My peaceful life goes on as usual. Every day, I constantly revolve around the classroom, library, canteen and dormitory. It's strange that Han Boyang, who has always had revenge and can't hold a grain of sand in his eyes, has never bothered me for the first time.

Worried, I also put down my nervous tension. Maybe because of Lin Shihan, Han Boyang didn't retaliate against me. Maybe it was a small person like me. He didn't pay attention to him.

At this time, I don't know how naive my thoughts are. I have no idea that behind the calm surface, there is a storm that you can't stop.

This evening, I longed for the same appearance from the library. As soon as I got back to the downstairs of my bedroom, I felt something strange. Today, the building was obviously more lively than usual. I walked in quickly. When I got to the floor where I lived, I saw that the long corridor was full of people. My arrival, so that people standing on the road have looked at me, they look at me in the eyes, are full of strange eyes.

After these people saw me, they all unconsciously gave up a way. I broke through the crowd and came to the bedroom door where I lived.

Standing at the door of my bedroom, I can see that this small bedroom is full of people. There are teachers on duty in the dormitory and security personnel in the school. They look like they are waiting for me all the time!

As a helpless person like me, I will feel very sensitive to anything. Once there is something wrong, the whole person will be scared, for fear that something bad will happen to me. And tonight, obviously, it is not just a simple thing. I feel like there is a storm coming, and a bad premonition arises My heart was in my throat and I was in a cold sweat.

I slightly lowered my head and went into the bedroom. As soon as I came in, I noticed that my cabinet was opened. This feeling was like that my pants were lying down in public. I immediately felt that there was a fire in my heart. It was definitely the gang inside who searched my cabinet. They violated my privacy, even if I was a person If you don't want to be seen, you should at least have your own privacy!

So, I don't care what they want to do here. I yell at the people standing here and ask, "who opened my cupboard?"

I was angry, but none of them came forward to answer me. They looked at me with disdain in their eyes. At this time, one of the security personnel in the system stood up, pointed to the wardrobe, and said in a sharp voice, "come here, come and have a look yourself!"

When I heard what he said, my bad premonition became stronger. I walked over with a little trepidation, turned my head and looked into my cupboard. It didn't matter. My whole soul suddenly came out of shell.

In addition to my underwear, I have not been locked in my underwear cabinet. What's more, I haven't seen the key to my underwear!

I was confused, and my roommates standing next to me were talking about his wallet and mobile phone. The security personnel on the other side of me suddenly handed me a student ID card and asked if it was mine. I touched my chest conditionally, then looked at the student ID on the hand of the security officer, and then nodded mechanically.

I haven't reflected what happened, so I was taken out of the dormitory by the security personnel. This time, some people outside the dormitory not only cast a strange look at me, but also whispered, "how can I live in the same place with a pervert."

They took me directly to the security room. After entering, I finally knew why I became a pervert in his population. It turns out that this evening, in the most remote campus of a teaching building, a major event happened.

The teaching building is the most close to the school, with open space beside it and woods behind it. It is a holy land for self-study. Many people go there for self-study every day, and this evening is no exception. And the incident happened in the female toilet on the first floor of the teaching building.

This kind of toilet is relatively simple to set up. Push the door in from the outside. On the left is a row of cubicles, and on the right is a pool with faucets. Opposite the door is a wall. There is a window not too high on the wall, and the outside of the window is bush.

At that time, there was only one girl in the toilet. She was taking a large size in one of the compartments. At this time, another girl was pushing the door from the outside corridor to enter the toilet. However, the moment she pushed the door, the girl opened the door and saw that a man was squatting and looking inside from the gap under the door of the cubicle. This girl was going to go to the toilet He was scared and screamed.

The attentive voyeur was watching. Hearing the scream, he jumped out of the window and ran away at the first time. When other people in the teaching building heard the news, he had already escaped without a trace.

