The night is half past, I lie quietly on the bed, at the moment I am not sleepy, Shen Yue's words deeply stimulated me, leading to my heart is very chaotic, everything seems to return to the origin, in the end I am still a lonely person.

Since I entered uncle Yang's house, Miaomiao hated me for leaving me. When I came to this city, the two people who considered to be the most important in my life also left me and hated me. Now I finally understand that everything has to do with my ego.

I think that only I bear all the external harm, in order to exchange for their safety, but today, I understand how naive my idea is, I pay in silence behind the scenes, in return for their incomprehension, I was wrong, wrong in a mess.

The next day, in order to prevent Ma Qiang's conspiracy, I chose to follow him secretly. As long as he was there, I would appear behind him. I was so quiet that I didn't dare to make a sound for fear that he would find out my existence.

At noon, I noticed that Ma Qiang, standing in front of me, received two movie tickets from his dogleg's hand. I vaguely remember that Ma Qiang told me a few days ago that he would watch a midnight movie with Shen Yue this weekend. At that time, I thought he was bluffing me. Now it seems that what he said is true.

As expected, he has moved his mind to Shen Yue. If I guess well, he must have done something to Shen Yue at the weekend. I want to stop him and not let Shen Yue get hurt.

The time soon turned to the weekend. The night before last, I prepared a knife, to be exact, a common dagger. Even though I knew that I was not the opponent of Ma Qiang, my heart did not shrink back. I was ready to fight with him. I feel like I am really a man now.

I only know that the time they agreed was in the evening. I really don't know the specific time and place. I watched him all day long. During the day, he slept in his bedroom. At night, he went out of school. He was only himself. He was not with anyone.

in order to meet this appointment, Ma Qiang dressed himself up in a slippery way, and his tall figure was handsome. His perfume was very strong. Even though I was far away from him, he was disgusted with his smoked.

After a long walk, I finally arrived at the cinema they had agreed to. Looking from afar, Shen Yue had already appeared at the gate of the cinema. Seeing them meeting together, she walked in chatting and laughing. My fist was tightly clenched, and I was still very jealous. I went in with them, sat down in the rest area outside and waited for them to come out.

the film took a long time. I didn't know when they would come out, so I had to sit outside and wait. It was very painful for me. The people I like and the people I hate are dating, and I'm nothing here. The word "hero" floated through my mind. I laughed at myself and I really didn't deserve it.

After several times of waiting, I finally saw them emerge from the crowd. Ma Qiang's tall stature made me see him at a glance. In order not to recognize him, I quickly buttoned my hat on my clothes to hide myself from his recognition.

The crowd had disappeared, and I followed out again. I lost my direction when walking on the pedestrian street. Their figures disappeared. What can I do? Everyone was lost. Who am I going to protect?

After searching for several times in this street, I finally found their figures outside the window of a cold drink shop. Seeing that they were going to come out, I hid again. This time, I kept my eyes on them.

After walking for about four or five minutes, I followed them to another street with less pedestrians, but Ma Qiang stopped walking. I was afraid that I would be found and hid behind a car. At this time, his voice came from the air: "come out, solo. Is it interesting for you to follow me like this?"

I am very strange, he should know that I am following him. What I have done is very hidden. How can I be found? What is the matter. Now that I had been found out, there was no point in hiding. I stepped out of the back of the car.

While walking, he said to Ma Qiang, "how do you know I'm following you?"

Ma Qiang laughed, and his words were full of sarcasm and said: "you are such a famous person, where you will attract people's attention. One of my brothers told me that as long as I leave school, you will follow me. When I came out at night, I found it was true. "

I asked curiously, "then why don't you just expose me?"

Ma Qiang did not answer my question, but said to Shen Yue beside her: "Yueyue, I said I had a dog beside me. Now you believe it!"

He actually called Shen Yue that way. I'm confused about the relationship between them. Have they started to associate? This idea has been eliminated directly in my mind.

