At the beginning of the school, the class meeting in the morning ended, and the time in the afternoon also passed in a hurry. After dinner, all the students of the school rushed to the auditorium. The party was held at six o'clock. The auditorium, which had been silent for a long time, was unprecedentedly lively tonight. Watching all kinds of performances of the students on the stage, everyone was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere.

And I, obviously, have no interest in these things. I just hide in the library and read books silently to pass the time. I am lonely and addicted. I don't like to stay in a crowded place, especially this extremely busy occasion tonight, which will make me even more disgusted.

However, when I heard from his population that Lin Shihan would also perform on stage, I would still care. I thought that as long as I could watch her in silence, I would be satisfied. Finally, I followed my heart and went to the party. I hid in a small dark corner, staring at the stage, looking forward to the appearance of Lin Shihan.

In order to have a look at Lin Shihan, I stood in the dark corner and waited hard for more than an hour. During this period, I watched more than ten boring programs, and finally I waited for her appearance.

As soon as Lin Shihan appeared on the stage, I was immediately dumbfounded. Under the flashing light, she was really beautiful. She wore a pure white off the shoulder long skirt. The beautiful collarbone was looming. The material of the skirt was as white as transparent, reflecting slightly, just like the wings of an angel. Her beautiful legs as white as jade set off her tall figure. The neckline of the skirt is relatively low, and her chest is like a shy flower waiting to be released. She is always ready to bloom, which is extremely tempting.

What makes me even more surprised is that Lin Shihan made up tonight. This is the first time I saw her make-up. However, after making up, she was so beautiful that I suffocated. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I felt like my soul had been sucked away by her. Not only me, but all the male compatriots in the audience were staring at the stage with eyes open and mouth open, just like taking ecstasy.

Although Lin Shihan wears such a grand dress, in fact, her performance is very simple. She sings a song, a simple love song, and sings alone, even without a dance partner.

She was so charming and quiet on the stage. When she sang, her eyes were red. Although I was not proficient in music, I could feel that the song was very sad and inexplicably sad. Hiding in the corner, I couldn't help crying.

With the end of her last note, the thunderous applause from the audience immediately rang out. Lin Shihan on the stage bowed deeply to all the people present and left the stage.

At this time, I saw that Han Boyang, dressed up and holding a bunch of red roses in his hand, jumped onto the stage. Under the gaze of countless eyes in the audience, he knelt down gracefully and handed the flowers to Lin Shihan. I don't know when he had an extra microphone in his hand and called out to Lin Shihan: "Shihan, be my girlfriend!"

Lin Shihan was caught off guard by his move. Before Lin Shihan could reply, all the people present were cheering and saying, "promise him! Promise him!... "

After the hall calmed down, Lin Shihan took the flowers directly to Han Boyang's hand, and Mike replied, "OK, I promise you!" Her voice echoed from the auditorium again.

At this moment, all the audience could not help standing up, warmly applauded, cheered heartily, cheered for them and blessed them, and I, like this, drowned in the warm cheers.

I always like Lin Shihan in my heart, but I know that it's impossible for us. I know what I look like. By comparison, she is like a white swan, and I am just a toad in the stinking pool. My love for her can only be deeply buried in my heart.

Now it seems that maybe I should really bless her and wish her to find a happiness that really belongs to her. Maybe only Han Boyang can give her enough sense of security and happiness.

Although I didn't trust Han Boyang in the past, but watching him dare to speak up to Lin Shihan on such an occasion tonight and in front of the whole school leaders, what can I worry about? No matter what kind of person Han Boyang is, at least, he likes Lin Shihan, and he never gives up his refusal to her. I should also wish them both from the bottom of my heart.

The next picture, I dare not look down, so I turned around, dragging some numb legs, quietly left here, quietly disappeared in the dark.

Out of the auditorium, I did not go back to the dormitory, but came to the school riverside, sitting on the chair, in my heart constantly tangled, this is where I will come as long as I have sad things.

And I, is very bitter heartache, although I know that Lin Shihan she does not belong to me, but always feel that their only most precious things have been robbed, but unable to recapture the general.

A cold wind blowing, I can't help but shiver, which brought me back from my illusion. Originally, all the troubles, all the heartache, but my single Acacia.

