That is, from then on, any strange things in the school, they will think of me at the first time, and I have become a street mouse in people's mouth, living with a different vision every day.

I want to complain, but there is no way. I want to explain, but no one believes me. In the absence of evidence, even if I have a hundred mouths, I can't say that I don't know my grievance. I want to find evidence to return my innocence. But a person's strength is so weak that no loopholes can be found. Han Boyang's performance is so seamless.

In school, when I went to every place where there were people, I would be criticized by others. The disdainful and disdainful eyes could be shot through my weak body. Sometimes I accidentally touched the eyes of girls, in exchange for their scolding: "look at your paralysis, go home to see your mother..." After that, I even have no courage to look up, no matter what I do, I can't help but lower my head.

Not only students look down on me, but even the canteen staff scold me when they see me. They also give me less food. I can't eat enough and sleep. I often wake up in nightmares. Every day, I bear the scorn and curse voice. Almost all the girls in the school hate me to the extreme. They say that they have never seen such a disgusting person to me How to continue to have the face to stay in this campus and so on.

I really want to leave here and leave this hellish campus. Here, I can't see a ray of light and feel a little human touch. Even the monitor who stood up for me before and asked me to call it my sister's counselor kept me at a distance.

I am very painful and aggrieved, I want to talk to others about my heart, but in this strange city, I have no friends, no relatives, no object to talk to, no matter how deep the pain can only be held in the stomach, so it's really hard, I really can't hold back!

However, I can't leave so disheartened, which will only make people who know me look down on me even more. Since God has given me the opportunity to stay, then I will mix a personal style, and I will let those who once looked down on me look at me with a new look.

Even if I comfort myself in my heart, but the reality of everything is still pressure, I can't breathe, I'm so tired, really tired, every step, walking is so hard, every minute and every second, is so hard, I'm such a beautiful young age, why can't I enjoy the good time of university like normal people, why should I carry that every day Cruel and scornful.

I'm not so strong. Now I'm just a child. I really have no ability to bear humiliation. After four years here, my bones are crushed. I can't stand it. I really want to go. I want to leave this place full of nightmares.

The sky was overcast, and finally I decided to leave. There were a few change clothes in my backpack. I planned to give up the rest. Looking at those things, I would come to the past. Now I don't plan to go home. I don't know where I'm going. I just want to leave the city that makes me full of nightmares.

I carry a schoolbag on my back, in other people's scorn eyes, lonely out of the school. Standing at the gate of the campus, I stare at the gate of the University for a long time. In my heart, I still have to give up, but there is no one to send me off. In my heart, I am still looking forward to her appearance.

I stood at the door reluctant to leave, in my heart or hope, because of her accident "Lin Shihan.". Can come out to see me, I really want to explain to her what happened, but I still did not have this opportunity, until night fell, she still did not appear.

For Han Boyang, I really hate him from the bottom of my heart, but I know how much I weigh. I can't fight him in any way. If I fight with him, it's an egg against a stone, and in the end, it will only break myself. Now I'm really tired, and my stay will only bring him more miserable torture. Only escape is my only choice.

With the night coming to this land completely, I have been waiting for her not to appear. My last expectation also disappeared with the sun's setting. It seems that her hatred for me has been thoroughly thorough. I'm waiting, and I'm just wasting time, turning around and walking into the endless darkness.

The gloomy sky has been completely covered with darkness. Every step I take is very difficult. My body is walking on the street like a walking corpse. I don't know where I should go next. They all say that the moon and stars can be the road for people who have lost their way. However, there are only dark clouds in the sky tonight. Why does God always feel sorry for me? I am in my heart He kept shouting.

Walking in the street aimlessly, I came to Shen Yue's school unconsciously. It may be the guide of my heart. Let me see her again before I leave. Our school is not too far away. I don't know if my glorious deeds have been spread here. I'm still a little nervous.

I really can't imagine, if Shen Yue knew what she would think of me in the future, she came to her bedroom downstairs and looked up. She lived on the floor with the light on and looked at the time. Now she should be in the bedroom, took out her mobile phone and wanted to call her, but she didn't dare. After a while, I still gave up the idea. I was afraid that I would lose the decision to go again when I saw her Heart.Standing in her bedroom for a while, I turned to leave, fate is always inadvertently close to you. When I just walked out of the gate of this school, Shen Yue's voice suddenly came from behind me. She said to me sternly, "sulo, stop for me!"

Hearing this voice, I stopped my steps and turned my back to Shen Yue. I deliberately pressed my voice and gave out a hoarse tone, saying, "girl, I think you are the wrong person."

Shen Yueguo is really smart. She read my heart at a glance, and her voice rang out again: "don't lie to me. I know you are Suluo. Your story has spread in my school, but I believe you will never do such a thing. Do you want to leave here?"

Sure enough, good things are not famous, bad things spread thousands of miles, her words, let me in the confusion rekindled hope, finally, someone will believe me, but what is the use of a person to believe me, in the absence of evidence, all the language explanation is void.

I still pretended to be not myself and replied, "girl, you are really wrong. I am not the person you said." So I quickened my pace and chose to leave.

Shen Yue, who was behind me, didn't give up. She ran to me quickly, lifted my hat on top of my head, and yelled to me, "don't pretend any more. I already knew it was you. Suluo, people live for themselves. Why should they care about other people's opinions? You are a complete coward in my opinion! "

Hearing her words, I suddenly woke up from my dream, she said right, people are living for themselves, why care about other people's views, as long as their own happy life.

I was asked by her speechless, do not know how to answer her words, can only silently pestle in place.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Shen Yue's voice rang out again: "Suluo, do you want to live a life of escape all your life?"

My heart is in a mess, is my life only escape? But what if I don't escape? It's more unrealistic to ask me to fight Han Boyang openly. But every time I meet Shen Yue, my firm heart will change.

I lowered my head and did not dare to touch Shen Yue's eyes. I said softly, "you are right. As long as you believe yourself, I know how to do it."

After listening to her words, my determination to make a change again, from this I also know that, even if people in the world don't believe me, she will believe me. Shen Yue gave me the confidence left behind, and let me pick up the courage to go back to school.

The next day, my figure appeared in the school again. A group of people saw me as if I had entered the zoo, and they all discussed: "this pervert has rolled away, how can he still have the face to come back? If I were I, I would have died..."

All kinds of comments ring in my ears, I seem to have entered the realm of no self, let them how to say, how to scold, I just do my own can.

When I entered the teaching building, Han Boyang and I came face to face. They followed Han Boyang in an orderly manner. When I was about to pass him by, I gave him a way, but instead of leaving directly, he blocked me in the corner.

Facing the arrogant Han Boyang, I really hate him. That hatred has penetrated into my bones and can not be eliminated at all. The trauma he has given me is not only the physical injury, but also the spiritual blow and personality insult. He has made me bear so many curses and dislikes. These nightmares have deeply rooted in my heart and become a lingering shadow.

The people behind him surrounded me. Han Boyang put me around my shoulder and whispered in my ear: "Suluo, actually I thank you very much. Fortunately, you come back again. Otherwise, the game that I just started will end all at once. It's not very disappointing. Ha ha ha."

After that, they left. I was stunned at the same place. I didn't think that what had been finished was actually a game just started in his mouth. Isn't it just that my nightmare has just begun.

I didn't know what kind of things would happen to me in the future, but I had no choice but to guard against it

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