With the alternation of day and night, the Spring Festival will soon be held. The streets are full of new year's atmosphere. Although there are only two of us in this family, we still need to prepare for this important annual festival.

Because of the company's reasons, uncle Yang often stays up late to work overtime, leaving early and returning late. I am the only one left in such a big home. I am busy with the coming new year.

the days count down day by day. The new year will come in an instant. The moment I open my eyes in the morning, the sound of firecrackers outside keeps on playing. In this day of family reunion, people working outside have rushed back home to meet the grand and festive Festival.

Uncle Yang came back in the afternoon of new year's Eve. Although we all know that today is the beginning of the new year, we can't be happy in our hearts. Our faces are just forced to smile. There is no atmosphere for the new year.

The busier the day is, the colder it is for uncle Yang and me. Watching other people's families get together, I envy them from the bottom of my heart. I have been looking forward to and praying for Miaomiao to come back when they have new year's Eve dinner.

Uncle Yang prepared a big table for the feast of new year's Eve. It was delicious, but I didn't have any appetite in my heart. For a few seconds before moving the chopsticks, I was still staring at the door, hoping that Miaomiao would really open the door. But the reality slapped me hard. Miaomiao still didn't appear in my field of vision. My expectation was just a kind of extravagant hope Already.

In order to make the home not so cold and quiet, uncle Yang turned on the TV to the highest level. During the meal, uncle Yang even gave me a red envelope. It looked like there were about 2000 yuan in the red envelope. I didn't refuse, so I put it away decisively.

For so many years, the only person who really understood me and understood me was Uncle Yang. Although I was chatting and laughing, I just pretended to set off the atmosphere. Uncle Yang had long found that I was pretending to be what I was now, but he did not tear me down. Instead, he kept cooperating with me.

During the meal, uncle Yang kept talking to me, and I just echoed his answer. After dinner, I went back to my room. In the next few days, I was alone at home, and uncle Yang was visiting relatives and friends everywhere.

One winter vacation, I spent most of my time at home. I didn't go anywhere and didn't want to go. I didn't have any friends or relatives in this city. If Uncle Yang drove me away, I really didn't know what to do.

The Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month arrived as scheduled. On that morning, uncle Yang went to work and told me to go, "Arlo, we have a dinner party today. We won't come back for dinner in the evening. You can buy whatever you want at home."

As soon as the voice dropped, I took out a few hundred yuan bills in my wallet and handed them to me. Then he went out. Just as he closed the door, uncle Yang told him again, "don't stay at home all the time. Go out for a walk, or you'll get sick again." Then he left.

I think it's time to go out for a walk. It's really boring to just stay at home every day. It's going to start school soon. I'm just taking advantage of today's holiday to buy some clothes and keep them for school. After I decided, I began to clean up myself.

After a while, I dressed up and went out. Since I was out for a walk, I didn't know I should take a bus. My home is not too far from the city center. It's only 40 minutes' walk. Besides, it's still early. It's just a short time before I can have lunch. I set out with a heart to eat.

The winter in the north is always so cold. Walking on the street, a cold wind blows, I can't help shivering and sighing: "ah, it's better to stay at home!" However, since they have all come out, we can't go back immediately.

After more than 40 minutes, I came to the center of the city and went into a spicy hot store. After eating, I ordered a bowl and ate it. After eating, I got up and left. Just before I left the house, I was stopped by a voice that made me very disgusted: "ouch, isn't this the famous mangy dog in our school?"

I used to walk with my head down. When I heard the words "mangy dog", I immediately stopped and looked forward. I saw a group of people coming face to face. The leader was my junior high school classmate "Zhang Jinpeng!"

The three words "mangpi dog" contain the indelible memory of my junior high school days. At that time, due to Miaomiao's great influence in school, my story was soon spread. People who saw me would call me "mangy dog", which made me suffer countless ridicules.

Zhang Jinpeng was one of the people who pursued Miaomiao in junior high school. His family had some strength in the city, so he was domineering in the school. Despite all these years, I recognized him at once when I saw him.

The man was still in school, not tall, with a face like a toad. To be nice, he called a frog. With the money in his family, he always followed some dog legs behind him. Just because he knew Miaomiao hated me, he always bullied me in school. I could only let them bully me.

