I was careful and cautious. At last, Shen Yue walked into my circle, which I never expected. The last time, it was because of me that Ma Qiang failed to succeed in his plot against Lin Shihan, which made him hate me and transferred Han Boyang's hatred to me. But this time, I must enter. I will try my best to protect Shen Yue.

In order to protect Shen Yue, I asked her about her life pattern for a week. However, she still had doubts about me, but I had to hide it. She would go to work every weekend and stay at school the rest of the time. Fortunately, she lives in the school, otherwise it would be difficult. I believe Ma Qiang is bold, and he dare not openly make it in the school Things that go too far.

I will call Shen Yue every night to inquire what happened in the day. At the same time, I also secretly pay attention to Ma Qiang's movement in school. It is strange to say that he lost his arrogance and would attend class in class every day. His attitude has changed so much that I can't accept it. But I'm sure that he is planning something Yes.

Day by day, Shen Yue's life is very safe. Can't Ma Qiang forget what he said? This conjecture was denied by me directly. I don't believe it. I always understand that a dog can't change his eating excrement, let alone him.

Every day's life makes me live a very comfortable life. This is the university life I have been looking forward to. Most of my spare time I stay in the school library and let myself roam in the sea of books all the time. There is no class this afternoon. I came to the library as usual.

When I came to the library, I found a remote corner and sat down. I was looking down at a book with my head down. A familiar voice came from my ear, as if calling my name. Looking along the sound, it was Lin Shihan who called me!

My body suddenly trembled, the book in my hand fell to the ground, and the whole person immediately froze!

Today, as usual, she is still dressed in white. Like a fairy who came out of fairyland, Lin Shihan also appeared in the library. Seeing her, my heart couldn't help jumping. I didn't dare to touch her eyes and lowered my head in a hurry.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Lin Shihan still stood in front of me. It seemed that she had been staring at me for a long time before she opened her mouth and said, "Suluo, there is a question I've always wanted to ask you. I really can't think of it. How can you become like this? In the past, you have always been a person, not to deal with other people, not to get together with rogue students, but now, you not only with a group of bad students, but also do so mean things to me, why? "

Even if I didn't touch her eyes, I could guess how disappointed Lin Shihan was to me. But I still lowered my head and whispered, "I was this kind of person, but you didn't find it before."

I know that this is a good opportunity to explain, which can completely eliminate Lin Shihan's misunderstanding of me, but I'm too lazy to answer. I don't want to get close to her because of her forgiveness.

However, after listening to my reply, Lin Shihan didn't give up. He continued to ask me, "Suluo, do you know? In high school, because of your isolation, I have been paying close attention to you. Your study has always been the top few in the whole grade. With your grades, you can be admitted to a famous university. Even if you don't listen carefully, how can you go to a key university with your learning skills? Are you intentional in coming to this third rate University

Listening to Lin Shihan's natural voice, I can't help but reply with self mockery: "I think you misunderstood me. I'm not as powerful as you think. I'm not what kind of reading material. I don't play well in the exam, so I can't help but get into such a junk University!"

After that, I did not wait for Lin Shihan to open his mouth again. I raised my head directly, looked at her, and firmly said, "I'm sorry, I still have something to do. I'm going to leave first."

My voice is full of indifference to her, because of Han Boyang's relationship, I don't want to have too much contact with her, I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I will fall.

Lin Shihan's voice is always so sweet. When she saw me leaving, she said, "Suluo, don't you want to explain something to me when you see me?"

After hearing her question, I know that she is still worried about what happened in the back mountain before. I always remember Han Boyang's warning. I don't want to have any contact with her, even if I say a word.

I weakly said: "what can be explained, everything is what you imagine, now I am such a person."

After that, I got up and left. Hearing my words, I noticed that Lin Shihan was a little surprised, and her face was still some incredible. Then her face suddenly changed.

Very angry very angry said: "Suluo, really did not expect you to become like this, in vain I still take you as my example to learn!"

When I heard her say this, my step stopped in an instant. What does she mean by this? I am her model. Isn't this a joke? Is she insulting me in disguise.

