of my problems, I felt that he was hiding something from me. He continued to ask, "uncle, I'm not drunk. You can tell my father where he is. I miss him. I want to see him."In my memory, my father is a hardworking migrant worker. For me, I went through fire and water. When I was a child, my father went to prison. Because I was too young, no one told me what my father had committed. After that, he was taken home by Uncle Yang until now.

Uncle Yang still doesn't mention anything about his father. I can't say anything more from his appearance. Since uncle Yang doesn't want to say it, it's useless for me to ask again. I believe he will tell me one day!

Uncle Yang, who is sitting opposite me, looks melancholy. He regrets mentioning my father at the moment. He never thought that I would make such a fierce reaction when I heard the word "father".

In my anger, I picked up the glass on the table and drank it out in one gulp. The alcohol stretched from my throat to my stomach. A burning pain came from my body. I picked up the wine and prepared to pour it for myself.

Uncle Yang at one side immediately came to stop me and said, "Arlo, don't drink it. Your body can't stand it."

When I heard uncle Yang's dissuasion, I became more energetic and responded to him: "Uncle Yang, I'm ok. You can let me drink it, so that I can feel better in my heart."

Uncle Yang could not bear to see me like this. I didn't listen to any advice, so I had to give up. It was a happy thing to celebrate my coming home, but it became so because of me.

I just sat on the table and drank it one mouthful after another. The wine was so hot that I was numb. Maybe it was only in this way that I was most relaxed. Gradually, there was a double shadow in front of me, and my vision began to blur, so I lost consciousness.

I don't know how much wine I had. When I woke up, I looked at the time. It was 11 o'clock the next day. I forgot what I said when I had a meal. My mind was blank. I stood up and felt my head hurt very much, and I felt very sick. I immediately flew to the bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom, I found myself at home. Uncle Yang had already gone out. On the table was the breakfast that uncle Yang had prepared for me. Last year, uncle Yang wrote a note to me: "alo, uncle has an important meeting today. Maybe you can get home very late. You can find your own way for dinner." After reading the note, I had lunch.

Winter vacation life is really boring, northern winter is also too cold, that also do not want to go, only hide in the home is the best choice, after lunch, a person at home idle boring, so watch TV.

After a while, the outside door opened. Looking up, I saw that uncle Yang was back. I asked, "Uncle Yang, why did you come back so early? Didn't you say you would come back later today?"

When Uncle Yang saw my question, he burst out laughing and said, "I just came back from a walk outside. Are you talking about yesterday?"

Listening to him say so, I also have a murmur in my heart and ask, "uncle, what do you mean?"

Uncle Yang explained to me: "you must not know. You have been sleeping for two days. After you drink too much that day, I will send you back to your room. When I come back from the meeting the next day, I will see that there is no light in the room. I thought you had an accident and opened the door to hear your snoring. I was relieved

Listen to Uncle Yang said, I was shocked: "I actually sleep for two days, this wine is too strong!"

It's a mistake to drink. For two days, it passed quietly when I was in a coma. I secretly vowed that I would never drink again.

Uncle Yang and I chatted for a while. Suddenly, he said to me, "Arlo, are you always bullied at school?"

I don't know why Uncle Yang asked. I remember clearly that I didn't tell Uncle Yang about it. How could he know that it was the counselor who called him and thought about it. It was not right. The counselor didn't know my life. Who was it?

I deliberately conceal the answer: "no, I am so honest, how can someone bully me!"

Seeing my reply so decisively, uncle Yang said, "I heard it in your dream talk. In your sleep, you keep repeating why you always bully me. I only asked you this sentence. "

So it is. No wonder uncle Yang asked me. Fortunately, he didn't admit it. I really don't want him to know that I was such a failure when I was away. I want to show my best self to Uncle Yang, and he can't worry about me.

"Uncle Yang, no one bullied me. I was just dreaming. So don't worry, I'm fine! "

After listening to my explanation, uncle Yang was relieved and said to me again: "Arlo, I have a friend's child who happens to be in your city. It may be very close to you. I have already said hello. When you go to school, he will come to see you!"

I really don't know how to thank uncle Yang for saying this. Although I have kept it under wraps for the time being, sooner or later, uncle Yang will know what to do with so much thinking. One day will be one day

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