Every day I stay at home, either reading or watching TV. Unconsciously, I muddled through the winter vacation life. March 1 is the peak period of school. I bought the train ticket ten days before the school starts. Today is the day when I go back to school.

When I told uncle Yang that he would go back to school ahead of time, his face was a little dimmed, and he asked, "isn't it more than ten days before school starts? Why do you have to go back so early?"

Although uncle Yang is not at home every day, he still hopes that I can stay a few more days. At least, when I go home, someone can talk with him. He also knows that I don't know when I will come back.

I was also a little reluctant to leave uncle Yang, leaving this reassuring cottage. In order to meet his requirements, I had to leave. My voice choked and said, "the ticket is too expensive in the rush hour of school, and it's not easy to buy, so I want to go back in advance."

Uncle Yang said: "I'd better return the ticket. I'll drive you there on the first day of school."

For uncle Yang's request, I still feel a little bit excited, but on second thought, even if I drive, uncle Yang will go back and forth for more than 30 hours. He is also old. I don't want him to suffer this crime for me. Finally, I politely refused, and said faintly: "uncle, don't use it. I can go by myself. You can work at ease. I'll come back to see you as soon as I have time. ”

seeing that I was so stubborn, uncle Yang didn't say anything more. He knew my personality and would stick to it as long as he identified one thing.

The departure time of the train was at four o'clock in the afternoon. Although I refused the request of Uncle yang to send me back to school, he still sent me to the railway station. Although it is still a long time before school starts, there are still many students walking around with suitcases in the railway station at this time.

Before getting on the train, uncle Yang bought me a lot of things, told me to eat on the road, and gave me a bank card, saying that it was the tuition and living expenses of this semester. He didn't tell me the specific amount of money, and I didn't ask about it. So he boarded the long-distance train.

The train had already started. Through the window, I saw Uncle Yang still standing in the same place, staring at our train, until the train disappeared in the sight of human eyes.

I am also very sad, I also can not give up uncle Yang, so many years in addition to my father, only uncle Yang is really treat me, I also in the heart secretly vowed, after I get along well, I must be good filial piety uncle Yang.

The train was running at a high speed. It was quiet all the way. When I arrived in the city, it was midnight the next day. After leaving the railway station, I found a hotel nearby and rested.

I was very tired in the car these two days. The next day, I woke up naturally after sleeping. It was already afternoon when I got up. After cleaning up, I ate something nearby and started to prepare to go back to school.

Half an hour later, I dragged my suitcase into the campus. At the moment, there are only scattered students in the campus. Most of them are working in the city during the holiday. Every place along the way contains my full memories. I went straight to the dormitory, and only a few people could see through the huge male dormitory building.

I pushed open the door of my bedroom. It was covered with dust, and the leftover bags smelled of mildew. The things were so messy that people could not come in. I couldn't stand such an environment. After I put my luggage away, I began to clean up.

After cleaning up for a while, the room was much cleaner. I was so tired that I went to bed to have a rest. I looked at the ceiling in the bed. In my head, not counting today, there are still nine days before the school starts, and the library has not opened yet. Ah! How should I spend the next few days! I sighed to myself.

In this city where there is no dependence, I can only do nothing every day. In the empty bedroom, there is no one who can chatter. After all these years, I have not made a friend. What happened is carried by myself. It is ridiculous to think about it.

Thinking of the word "friend", I immediately thought of a person in my head. I could go to her. She also promised me to come to my school to find me. Now I have time, so I took out my mobile phone and found a familiar name "Shen Yue" in the phone book. Looking at the name, I still hesitated, and I didn't dare to call again. I fell into the left and right The difficult realm.

After a lot of entanglement, I finally dialed in the past, the phone rang a beep voice, more than ten seconds, the phone came to listen to an intoxicating voice: "Suluo, what are you doing, call me do not talk."

Her voice still sounds so exciting. For a time, I fell into a state of intoxication, and I couldn't extricate myself. Only when I heard her voice could I forget all the unhappiness.

Her voice pulled me back to reality again, and I quickly replied, "well, I'm back to school. Is it convenient for you today, can you come out for a walk?"

Shen Yue said in a hurry: "Suluo, I'm really sorry. I'm out of town and haven't come back yet. When I come back, I'll invite you to dinner!"

I replied, "well, come back and call me."Shen Yue hung up the phone and looked at the tone of her voice as if she was doing something. She was very anxious. Forget it, don't think about her, or think about how to solve the boredom of these days.

