I'm very afraid. I'm afraid that my appearance of being stripped off will spread to Lin Shihan. My dignity can be trampled on in front of anyone. Only in front of Lin Shihan, I just want to be the best myself.

When I heard the voice of an outsider in the direction of the entrance of the Hutong, I was in despair and immediately had hope and cried out: "help

I don't know who is coming. I know that as long as I have a chance, I can't give up. Although I have experienced all kinds of hardships in my body, this kind of torture is the first time for me.

At this time, Zhang Jinpeng side of a dog leg arrogantly said to the visitors: "ah! Dead old boss, we can do what we want. You can't control it. Go to cool off quickly

The speaker was an old man. He didn't pay attention to my cry for help and the warning to the dogleg. He didn't take it seriously. He didn't go. He even walked towards us and said with a smile: "young people nowadays, how can they be so impolite?"

Dogleg's voice once again recalled: "have nm's politeness, I don't need you to manage, hurry away, or you'll clean up together!"

The old man was walking slowly along the road, and when I learned that the man coming was an old man, my hope was dim again. These people were the ones who dared to do anything when they were in a hurry. I was so sympathetic that I began to worry about the grandfather.

No one was close to the grandfather, said: "to forgive people and forgive people, today is still a festival day, you let him go, let him go home at ease for the festival."

At this time, Zhang Jinpeng, who had never opened his mouth, said: "old guy, now I'm in a good mood. I advise you to hurry away. There's nothing wrong with you here. If you're meddling, believe it or not, we'll give you a lesson."

Zhang Jinpeng's words are full of thorns. He doesn't mean to respect the elderly at all. His attitude is extremely arrogant.

The old man sighed softly and said, "you! It's stubborn. "

Just when the old man was only ten steps away from me, Zhang Jinpeng said angrily, "the old man is really shameless. Brothers, give him some color and don't kill him!"

His staff looked at each other, except for the four people who pressed me, they all rushed to the old man one after another. I couldn't see the picture, and cried out, "come at me if you have anything. Don't embarrass the old man."

Now Zhang Jinpeng, who is watching the excitement in situ, heard me say this with a tone full of ridicule: "ha ha, you are such a waste that you can't protect yourself. You are still playing a hero here, and you don't even think about how many pounds you have!"

His words deeply pierced into my heart. Yes, he said right. I was still worried about others. I didn't say anything more. After that, I closed my eyes deeply. I really don't want to see them beating the old man!

These animals dare to do anything even if they give some benefits. They have not done the least respect for the old and love the young. Their humanity has been destroyed. Do they still have conscience? I curse in my heart.

There was a crackling fight in the air. From time to time, someone yelled. I was more nervous and excited when I was lying on the ground. The old man was implicated in me. How can I feel at ease.

Hearing the scream, I kept struggling on the ground. I wanted to break free of their shackles and rescue the old man. Although I knew I could do nothing, I wanted to protect him with my best efforts.

The scream lasted for about a minute, and Zhang Jinpeng's voice thought again and said, "don't worry about Suluo. Give me all TM. I don't believe it. What kind of wind can an old man set off?"

I don't understand why his voice suddenly changed. When I opened my eyes, the old man stood still, and his legs were lying on the ground crying for their parents. I was stunned by this scene.

According to my four people's bodies, they were also full of timidity. However, due to Zhang Jinpeng's order, they had to brave their heads and rush upward. In a few seconds, these doglegs were thrown out like garbage again. This time, I could see clearly that the old man's hand just flickered casually They're all down.

Is this the legendary martial arts master? Sure enough, people can't be quite like him. The seemingly weak old man has such a powerful skill. Although he hasn't made any unique moves, I know that his strength is more than that.

I suddenly had an idea in my head. I decided to take him as a teacher, so that I would not be bullied by others if I learned Kung Fu. I made a decision silently in my heart.

Zhang Jinpeng saw with his own eyes that the two groups of people were defeated in a short period of time. He was afraid and said to the old man trembling, "old man, I'll tell you, you, don't move me. My second uncle is the deputy director of the city. If you touch me, you can't bear to walk."

