On that day, it was very warm outside. Sister Mu told us that it was good to bask in the sun. So, with her help, we came to the downstairs of the hospital. However, as we chatted, two men suddenly came to us.

The man who took the lead was handsome and well-dressed. The handsome man also held a bunch of carnations in his hand. Next to him was a man in a black suit and black framed sunglasses.

I don't know why, when I saw this kind of underworld like person, I would feel inexplicably afraid. But when I saw their appearance, my face immediately became serious. She was very unhappy and said to the handsome man who came to her: "Xiao Jianfei, what are you doing here?"

The handsome man didn't care about the tone of Mu's sister's words. He still kept a bright smile and said faintly: "you said that the man in hospital is your boyfriend? As your friend, I should come and have a look! "

With that, he slowly walked up to me, handed the flowers in his hand to me gentlemanly, and said with a smile, "here, here you are!"

I instinctively wanted to reach out to take the flowers from him, but suddenly realized that sister Mu didn't seem to welcome this person. So I secretly glanced at Mu sister and found her face was still ugly. I really hesitated and didn't know whether to accept the flowers. But when I touched the evil eyes of this beautiful man, I didn't dare to offend him I took the flowers in embarrassment and said thanks to him out of politeness.

In front of him, the man laughed jokingly and even ignored me. He looked at Mu sister and said in a soft voice: "Elegy, when did you find your little boy friend? What do you do? How can you look like a child? Your taste has changed!"

Sister Mu glanced at him in disgust, and then responded coldly: "does this have anything to do with you? Would you mind not fussing here

This is the first time that I have seen sister Mu's cold side for such a long time with her. Maybe, in the face of a man I don't like, even a gentle woman will turn into a piece of ice. Just like Shen Yue to me, I can't help but feel a little uneasy when I think of Shen Yue's name.

However, this handsome man seems to be used to his sister's indifference. He doesn't care at all. He just stares at me with his deep eyes and asks softly, "little brother, tell me, how do you get to the elegy? Teach me. I've been chasing her since university for four or five years. Look, she still has this attitude towards me. Do you have any tricks? "

He said this to me to stop, was asked by him speechless, I want to tell the truth, but again touched Mu sister that cold eyes, I am embarrassed to say, but, in the face of such a strong atmosphere of men, I do not dare to lie, I can only in this faltering, suffocated face is a little red.

Mu sister may see my embarrassment, she immediately took my hand to stand up, said: "let's go, ignore him!"

Beautiful man saw Mu sister angry, quickly blocked our way, with a serious tone said: "well, don't joke, boy, don't cheat me, I know you're not elegy boyfriend, don't worry, I won't embarrass you!"

Mu sister glared at him and said in a cold voice, "Xiao Jian, don't be smart here. He is my boyfriend. I advise you to go far and far. Don't walk around me any more. I'm tired of watching."

Xiao Jian's face seems to have been sharpened in front of his sister mu. He doesn't care about Mu's attitude. He doesn't believe her words at all. The evil spirit looks at me again and stares at me playfully and asks, "is it?"

Sister Mu is my greatest benefactor. Now she is in trouble. Even if it is to repay her kindness, I should help her out. Although it is not a pleasant thing to be a shield, and I don't have enough confidence, I still want to be a man for my sister Mu!

So, I summoned up the courage, immediately I took the arm in my arm Mu sister's hand, and then to the beautiful man in front of me firmly said: "yes, I am the boy friend of elegy, please don't disturb her again in the future."

Suddenly, I felt as if I had touched my sister's face, even though I had not been touched by your hand, I felt so happy Why is it worthy of elegy

When he suddenly scolded me, my self-confidence was extinguished in an instant. I didn't know how to refute it. Seeing that I was in a dilemma, Mu elder sister completely ignored the image and directly scolded Xiao Jian: "don't think you have some capital, you can look at people with your nostrils. Xiao Jian, I tell you, in my eyes, everyone has his virtue Thousands of times higher than you. What's wrong with my boyfriend's virtue? He's better than you

Xiao Jian is really thick skinned. He was scolded as such by sister mu. He didn't care. His expression was still so calm. He pointed to me and said to sister Mu carefully: "Elegy, how can you compare this kind of person with me? Do you really know him? Do you protect him like this?"Mu elder sister is very speechless stare at him, and then pull me to bypass Xiao Jian to go straight, simply ignore him.

