I don't know where I am now. Heaven or hell is my first thought. I feel confused. Sometimes, I just want to go on like this. I don't want to struggle. Sometimes, I want to get rid of this hazy fantasy and see the reality through the fog. Strong and cowardly seems to have been fighting in my mind, finally, strong or defeated cowardice, I gradually opened my hazy eyes.

Wake up this moment, my head is particularly painful, thoughts are very confused, the stimulation of strong light makes my eyes can not fully open, I can only squint and scan the empty room, the smell of disinfection water filled the whole room, looking at the hanging bottle on my hand, I am in the hospital!

I lie alone in the cold and clear ward, for a time, I can't remember who I am, and I don't know what happened, but I feel a little sad and sad. So, I closed my eyes powerless, quietly recalled, trying to find some memory.

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened, and then, the sound of footsteps slowly approaching me.

Suddenly, an old voice broke the silence of the ward: "Miss, you don't have to come every day. I can be here."

Then, another voice that sounded very magnetic and charming came: "Wu Bo, after all, I bumped into people. As long as he can wake up, I'm relieved."

The old man's voice then rang out: "Miss, don't worry about it. After all, you are driving normally. He suddenly rushes out. If something really happens, that person will come forward to help us deal with it."

The magnetic woman said, "I don't want to trouble him. Moreover, the doctor said that he was mentally stimulated and traumatized seriously, which led to a coma. After a while, he will get better."

The old man, who was called Wu Bo, sighed and said, "well, I haven't woken up for more than a week. I can't be a vegetable any more."

"Wu Bo, don't worry, he will wake up," the woman said

There is still a good mood in the world. When I hear women's concern for me from the heart, it seems that the inexplicable and miserable haze in my heart has been swept away. Slowly, my tight head is also relaxed, and many things have begun to impress me.

From their conversation, I heard that I had a car accident because I ran a red light before I was in a coma, and the person who hit me was the woman beside me. Although I was hit badly by her, now I don't blame her. At least, no matter who the reason, she also sent me to the hospital, let me lie in a stable bed.

Before long, the door of the ward was opened again, and then came a more mature female voice: "Miss mu, come to see your boyfriend again!"

At this time, Wu Bo said to the nurse sternly, "don't talk nonsense. He has nothing to do with our young lady."

The nurse heard the speech and said sorry words.

Then, Miss Mu disapprovingly replied: "ah, yes, that, I still want to ask, how long does he need to wake up?"

Soon, I felt that the nurse who had just come in seemed to be doing an examination for me. After checking for a short time, she replied: "the recovery is very good. It has been fine for a long time. It is estimated that I will wake up in the next few days. You can rest assured, Miss mu."

Miss Mu said quickly, "thank you."

After that, I heard the sound of closing the door, as if the nurse who was checking for me left. As soon as the door closed, Wu Bo's voice rang out: "Miss, how can you say this guy is your boyfriend?"

Miss Mu said faintly: "well, because his family can't be contacted, the hospital won't give surgery, so it's the only way. Besides, if the accident can be private, it's better not to get to the police, otherwise

Her beautiful voice just said half and then suddenly stopped, because, the next second, I suddenly opened my eyes, a miss Mu startled.

To tell you the truth, I really have good eyesight. At the moment I opened my eyes, I saw a woman who was so eye-catching. She was the most temperament woman I saw in the world. My eyes were deeply attracted by this woman, and my soul seemed to be taken away.

There are only two people in the room, an old man. Needless to say, the one in front of me must be Miss mu. Looking at her appearance, she is about 20 years old. Her image and temperament are very refined. Her dress is fashionable, but it does not lose the simple style. Coupled with that beautiful appearance, it can be said that it is perfect. I don't know why. When I saw her, I unconsciously thought of a famous actress who was called the fairy sister. The refined taste made me tremble. I was stunned and even forgot what I wanted to say.

In this way, the ward fell into a complete silence. Finally, Wu Boxian reacted. He suddenly rushed to me and called out: "Hey, boy, don't stare at my lady all the time, and then dig out your eyes when you read the letter or not."

By his roar, I immediately fell into embarrassment. In order to cover up the embarrassment, I quickly raised my eyes and pretended to look at the ceiling.