The school has not started yet, and the school canteen door is still locked. It seems that we have to go out for dinner. When we get out of the school, we find that the nearby restaurants are not open. We have no choice but to go to the nearest commercial street.

This is the nearest commercial street, which is 15 minutes from the school. When I came here, I found a noodle shop nearby and went in. I ordered a bowl of beef noodles and ate it.

When I got to the door, I noticed that there was a part-time job information posted on the glass outside the window. I thought, anyway, it's OK these days. It's better to earn some living expenses here to kill time.

Seeing this, I turned around and walked back. When I saw me back, the boss was still a little puzzled. When I saw him, I took the lead and asked, "big brother, I saw the recruitment information posted on the door. Are you still hiring now?"

The boss looked me up and down and said, "we are recruiting in the store, but it seems that you can't do it with your physique."

I said: "boss, don't look at me like this. I can bear hardships and do all kinds of work. If you don't believe me, you can try it in one day. I don't need money."

After hearing this, the boss hesitated for a moment and said, "since you insist, I will promise you that your job is to wash dishes in the back kitchen and deliver meals. Eighty yuan a day for lunch and dinner. Do you hear me clearly? "

I excitedly said: "listen clearly, boss, then I will come from tomorrow."

Your boss says again at nine o'clock in the morning. With these requirements, you can go back and prepare. "

In this way, I applied for this part-time job, which can not only kill time, but also make some pocket money. It's killing two birds with one stone.

Back in the bedroom, I was afraid that I could not get up tomorrow morning and delay my working time. So I set an alarm clock with my mobile phone. After washing, I went to bed and had an early rest to welcome the arrival of the new day.

The next day, in order to give the boss a good impression, I arrived half an hour earlier than the scheduled time. I was not too busy in the morning. The boss laughed at me when I came so early!

After that, I put myself into the work of the day. Only in the busy time can I find my own happiness. Through my performance, the boss recognized me very much. When I was a student, the boss raised 20 yuan for me.

After a day's contact, I can understand that the boss and his wife are from other places. There is a four-year-old child at home. It has been more than five years since I opened a shop here. Business is good on weekdays.

In the next few days, every day is busy, the beginning of school day is coming, the arrival of night, the end of my day of busy.

At dinner in the evening, I said to the boss at the dinner table: "brother, I will start school tomorrow, so I can't come for the time being. I'll tell you here!"

The boss gently said: "I know, but later if you have time, you can help me at any time!"

I look at the boss, my eyes are full of gratitude, said: "I know, brother!"

After dinner, the boss took out the salary prepared for me, and told me that he gave me an extra 100 yuan as a reward. I took over these days of hard work in exchange for the harvest, the heart is still happy, to the boss a smile and left.

The first class in the morning is the class meeting class. The teacher told us that we would hold the opening party every semester in the auditorium of the school in the evening. The teacher also emphasized in the class meeting that there should be at least two programs in our class. We should report to the monitor after class and give it to the teacher.

After class, some talented people who love to perform enthusiastically signed up. Although I am a member of this large group, I am not interested in such activities. I can't sing and dance, nor do I like to show myself in the crowd. I just want to do my own things quietly. There was no course on the first day of school, and the whole morning was spent in class meeting.

Finally, after lunch break and class meeting, I quickly ran to the canteen. After waiting for such a long time, I finally looked forward to the opening of the canteen. Every dish here tasted so delicious. After a meal, I found a seat and sat down.

In the middle of the meal, I was surprised to find that Han Boyang had come to the canteen. It was Lin Shihan who came with him! I was sitting in the most prominent position. It happened that Han Boyang saw my look up. He gave me a smile. His smile was very charming for the girl, but it was so terrible for me. Touch his eyes that moment, I quickly under the head, praying that he must not be looking at me!

The appearance of Han Boyang and Lin Shihan made the canteen lively. They are the school flowers and grass recognized by the whole school. In the eyes of outsiders, they are a match made by nature, but there is no news that they are together. They are still chasing after Lin Shihan and Han Boyang.The two of them had a meal, found a seat by the window and sat down. During this period, Han Boyang went by me, patted me on the shoulder, and gently said in my ear, "Suluo, winter vacation should be very happy!"

With that, he left. Every word he said to me has a profound meaning. Often behind every sentence, it means that danger has come

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