I sat with her, chatting and laughing, looking at her smiling face, my heart was also full of joy, I like her, but I dare not say, I'm afraid that the friendship I finally found will be broken because of my recklessness. Now I just want to maintain this hard won friendship.

I feel inferior in my heart. I know clearly that I am nothing now. I have no ability to protect her. As a waste that can only be slaughtered by others like me, I don't even have the qualification to love. I don't want to involve her in this tragic torrent because of my reasons.

However, the happy time is always short. We stayed in the milk tea shop for less than half an hour. Shen Yue's phone suddenly remembered that she took out the phone, looked at the number, told me to go out and pick it up. I nodded and motioned to wait for her to come back.

A few minutes later, Shen Yue came back, but her face was quite different from that just now. Could something have happened, but I really don't want to ask.

I can only pretend that nothing can be seen, see her back to sit down, I opened his mouth and said: "I'll treat you to dinner later!"

Shen Yue replied faintly: "Su Luo, thank you for your kindness, but I may have to leave early. I have something to solve."

Know that she has something, I'm not good to go to detain, with regret said: "well, you have something to do first, wait for time together!"

Seeing me saying this, Shen Yue was relieved and said with a little embarrassment: "Suluo, I'm really sorry for inviting you to dinner next time when I have time."

So, Shen Yue left the milk tea shop in a hurry, leaving me alone, looking at her far away back, my heart is still some lost, I miss the time with her.

Shen Yue I now in addition to know where she went to school, other things I really have nothing to ask, in my heart she will always be the first Shen Yue I know!

Everything I had planned in my heart was also given up because Shen Yue left. I didn't leave the milk tea shop. I didn't know where I could go. I sat here alone and spent the afternoon leisurely.

A person walking in the street, in passing a path, I vaguely heard behind as if someone called my name again, turn back. I don't even have a personal picture. At first, I thought it was my own auditory hallucination, and I didn't pay attention to it. But with each step of my progress, the voice behind me became more and more loud. I stood and looked around and there was no one around.

When I was ready to move forward again, I did not know where to fly out of a person, directly kicked me out, I was shocked by the unexpected disaster, lying on the ground did not get up.

Standing in front of me was a tall, fat man. I felt innocent. I didn't know when I had offended him. I said, "who are you? Why are you kicking me?"

I don't even know the tall figure of Su Luo

On the three words of "old friend", he specially accentuated his accent. He was so familiar with his voice, but for a moment I could not remember anything. In my impression, I felt that I knew him, but I didn't know him. My mind was constantly flipping through the memory of the man in front of him.

His kick hurt me a lot. After a while, I finally got up from the ground. I was very surprised by what he said to me. I asked again, "who are you and what do you want to do?"

Hearing my words, the figure in front of me gradually turned around and echoed: "ah, it's really a lot of people forget things!"

See his appearance, I finally know who he is, his voice is still so boring me, but a winter vacation Kung Fu, he has become such a shape, he was originally a big figure, and now the appearance is more tall, no wonder I can not recognize, this is not my nightmare "Ma Qiang" last semester!

Originally, I was still very angry. After seeing him, my anger immediately dissipated. I patted the dust on my body, then turned around and left. I didn't want to have too much entanglement with him. I didn't owe him anything, nor did I want to say anything to him. I just hate him.

Seeing that I didn't pay attention to him, Ma Qiang opened his mouth to my back and said, "Suluo, the girl who drinks milk tea with you is very beautiful."

I drink milk tea with the girl. How could he know that when I was in the milk tea shop, except for me, the rest of the store were girls. I never saw Ma Qiang's figure there. His words made me feel very puzzled.

When I heard him say this, I stood up at once, pretending I didn't know anything, and replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first. "

Seeing that I didn't admit it, Ma Qiang's voice rang out again: "Suluo, I heard that the girl was in the normal university next door. I don't know if it's true?"