The news that Han Boyang and Lin Shihan fell in love with each other in the next few days was the headlines of the school, as if to tell Lin Shihan that the flower had already been owned, indicating that no idle people would disturb Lin Shihan. When the master of the flower is also Han Boyang, those who like Han Boyang are also disappointed.In fact, I also understand that Lin Shihan and Han Boyang are indeed matched. Although Han Boyang played tricks in the pursuit of Lin Shihan, as long as he loves Lin Shihan, the others are secondary. After all, only a strong man can give Lin Shihan a sense of security.

In the days after that, I lived a more lonely life. My heart always seemed to be hollowed out, and there was only a body left. Sometimes I could not help feeling sad when I saw Han Boyang and Lin Shihan in pairs. I hate, hate God's unfairness, hate God even give me the chance to love.

However, the only gratifying thing is that Han Boyang never bothered me again. Although my life is lonely, it is peaceful. With the dilution of time, I began to accept the fact that Han Boyang and Lin Shihan were in contact with each other, and tried to yearn for a new life in the future. Maybe, I just look up to Lin Shihan.

It has been more than half a month since the beginning of school. I have been very peaceful in school. Since Zhang Qian disappeared, Liu Boyang has not been bothering me. Han Boyang, who is in love with Lin Shihan, has no time to drag me. Only Ma Qiang has been in school for so long that I can't even see his shadow. Does he stop reading? I guess in my heart.

Ma Qiang and Liu Boyang's cronies are also quiet in school. They do their own things silently every day. They lose the hustle and bustle of the past. In the past winter vacation, they seem to have changed themselves. I pray in my heart that this kind of life will last until I graduate from university.

There was no class this afternoon. I was lying in my bedroom reading a book. When I was concentrating, the phone rang. On weekdays, uncle Yang would call me. You don't have to guess. It's uncle Yang who is willing to give it to you.

I didn't even see the phone display, so I picked it up and said quickly, "Uncle Yang, you..."

Before I finished speaking, the voice on the other side of the phone interrupted me instantly. I only heard a familiar and kind voice. The person who called me was not uncle Yang, but Shen Yue

Shen Yue with a trace of anger said: "Suluo, you call me uncle Yang, do I and your uncle Yang very much?"

She seemed to be a little angry. I quickly explained to Shen Yue on the other side of the phone: "well, Shen Yue, listen to my explanation. On weekdays, only uncle Yang will call me. I thought it was this time, so I picked it up without looking at it. I admit that I was wrong. Please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Shen Yue laughed and said, "well, Suluo, I'm joking with you. Don't say that. Do you have time in the afternoon? Go out for a walk

I didn't seem to be wrong. Shen Yue asked me out on her own initiative. I quickly replied, "I don't have anything to do in the afternoon. You can decide the time and place."

Now although I have time, I can go at any time, even if I don't have time, I will go to the appointment because she is Shen Yue!

After listening to me, Shen Yue said, "I'll send you the time and address now. Then I'll hang up first and see you later."

After hanging up the phone, I immediately jumped out of bed, changed my clothes from inside to outside, washed myself again, and set out according to the address she gave me.

The place she gave me was on the third commercial street near the school. She said that this street is the middle of our two schools. Starting from the school, she will arrive here at about the same time.

In order to prevent her from waiting for me, I trotted all the way on the way. It was 15 minutes, but I ran in eight minutes. The appointed place was a milk tea shop on the street. After I entered the house, I found a conspicuous position and sat down, slowly waiting for Shen Yue's arrival.

When I entered the room, I saw Shen Yue open the door and came in. Fortunately, I made the right decision and didn't ask a girl to wait for me. I waved to Shen Yue. After seeing me, Shen Yue came to my position.

I was surprised to find that Shen Yue standing in front of me has changed from the last time. Her beauty is still so simple, but I still feel that she has changed, at least compared with the last accidental encounter. Although she gave me the feeling of the original Shen Yue, but I saw her still have a strange feeling, this feeling can not be said in language.

The two of us ordered a cup of milk tea, and began to chat.

I took the lead and said, "I'll listen to you wherever we go."

Shen Yue said: "it's a bit cold outside. I don't want to go. We haven't met for such a long time. It's better to sit here and reminisce about the past."

I thought to myself, anyway, I didn't want to go there. It was a good way to do it. It was completely in line with my wish. After that, we talked about Silas. I didn't ask her why she left at that time. We didn't mention this question.

There is a secret in everyone's heart. Maybe her change has something to do with her leaving without saying goodbye

Message: from the beginning of the thirty chapters, the story will usher in a turning point, I hope you can support more!

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