In the days after that, my life was really not peaceful. Every now and then, Han Boyang would insult me with others. Although he didn't go too far as he had done before, he really did not take me as a human being. I was just like monkeys in the zoo, letting them tease and bully me.

Making a fool of myself in front of people has become my daily routine. Now I am like a puppet. Although I have a human body, I have no soul. I don't know what pain is. I live a life of 3:00 a.m. every day.

What Shen Yue and I said is very reasonable, but it is so difficult to achieve. After leaving her sight, the only trace of light disappeared in my fragile soul. My life fell into darkness again, and gradually began to become more inferiority complex and cowardly. I have completely fallen into the depravity.

During this period, Shen Yue also called me and asked me how my recent situation was and whether there was any improvement. I just echoed her questions at will. Later on, I didn't use to answer them. She came to school to find me. I turned a blind eye to her, and then I was not in contact.

I really don't want my favorite woman to see me like this. I don't have any face to see her. I just want to stay away from her and keep her away from my circle. Only in this way can we keep her safe. I don't want to involve more innocent people because of my reasons.

However, things are often not as simple as I imagined, in a sunny afternoon, I was in a dream, was awakened by the ringing of the phone. On weekdays, in addition to Uncle Yang's call, I could not find a second person. I picked up the phone vaguely, and a strange voice came from the other side of the phone: "hello ……”

When I heard this voice, it was not uncle Yang. It was supposed to be a harassment phone call. Before that person finished speaking, I immediately hung up the phone. I was very angry. It was hard to sleep so soundly. I was awakened by the bloody phone call. I kept swearing.

When I was ready to go to bed again, the strange phone call came again and I hung up again without saying a word. In order to prevent being disturbed by the harassing phone, I chose to turn the phone to mute. After I had just silenced, this strange phone called again. I was very impatient to answer the phone. I was about to swear, but was interrupted by the voice on the other end of the phone.

That voice is still so familiar, it sounds so boring, don't want to know, this speaker is Ma Qiang, he calls me is not good, wait, where did he know my phone?

Ma Qiang said to me, "yes, sulo, even I dare to hang up!"

For Ma Qiang, I am not so afraid, I said softly: "say it, find me in the end what matter!"

Ma Qiang at the other end of the phone laughed and said, "since you have said that, I will not beat around the bush. Shen Yue asked me to greet you and see how you have been recently."

My head buzzing, what, she actually mentioned the name of Shen Yue, I instantly from the confused state to wake up, to Ma Qiang excited shouting: "what do you really want to do, I warn you, if you dare to move Shen Yue a hair, I even fight this life, will also make you pay the price, do not believe you can try!"

Hearing this, Ma Qiang's smile was even more bold and unconstrained. After a while, he said to me, "Suluo, I'm so impressed by you that I haven't seen you for a few days. You can say such words in your mouth. Originally, I thought Han Boyang had pasted your clothes. Now it seems that you are quite manly!"

As soon as the voice dropped, his voice rang out again: "OK, Suluo, don't be excited. I have already told you that. I just want to make friends with Shen Yue. That's all."

Ma Qiang really found Shen Yue, but how could I believe his one-sided words? I calmed my emotions and asked him, "what do you want to do, just tell me what you want to do!"

Ma Qiang said: "I just want to tell you that I just had a meal with Shen Yue. I just talked to her about your affairs, but I didn't say anything specifically. I told her what happened after you came to this university. And then he sent her back to school. "

My last trace of dignity in front of Shen Yue was completely destroyed because of Ma Qiang. I had no face to see her again. I swore: "Ma Qiang, I'm CNM!"

Hearing me scold him, Ma Qiang was not angry, but said to me calmly: "I didn't expect that Shen Yue had a good impression on me. He even promised to go to the cinema together on the weekend. Forget to tell you, the movie is in the middle of the night! Ha ha ha

I was more angry after listening to it. I really didn't expect that Shen Yue would agree to his request. The movie in the middle of the night is not obviously his conspiracy. Does Bingyu's smart girl not know!