I didn't pay attention to him and went on. I thought that they would leave. However, when I came to them, they didn't give me way. I took the initiative to retreat. I wanted to bypass them, but they blocked my way forward and surrounded me.Zhang Jinpeng said to me arrogantly: "good, you mangy dog, dare to ignore me!"

People like him will be endless as long as they are entangled with others. It seems that I can't avoid it. I don't know what they will do to me, so I can only take a look at them step by step.

I replied faintly: "excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Jinpeng asked sarcastically: "how, now mixed up, do not want to talk about the past with my old friend?"

I said, "no, I just need to go first if I have something urgent to do now. Please get out of the way."

Zhang Jinpeng didn't pay attention to my words, and called out to his dog legs: "brothers, I want to talk about the past with him. This mangy dog didn't give me face. What should I do?"

There were passers-by in a hurry on the street. When I heard his shouts, I couldn't help but look at it. Surrounded by them, I was like a monkey in the zoo. From time to time, I would attract other people's bacteria.

"Since you don't give big brother face, let's educate and educate him!" the group of doggies answered with one voice

Look at this posture is to beat my appearance, my heart can not help but thump! But on second thought, they should not dare to start in this broad daylight, but this is just my guess!

Zhang Jinpeng's mouth showed a deep smile, gently coughed, and said: "OK, brothers, don't quarrel! Remember, we are all civilized people, we must solve problems in a civilized way! "

I don't understand the meaning of his words. I want to resist. Unfortunately, I don't have the strength. If it's just Zhang Jinpeng himself, with the advantage of his body, I can beat him down. After many years, Zhang Jinpeng is still the same and still likes to bully others by relying on more people. Now I don't have this strength, and I can only be at their mercy.

I said weakly: "what do you want to do?"

Zhang Jinpeng heard what I said and said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything. I just want to talk to you about my heart. All right, my brothers, drag him away!"

I tried my best to break free, but everything was in vain. I didn't know where they were going to take me. I only knew that I might be in bad luck.

I was dragged to a remote alley by these dog legs, and then stopped. Zhang Jinpeng said to his people, "brothers, you can do it!"

As soon as the words fell, a line of seven or eight people directly pushed me to the ground. Four of them pressed my hands and feet, and the rest began to take off my clothes. Now I finally knew what they were going to do.

Lying on the ground, I cried out, "no, no!"

Zhang Jinpeng laughed and said, "I said we are civilized people and never fight. You believe this time! We are simply to give you strip, after the circle of students in the hair! You don't mind! "

Hearing his ridicule, I was very angry and swore at him: "I mind your mother, you let me go quickly, or I will call the police!"

I thought that if I threatened him with the police, he would let me go. But I was wrong. When I heard the word "call the police", Zhang Jinpeng's smile became more intense.

The dogleg on his side flattered him and said, "ha ha, call the police? You may not know. Now I do tell you, brother Peng's second uncle is the deputy director of our city's Police Bureau. What do you think those policemen will do to Peng Ge? "

This flattery went deep into Zhang Jinpeng's heart. He squatted down, pulled my hair and said arrogantly, "I might as well tell you that even if the police come, I dare to do anything in front of them!"

He said again, "I want to think about it. I can't do anything too absolutely. If you come and ask me, I'll let you go."

His words are extremely arrogant, as if he is the king of the city, can be arbitrary. Listen to his words, I fell into despair, I really don't know what to do!

After thinking about it, I had to listen to him. Then I begged Zhang Jinpeng like a pug: "brother Peng, if you don't remember the villain, let me go. I promise you what you want me to do, OK?"

His legs all burst into laughter when they saw me like this. At this time, Zhang Jinpeng waved his hand and motioned them to stop first and said, "Suluo, you know what, I like what you are like now!"

Listening to his words, I feel cheated. I don't want to let go of his appearance, and then signal to his subordinates to continue. I naively thought that only begging for mercy would be safe and sound. As a result, I was played by them as a monkey.

When I was about to take off my clothes to the limit, a voice came from the Hutong: "what is this? Bullying people are not separated from each other!"

I saw a hunchback old man with white hair coming from the Hutong

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