The voyeur was wrapped up tightly. The girl didn't see his face, but saw his back when he ran to the window account. She only saw that the voyeur was a short man, and the most important thing was that he fell out of his body when he jumped out of the window. This thing is my student ID!As soon as I received the report, the security personnel took my student ID card and came to my bedroom for investigation. Through understanding that my figure was in line with the girl's words, my roommate also took this opportunity to tell them about his lost wallet and mobile phone two days ago. I knew that they had lost everything in the morning, but I didn't catch the thief, although my roommate suspected it was the same The dormitory did it, but because there was no direct evidence, he could not say it clearly.

However, this time, all the people in the security department came to my bedroom. Several other roommates immediately explained that it was not their fault. They were willing to open the cabinet to cooperate with the inspection. Of course, they cleaned it up, and the last thing left was me, a self righteous and worldly person.

Combined with a few bad events in recent days, coupled with the fact that I, the suspect, did not show up tonight, the security personnel simply searched my cabinet without my consent. I was surprised by the contents, but more in line with this series of events. I became a complete pervert Thieving maniac.

In the face of these evidences, I couldn't argue. The security personnel gave me a reasonable opportunity to explain. As long as I said who I was with tonight and let this person testify for me that I didn't go to the toilet to peep, they let me go.

Came to this school, I did not make a friend, but accidentally offended a lot of people, I do not know why all people are far away from me, hate me. Finding someone to prove that I didn't peep is bullshit to me.

After calming down my emotions, I suddenly thought that I had been surfing the Internet in the Internet bar all the time in the evening. There were my online records and surveillance videos recording my appearance, so I could testify to myself.

I said this reason, and they took me to the Internet cafe immediately to investigate, but the result was even more shocking to me. The boss said that the surveillance video was broken, and there was no name in the online record. The network manager who opened the machine for me also insisted that he had never seen me.

At this point, even if I am stupid, I will understand that this is a well planned plot. It is a frame up of red fruits. The person who can do such a shady thing and can implement the plan perfectly, except Han Boyang, I really can't think of anyone else. He is the only one with this strength.

He actually made such a big battle for Lin Shihan. He was indeed a person who must report his revenge. This lesson not only made me fear him in my heart, but also made me taboo him from the bottom of my soul. His storm was really unstoppable.

Even the only evidence has been wiped out. Now I can't explain it any more. I said that the things in the cabinet were put in by others, and ghosts would not believe it. I said I was not a person to do such a thing, but people who knew me denied me.

In their eyes, they all thought that I was trying to please Ma Qiang, and asked Lin Shihan to bully him in the back mountain. In their eyes, I was a person who sold his dignity for the sake of profit. Now such a thing happens again, and no one will believe me. Now I can't wash my grievances even if I jump into the Yellow River.

I thought that what happened in the afternoon would be over. Lin Shihan also said that if it wasn't for me, I would get my own stable life. But in the end, my naive idea was wrong. I really shouldn't be so confident.

In the face of solid evidence, no one believed me and was willing to stand up and prove that I was not a pervert or a thief. In the end, no one stood by my side and said a word for me. I can only bear all the grievances. In the face of such a thing, I know that I can't fight Han Boyang. Without this, I gave up sophistry and silently accepted all this.

The school attaches great importance to this kind of abnormal behavior which seriously affects the reputation. Most people suggest that I should be expelled and a clean school should be returned. Some people feel that I am innocent, but the language remains silent.

Later, the old headmaster, who had not spoken for a long time, said it was not easy to see me go to school alone, so he gave me another chance. Finally, the school decided to record a major demerit for me, stay in the school and criticize me.

Fortunately, I was left, or I was expelled because of this. I really don't know how to explain to Uncle Yang. It's not good for uncle yang to know such a disgraceful thing. Here, I still thank the old headmaster.

However, from this day on, I also became a celebrity in this school. Everyone knew that I was a pervert voyeur. My name and my deeds spread all over the school. Even in the school forum and post bar, it is all about my topic

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