I was about to start swearing again, but there was a beep on the phone. The phone had already hung up. At the moment, I didn't feel sleepy. No, I want to stop Shen Yue from falling into this conspiracy.

I opened the phone's address book and found Shen Yue's name in it. I immediately dialed it out. After calling it several times, it was still the same. She didn't answer my phone. Maybe she was still angry with me. Then I had to go to school to find her. I told her clearly at that time.After making up my mind, I immediately jumped out of bed and cleaned myself up. Then I went to Shen Yue's school and went to their school. After some inquiry, I found out that Shen Yue was still in class. However, I followed the way told by others to her classroom, and saw that there was no figure of her in it. Since she was not here, I went to the direction of her bedroom.

Standing at the bottom of her bedroom building, I happened to see Shen Yue's roommate come back from the outside, ready to go upstairs, so I asked her to call Shen Yue for me. After a while, this kind-hearted girl came down and told me that Shen Yue was not in her bedroom. I asked her again, "do you know where she is?"

The kind girl replied, "she went to make-up lessons today. I don't know when she will be back."

I expressed my thanks to her. Without saying anything more, the kind girl left. I sat down on the bench downstairs of her dormitory and kept saying, "since I'm not in school, I'll wait here until she comes back!"

Waiting time is often the longest. In the afternoon, I had a hard time going through. Shen Yue still didn't come back. During this period, I tried to call her, but it was still refusing to answer. I couldn't help thinking whether something was wrong.

The bright moonlight is shining in the night sky. The day is over with the rising of the moon. However, Shen Yue still doesn't come back. After a look, it's nearly 8:30. If I don't go back, the bedroom will be locked. I thought that maybe I won't come back tonight. I get up and prepare to leave.

When I went out a few steps, I heard Shen Yue's laughter on the road not far away. Through the dark yellow light on the path, I found that it was ma Qiang who was with him. They were even together. No wonder Shen Yue didn't come back. I found a corner to hide and watch their every move.

Shen Yue and Ma Qiang walked together, chatting and laughing. Watching them make me hide in the corner, they felt inexplicably uncomfortable. They stayed downstairs for a long time. Shen Yuecai slowly went upstairs. Ma Qiang, standing at the door, watched Shen Yue. Until her figure completely disappeared in the corridor, Ma Qiang turned away.

Ma Qiang turned around the moment, the corner of his mouth leakage of obscene smile, this scene was quickly caught by my eyes, sure enough, his plot is going on step by step.

After returning to school, I called Shen Yue again. This time, she finally answered. I quickly said, "Shen Yue, have you been in contact with Ma Qiang recently?"

Shen Yue and I spoke in a very different tone from before. She said to me indifferently, "I am in contact with Ma Qiang. Who are you? Do I need to report to you?"

When she said that, I was really speechless. Compared with the usual she, it was just a heaven and a earth, and lost the tenderness of the past to me. I don't know why Shen Yue was so angry with me. Did I ignore her before? I just don't want her involved in my bad luck. For Shen Yue, I may really owe her one Explanation.

I sorted out what I wanted to say and said, "I just want to tell you that Ma Qiang is not as good as it looks on the surface. He has a conspiracy to contact you. You should not be confused by his appearance."

I thought that my affectionate persuasion would get Shen Yue's understanding of me, but I didn't expect that I was wrong.

Shen Yue's voice is still very cold and said: "finished? If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. Oh, by the way, don't contact me in the future. I really hate you now

As soon as the voice dropped, Shen Yue hung up. When I called her again, I couldn't get through again. I knew she had already put me on the blacklist.

Why, why, now even my only friend, don't know what reason left me. Is it that I'm doomed to have no friend in this life? I'm really not reconciled. What did Ma Qiang do to Shen Yue to make her hate me so much.

When I first came to this city, I thought it would be a new turning point in my life. But I think, from the moment I saved Lin Shihan in the restaurant, my fate has changed. Until today, all I have experienced is because of girls.

Although Shen Yue has made it clear that I am far away from her, the final thing is still up to me. I can't let Ma Qiang's plot succeed. Even if I know Shen Yue hates me, I will save her. This time, I will fight against Ma Qiang like a man

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