Seeing us leave, Xiao Jian still pestered us and blocked our way again. His eyes were full of sincerity and said, "Elegy, I know you don't like me, but I don't care who you are with except the boy in front of me. Do you really know him? Do you really know what kind of person he is? ad locum. I'll tell you the truth. I sent someone to investigate him. I came here today to tell you that he is a real pervert. "

After a pause, Xiao Jian said again: "this boy was in school for stealing money, stealing women's underwear, and even peeping at girls to go to the toilet. He was criticized by the school, and his deeds spread all over the school. Although I don't know what he appeared beside you, you must not be cheated by him."

Xiao Jian said so much in one breath. He was afraid that Mu elder sister would not believe him. He gave her the name of my school and asked her to go to our school to investigate by herself. He knew everything when he said it.

After hearing this, Mu sister's expression was a little lost in his mind, and the whole person was completely confused. Her eyes at me were full of doubts. How could she think that the person who had taken care of her for such a long time would be a abnormal voyeur.

And I, more like suffering from five thunders, this period of unforgettable memory I want to forget, however, just was dug out, now I really have no face to face the holy and flawless sister mu, for a time, I really don't know what to do, can only red eyes sad said, I was wronged, is someone deliberately hurt me.

However, in Xiao Jian's opinion, my explanation is a strong argument. He didn't listen to what I said. He just scolded me fiercely: "I don't care what you have done before. Now you just have to remember that if you have any intention or plot to elegy, I will make you pay the price that should be paid!"

With that, he left with great righteousness. I knew that his plot had been successful. On the spot, I only left my guilty heart and my sister Mu who was still lost.

I feel the brain has been buzzing, things happen so suddenly, as the protagonist I have some confusion, look up at the sky, at the moment the sun gives me the feeling is no longer that kind of gentle, but dazzling, stabbing my tears out.

Xiao Jian's purpose of coming this time has been achieved. He caught Mu's sister by surprise and held her head high in front of her. All of this was because of me. I let Mu sister down completely. Not only did I not act as her shield, but also exposed my unbearable past in front of them.

I don't know if sister Mu believes my excuse, but I have to explain it again: "I'm sorry, sister mu. Although I'm useless, I won't do that kind of thing. Whether you believe it or not, what I said is true."

My words brought my sister Mu back to reality. She looked at me for a few seconds, and said to me with disappointment in her voice: "Xiao Luo, there are some things you should not hide from me! Well, you can take care of yourself. I have something else to do. Go first! "

With that, she left without looking back or saying, like every day, when she was coming to see me.

I didn't stop her courage. I could only stare at her back with sadness. She was right. If she took the initiative to be frank with her, she would believe me. Today's incident was spit out from other people's mouth, which not only made her lose face, but also made her have to reexamine me.

From this day on, sister Mu has obviously alienated me, and our relationship is no longer the same as before. Although she takes good care of the hospital affairs, she is only responsible for the patient. She occasionally comes to see me several times, such as bringing things or paying medical expenses.

I was very lost and miserable. The happiness that I finally got was gone. A stronger sense of loneliness hit me again. I felt as if I was isolated. The appearance of my sister Mu brought me light, and after a short period of light, I fell into darkness again.

I can fully understand Mu sister's practice, knowing that she may not only alienate me because she suspects that I am abnormal, but she is very disappointed with my cowardly character when I am in trouble. What's more, if I didn't be honest with her at the beginning, she would be more disappointed with me. But I am also very oppressive, I do not mean to hide her, I just want to completely forget that humiliating past, want to stay away from the dark life, live a little sunny. But this wish of mine, after all, failed.

In this way, I was alone in the hospital, during which the doctor told me that I could be discharged in half a month. After moving my body for a while, except that my arm didn't dare to move too much, all the other wounds were healed. I felt that there was no big obstacle. I knew that I had no reason to stay any longer. I didn't want people to think that I was dependent on me.

This day, the sky is very gloomy, rain will fall at any time, I hide from doctors and nurses, carrying their own luggage, a person quietly left

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