Miss Mu was also surprised by Wu Bo and made a little uncomfortable. She scolded Wu Po in a low voice and told him to call a doctor quickly.After the doctor ran over in a hurry, he gave me a detailed general examination and asked me some simple common sense questions to find out whether my brain is still normal and whether there is the possibility of amnesia. See what I answered no problem, the doctor and miss Mu explained a few words, and left with the nurse.

After they went out, Miss Mu immediately went to the head of my bed and said to me with a slight apology: "well, I'm really sorry, I accidentally hit you by driving, but you can rest assured that your medical expenses and hospitalization expenses are all inclusive, and there are other losses that have delayed you. I will also compensate for them. I only ask you not to make a big fuss about this. We are private, OK?"

Her attitude is very sincere, and I have no idea to refuse. However, I have not said what I have just thought about. Wu Bo, who seems kind but hot tempered, yells at me again: "boy, I warn you that you can pay as much as you want, but you don't want to think about our miss. She is not something you can touch."

With that, Wu Bo snorted, and his eyes were full of disdain and disdain for me.

I completely ignored Wu Bo's attitude towards me and said in a soft voice with a slight apology: "well, I heard all your previous conversations!"

Without waiting for Miss Mu to speak, the annoying old man interrupted again and said, "boy, since you've heard everything, what do you want to do?"

Miss Mu saw Wu Bo running against me everywhere and said to him, "Wu Bo, you go out first. I'll talk to him alone."

Before leaving, Wu Bo still warned me: "boy, don't go too far, or you'll end up in a terrible situation."

To tell you the truth, in the face of Wu Bo's threat, I really don't pay attention to it. His master has been coaxing me to talk. What's more, such a barking dog can't bear to be embarrassed by such a beautiful big sister.

After Wu Bo went out, Miss Mu locked the door in order to prevent him from making trouble. Then she moved a chair and sat down beside my bed.

Miss Mu took the lead and said, "now that you have heard our conversation, tell me what you think. But you can rest assured that I will be responsible for your illness. How much money do you want to open your mouth?"

I smile, did not want to reply: "Miss mu, say a word from the heart, or thank you very much for taking me to the hospital after the accident, accompany me, take care of me. I don't want anything, just take care of my illness. "

Seeing me say so, Miss Mu's hanging heart was finally put down, and said with her magnetic voice: "since you have said that, those things will be discussed later. Now we are focusing on healing."

In this way, we started a simple chat, I told her my name, and she was several years older than me, so she gently called me Xiao Luo. I also know her name, called Mu elegy, a very beautiful name, but always call her Miss Mu also feel very uncomfortable, so I changed my name to her sister mu, and she readily accepted.

Through the chat with sister mu, I found that she is not only beautiful but also kind-hearted. She gives me the feeling that she is very kind and gentle. She is like a fairy left in the world. I can't even dream that I will have a quiet face-to-face conversation with such a gorgeous beauty.

She asked about my family status. Facing her, I told her all my experiences over the years, but I didn't say anything about things after college. These are the stains in my life. I don't want my sister Mu to know.

When she heard of my tragic experience, she not only did not dislike me, but also took more considerate care of me. She treated me like a brother and took the initiative to do this and that for me. My heart was completely broken and I felt the temperature of the world again.

I finally realized the feeling of love, which is really a magic thing, it makes my cold heart get warm instantly. In the hospital, I was greedily enjoying this hard-earned love, enjoying the taste of being taken care of by others, especially by a sister like a fairy. The warmth and happiness are really beyond description.

When I opened the quilt, I noticed that my upper body was wrapped like a mummy, and my left arm was still in a thick plaster cast. My legs were safe and sound. It seemed that my upper body was injured.

I thought to myself, if I didn't meet someone like sister mu, what would happen to me? I really can't imagine. I didn't want to be known by Uncle Yang because of my disappearance. After I woke up in the hospital, I called my teacher and asked for a period of sick leave.

Time flies like a fleeting moment, and beautiful days are always a little short. After a week's rest in the hospital, the arrival of an unexpected guest broke my cherished peaceful happiness.

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