What's the situation? Ma Qiang, who hasn't appeared for so long, gave me such a big bomb as soon as he came on the stage. His speed is really fast. I was only with Shen Yue in the afternoon. Now he knows which school Shen Yue is in.Lin Shihan has Han Boyang who can protect her, but Shen Yue has nothing. I know that Shen Yue's family is very poor, only she and her mother. She doesn't have a powerful brother like Lin Shihan. No, I can't let her stare at Shen Yue.

I still firmly refused to admit it, firmly said to Ma Qiang: "I really don't understand what you are talking about. If you have anything, as long as I can do it, I will help you!"

I thought that as long as I said that, he would change the topic, but after hearing what he said next, I knew that I was wrong. I was so wrong that I even bumped myself into the wall.

Listen to me say this, Ma Qiang smile, smile is so happy, said: "you say so is really good, I have been waiting for you this sentence, Suluo, as long as you help me to do this, we will still be brothers."

Naive, I thought he really changed the topic, light reply: "brother Qiang, what's the matter, you say it!"

Seeing my promise, Ma Qiang rubbed his hands and said with embarrassment in his tone: "Suluo, brother, please help me to make an appointment with the girl who drinks milk tea with you. My brother doesn't mean anything else. He just wants to make friends with her."

Why, how? This sentence seems to have been heard somewhere. This scene seems to be familiar with each other. After careful consideration, isn't this exactly what he forced me to ask for Lin Shihan. I heard it again today, but the same words were said in the same tone. The only change was that Lin Shihan became Shen Yue.

I quickly replied, "brother Qiang, I'm just alone in the milk tea shop. You know, no girl wants to stay with me. I think you're wrong."

Seeing that I didn't tell the truth, Ma Qiang was also a little impatient, walked into me, grabbed my collar and said, "Suluo, I take you as a person now, just talk with you calmly and warn you not to make me anxious."

I was a little scared to see him like this. Ma Qiang was so angry that he couldn't hold back ten cattle. Besides, he didn't have a valet around him today. If I really provoked him, and there was no one around me, I would be miserable.

However, knowing that Ma Qiang is such a lecherous person, I can't push Shen Yue into the fire pit. What's more, Shen Yue is not like Lin Shihan. I know that Lin Shihan is a person I can never reach. In my heart, she is just my secret love object.

However, Shen Yue is not the same. She is the object I really like. For her, I only need to make a confession. No matter whether it is successful or not, we will always be the best friends. I want to protect her while not offending Ma Qiang. What can I do!

I cry in my heart, why does God always like to play such a joke with me? Every time I offend Ma Qiang, it's because of my favorite girl, and it's just me who's unlucky forever.

I want to tell a lie, but I was just because Lin Shihan lied to Ma Qiang. He would not believe me this time because he told a lie. So I chose not to lie this time.

I summoned up courage to Ma Qiang and said: "yes, yes, I know that girl. I just don't help you. What can you do to me?"

My voice came to Ma Qiang's ears. He was very surprised at my answer. How could he have thought that I should have said this.

As for my answer, he not only did not get angry, but also laughed, and said to me after the smile: "good, you Suluo, I haven't seen you for a holiday. You're so good at talking to me in this tone. I had already started before, but now I don't want to beat you. Don't you love to be a hero, then I will satisfy you. Ha ha

In his words, I understand the deep meaning of his words. It seems that he is going to play Yin again. I secretly vowed that as long as he dares to move a hair of Shen Yue, I will ask him to pay the price. Even if I can't beat him, I will fight for my life.

"How do you know that I am with a girl?" I asked Ma Qiang

At the moment, Ma Qiang is very patient to answer for me. It turns out that everything is caused by the milk tea shop. I have neglected a detail. The only male waiter in the milk tea shop has been ignored by me. I always feel that he is very familiar. How can I expect that he is a member of Ma Qiang's class and Shen Yue secretly tells Ma Qiang about the details of me and Shen Yue together That's what happened.

I exclaimed, "sure enough, villains are hard to defend!"

After that, I left on my own. Since Ma Qiang meant to be negative to Shen Yuelai, I had to make a good plan to protect her. I could take any crime, but I firmly could not let Shen Yue, my favorite person, be hurt

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