I said to her naturally: "ha ha, your example? Then I really thank you here. Since you worship me so much, it's your business, it's none of my business! "

Hearing this, Lin Shihan was obviously a little excited and said with a slight cry: "Suluo, you know, I forgive you even if you don't explain to me. I know you are not that kind of person. What I want is just your own explanation to me. It seems that there is no need for that. Now you are a despicable and vulgar person... "I turned my back to her, and a sneer appeared in the corner of my mouth. I don't want to say anything more. She is the disaster star in my life. As long as she appears in the place where I am, I will certainly have a bad luck. Far away from her is the only thing I can do now.

Immediately, I strode to the door directly, without paying attention to Lin Shihan's feelings. While walking, I said freely: "Lin Shihan, don't worry. I've learned a lesson and won't disturb you in the future." With that, I quickened my pace.

I left like this. When I just walked out a few steps, Lin Shihan's phone rang, and I found a corner to hide. I was afraid that the person who called her was Han Boyang. If he knew that I made Lin Shihan cry, my bad luck would come. I was very nervous. I was gambling. I hope I can win this time!

She sorted out her emotions and picked up the phone. Despite this, Lin Shihan still had a choking voice. Maybe someone on the other side of the phone asked her what was wrong with her, but she said, "I'm ok. I'm really OK. Just wait for me at ease. I'll be there in a moment."

Maybe I was worried about it. The person who called her was really not Han Boyang, so I could leave with ease. After that, I left the library. As soon as I walked out of the library gate, I found Han Bo and Yang Ying coming towards me. I had a hunch that something was wrong.

Without saying a word, he pulled me back and went up to the second floor. I went back to the position I had just been in. Looking at Lin Shihan sitting next to her, her mood was very low because of the reason just now.

Han Boyang said in a questioning tone: "Suluo, I called Shihan just now. I heard her cry. I asked her what happened, but she didn't say anything. However, since you are in the library, you should know what happened In his words, it was obvious that I made Lin Shihan cry. In spite of this, I pretended not to know and said, "brother Yang, I don't know what's going on!"

Seeing my answer, Han Boyang said, "Oh, yeah, you know my temper. I absolutely can't allow anyone to bully Shihan. If I catch that person, I'll ask him to pay the price."

I know his means. If he knew it was because of me, then my consequences would be really tragic.

At this time, lost in the side of Lin Shihan, interposed: "you don't embarrass Suluo, it has nothing to do with him."

It doesn't matter what she says, but Han Boyang's look at me is wrong. Once upon a time, Gao Leng, who does not care about the affairs of the world, helped to say good words. He also knew that Lin Shihan hated me because of the last incident, and suddenly said a word for me, and I knew I was finished.

At the beginning, Han Boyang thought it was me, and then Lin Shihan put in a sentence. Now he is more sure that it is me.

Han Boyang said with a overcast face, "it's none of your business, you go!"

In his words, I felt the chilling cold. In Han Boyang's heart, Lin Shihan was his scale. I accidentally touched him. I knew that Han Boyang's thunder would soon come, and my stable life was really over.

His words let me get free. I turned around and ran away. I really didn't want to stay with Han Boyang for another second. The danger he brought to me often caught me off guard.

Out of the door of the library, I breathe the fresh air outside, Han Boyang's momentum is real pressure, I can't breathe, often only the brain is the most terrible.

Although I know that I am about to usher in the storm of Han Boyang, I have only one idea that I can be comfortable for a while. Anyway, I have been used to such things for a long time.

Out of the library, I really don't know where to go. Today is not a weekend. I can't find Shen Yue, and I just have to sleep when I go back to my bedroom. But now I don't have the energy to go to sleep. I just want to find something to do to disperse my tense nerves.

Out of the school, an Internet cafe on the street attracted my attention. I remember that it was a restaurant before, but it turned into an Internet cafe after a few days' absence. At the door, there was a notice for trial operation. Anyway, it was boring. I went in and tried to find pleasure in the Internet.

I spent the afternoon leisurely in the Internet bar. The night was already deep. When the door of my bedroom was closing, I came out of the Internet bar and prepared to go back to school

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