Shen Yue, who had been silent, said, "it turns out that it is true. So it seems that all the things you and I said about him are true."

In their eyes, I was just like air, completely ignoring my existence. Ma Qiang said, "Yueyue, everything I told you is true. Su Luo is a man who does everything for his purpose. In order to please me, he invited Lin Shihan to Houshan to deceive me. But you can rest assured that a man of integrity like me will not do that kind of immorality It's a matter of fact. These are all true. If you don't believe it, you can go to our school and find out. "After listening to their conversation, I finally know why Shen Yue is far away from me. It turns out that Ma Qiang has been confusing right and wrong. Ma Qiang even said that I sent Lin Shihan to the door on his own initiative. However, he pretended to be a gentleman and asked me to be a villain. I was speechless.

Pestle in situ, I don't want to say anything, just want to quietly watch Ma Qiang, in front of me self directing and self acting.

At this time, Shen Yue said to me, "Suluo, I knew you like me, but do you really think I like you, too. Ha ha ha, I just look at you pitifully. At that time, I was just full of sympathy. People who are so cowardly and have nothing to do with you are not worth my liking. So you are really naive. "

I never thought that Shen Yue, my best friend, could be such a person. Every word of her pierced my heart, and the happy things that had been together disappeared in my memory. She took pity on me, and my heart fell to the bottom of the valley. It turned out that everything was just my self indulgence.

Shen Yue's words hit me a lot. I opened my mouth and didn't know what I wanted to say. I just kept my pestle in place. I came here with the intention of saving people, in return for their sarcasm and ridicule. It turns out that the darkest thing is not the night, but the heart. As expected, I understand the truth of the most poisonous woman's heart.

My eyes turned red in an instant, and tears swirled in my eyes. I regret that I was here tonight. I regret not listening to Shen Yue's words and stay away from her. However, God is so cruel. The last dignity is given to me by people who look at me pitifully.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Ma Qiang said, "Shen Yue, would you like to be my girlfriend?" After that, he put Shen Yue in his arms in front of me.

Shen Yue didn't refuse, but the bird nestled in Ma Qiang's arms with a happy face and said shyly, "I will!"

Seeing this scene, my heart was even more lost. I can't believe what I saw in front of me. I felt like I was in a dream. I slowly raised my hand and pinched my face vigorously. The burning pain came from my face. It was true.

Despair, thorough despair, my heart was really hurt by Shen Yue, I reached out my hand, pointed at the dog and man in front of me, and cried out in pain: "yes, I'm just like what you said, but I have the bottom line, I have dignity, please don't insult my personality with your kindness."

Since the relationship between the two people has been confirmed, then I don't need to be here. To continue to be here will only make me feel more disgusting. After shouting, I turn around and prepare to leave quickly. I don't want to see anyone again. I don't want to stay in this place for another second. I don't want to be insulted or despised. I'm human and have self-respect The heart of the people.

Ma Qiang, standing on one side, saw that I was going to leave, and said to me, "Suluo, thank you for letting me meet a girl like Yueyue! Oh, by the way, didn't you just ask me why I didn't expose you? I'll tell you now, because you are a dog. I need to take you for a walk. Ha ha ha

I am very tired of his words. In my heart, I still believe that what Shen Yue said to me is false. She was only deceived by Ma Qiang's words. Although I told myself so, I really don't want to deceive myself.

They two next words, I really don't want to listen to, listen to only let me more prickly heart. Now I really don't want to stay in front of them for another second. I want to leave here quickly, out of their sight, so I run away quickly.

I didn't know how long I ran. I was in the middle of the road without direction. Suddenly, a strong light stabbed my eyes, followed by a fast black car. It ran so fast that it didn't even have time to brake, so I was knocked away.

This moment. I feel my body light, as if to come to the end of the world, here, no pain, no worry, no humiliation, no injustice, only here, I can get the final relief!

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