I saw the old man went straight to Zhang Jinpeng, raised his hand to him is a slap, this seems to be nothing much force, but directly hit Zhang Jinpeng to the ground, the corners of his mouth slightly blood outflow.

Lying on the ground, Zhang Jinpeng lost his arrogance just now. His voice was full of prayer and said, "grandfather, I'm wrong. You can let me go. I dare not be here next time."Hearing what he said, the old man burst into laughter and said, "it would have been fine for a long time. I just educate and educate you for your parents and teach you what is respecting the old and loving the young. Do you remember that? "

"We remember it, and there is no next time," they replied in one voice

After listening to their reply, the old man's tone changed instantly, and said in a sharp voice: "remember, don't go away!"

All the people lying on the ground, bearing the pain of their bodies, quickly got up, afraid that the old man would start again. Under the leadership of Zhang Jinpeng, he ran to the Hutong and ran far away. Within the scope of feeling his own safety, Zhang Jinpeng yelled at us in this direction: "dead old man, I will not let you go. And, solo, you wait for me. I'll never forgive you next time you meet me

After that, they all disappeared at the entrance of the Hutong, leaving only an elderly man and I with ragged clothes. I picked up the clothes scattered on the ground. I quickly put them on and quickly stood up to the old man and said, "thank you, grandfather."

The old man looked me up and down, and said to me, "I didn't see that I was like this. I also considered the feelings of others. There are not many young people like you."

As soon as the words were finished, the old man turned around and was about to leave. Looking at him, I said, "wait a minute, granddad."

The old man stopped, turned around and said, "what's the matter

I can't help but scratch my hair, a little embarrassed said: "that, grandfather, see you are so powerful, can you take me as a disciple." I knelt down before he could answer.

Seeing me like this, he said faintly, "why do you want to learn kung fu?"

I quickly replied, "as long as I learn kung fu, I can revenge the people who have been bullying me."

Hearing my answer, the old man sighed and said, "Kung Fu is just a kind of physical exercise, not for fighting. Besides, I can't do anything else. What do you want me to teach you?"

As soon as I heard this, I immediately said, "grandfather, I saw everything that just happened. You knocked them down with a few strokes, and said that you can't do Kung Fu!"

The old man said slowly: "I really can't Kung Fu, that's just my reflex, whatever you think!"

I begged the old man again and said, "grandfather, you can promise me!"

The old man said to himself, "ah, you should stay at home when you are old." Then he turned away and left me alone on my knees. Staring at the distant old man.

My voice broke the silence in the air again and growled: "grandfather, if you don't take me as a disciple, I won't get up!"

Hearing my voice, the old man replied, "you can do what you want, it has nothing to do with me."

After that, the figure of the old man disappeared in the alley. Seeing this situation, I knelt down all my life. Since he didn't accept me as an apprentice, I would pester him until he agreed. Therefore, I got up quickly and ran after the old man in the direction where he disappeared.

Walking out of the alley is the street. I searched for several circles in the street, but I didn't find the figure of the old man. It's strange to say that the old man can't disappear so quickly with the pace of the old man, but I didn't find it, so I gave up. Maybe he just didn't want to take a waste as an apprentice.

In such a long time of winter vacation, today is my first time to go out of the house. I didn't expect that I would come across such a thing. Today's planned itinerary has been completely disrupted. I know that Zhang Jinpeng has not left here. I don't want to stay here any more. I'm afraid that I will meet him suddenly. For me, only home is the safest Yes.

Walking on the street, through the glass of the shop, you can clearly see how embarrassed you are now. Your hair is messy, and your clothes are covered with dust. My modeling has attracted many passers-by's whispers. This is the most memorable Lantern Festival I've ever had in my life.

I have only one idea now, that is to hide in my secluded cottage and not come out. Only there is the safest place. I don't want to contact anyone again. I'm really scared. On the way home, I can't help but quicken my pace.

It was already afternoon when I got home. Fortunately, uncle Yang didn't come back. Otherwise, there was no way to explain it. In order not to let uncle Yang see a clue, I ran into the bathroom to take a bath after washing clothes, and then I went back to my cabin to spend the afternoon

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