After leaving the hospital, needless to say, I went back to school. Although it was full of nightmares, I still had to go back. After all, school was my second home in the city.

The next day, I went back to this long lost class again, and when I saw me back, their expressions could not help becoming a little complicated, with surprise and doubt. I did not pay attention to them, still do their own things, I just hope that after today, no one else appears around me to disturb me and bully me.

Today, my life is very relaxed and happy. However, just before school was over, I was seriously sorting out the contents left by the teacher, without paying attention to the things around me. A person's hand suddenly patted on my shoulder, which scared me. Conditionally, he looked up and saw that it was "Ma Qiang!"

Looking at his hypocritical face, I was disgusted. I don't need to know that he appeared here to show off his success. I moved my mouth and said, "you've got what you want. We don't owe each other. I hope you don't pester me in the future, even if I beg you!"

Seeing that I suddenly made such a performance, Ma Qiang was also surprised and laughed for a while. What made me even more angry was that he said aloud in front of the whole class: "Suluo, I want to interview you. Seeing that your hard-working Guardian came to my arms willingly, what do you think?"

As soon as the words fell, he began to laugh again. Under his leadership, all the students here began to laugh. They seemed to have heard the funniest joke of this century. Some people also murmured: "it's shameless that such a person still pretends to be a hero!"

Some people said: "in this way, the hero saved the beauty, and did not look in the mirror to see what he looked like." All kinds of voices rang out in the class, and Ma Qiang also showed a proud smile. Maybe this is the purpose of his coming this time.

I didn't listen to his words at all. I really don't want to explain anything. Even if I can't forget some things, I have to hide them in my heart until they rot in my heart. But I thought this would be the end. But Ma Qiang's next performance made me even more embarrassed.

Seeing me so silent, Ma Qiang said again, "Su Luo, Shen Yue is conquered by me in bed. Don't mention how energetic it is. I want to be immortal and want to die. Now it's very comfortable to think about it!"

Hearing Shen Yue's name, my heart still fluctuated. I didn't expect that she would become so powerful. I would rather believe that she was cheated. However, when I heard Shen Yue, I would think of what she said to me that night. It really stimulated me deeply. Although it has been so long, I still can't forget it.

I couldn't bear to hear this. My fist clenched tightly. I was very angry. I wanted to explode. But on second thought, why should I be angry? In the end, I calmed down. Knowing that he was here to humiliate me, why should I be so serious? After loosening my fist, I said faintly, "what's the relationship with me?"

Ma Qiang listened to my answer, ha ha, with a smile, said: "how, you look like you have to beat me ah, tell you, waste is waste, in front of me, you Suluo, is a dog that will never be on the table!"

His tone of speech is extremely arrogant, regardless of the presence of our classmates. Maybe he will be so arrogant only in front of me.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Qiang said again, "Oh, yes, Suluo. I heard Shen Yue say that you always like her. I come here to tell you how the woman you like feels after being conquered by me. "

I am really angry, let the whole class laugh at me, but also in front of the whole class constantly humiliate me, even so, I still keep warning myself in my heart, don't be angry, and this kind of person angry is not worth.

I didn't pay attention to Ma Qiang, hoping that he would leave quickly. I continued to write on my own, but he still did not give up. He grabbed my pen, broke it and threw it to the ground. I took out the second pen in the pencil bag. He repeated the same action several times in succession, and gradually my pen bag was empty.

I took out the pen that was only left in the pencil bag. The pen had a brand-new package. It seemed that it had never been used. When I held it in my hand, I stopped unconsciously. I really didn't want to use it. Looking at this pen, which was of great significance to me, I had a long memory in my mind.

This pen was given to Miaomiao by Uncle Yang on her 16th birthday. It seems to be very expensive. I have never seen her use it, but it has been kept in the drawer of the room. The pen was given to me by Uncle Yang after Miaomiao left. I put all my miss of Miaomiao on this pen, so I didn't want to use it.

Thinking of these, I can't help but feel a trace of bitterness in my heart. I know that Miaomiao doesn't like me. I still miss her affectionately. However, what can I do? After all, Miaomiao's departure has a direct reason with me.

I stare at the pen, fell into infinite meditation, and my pen in my hand was suddenly robbed by Ma Qiang, I just wake up from my long memory, at the same time, Ma Qiang's voice full of flirting also suddenly rings: "this pen is really good-looking!"Seeing this scene, I really can't bear it any more. Suddenly, my fire came up in an instant. I thought it was my most precious thing, but it was taken away. I quickly stood up, glared at Ma Qiang, and roared: "return the pen to me quickly!"

Ma Qiang saw my tense appearance at the moment. He suddenly became more energetic. He took out the pen inside and swayed in front of me for a few times. He jokingly said, "I said how do you look at this pen in a daze. It turned out to be a pen with a pen. How did the lover send it? Oh, I'm wrong. How can a girl like you be a jerk like you! "

I had red eyes and didn't want to say more than half a word with me. I went straight to grab it. But Ma Qiang was tall and agile. He avoided me with a flash. Then, he turned around and continued to tease me with a pen in front of me like playing with a dog.

I kept snatching, constantly toward the horse strong body, he had a good time, the more anxious I was, the more happy he was. In the end, he even stretched out his foot suddenly when I jumped at him, tripping me directly and falling down. I was lying on the ground panting. Watching Ma Qiang brush me like a dog, none of the students stood up to help me speak, just watching the excitement.

And Ma Qiang, squatting in front of me, jokingly said: "Suluo, I like this pen, and it will be mine." With that, he got up and went to the door of the classroom.

I red eyes, looking at the back of his leaving, roared at him angrily: "you TM's hurry to return to me!"

Heard my roar, Ma Qiang more wantonly in vain, said: "come on, chase me." Finish saying, he swaggered to leave my classroom.

I was lying on the ground in confusion, and my heart was full of fire and miso. I really didn't expect that I had been humiliated by him. He still took my most precious things. Is he still a human? That pen is my only sustenance for Miaomiao. Why does Ma Qiang even take this one?

The more I think about it, the more red my eyes are, and the fire in my heart is burning. How can he play with me, shame me, beat me and scold me. I can bear it, but he took my pen away, which is absolutely intolerable to me. Thinking of this, I quickly got up and chased out. When I ran into the corridor, I found that the bell had rung, and he must have gone to the classroom.

As a result, I did not want to follow Ma Qiang's class. Soon, I ran to his classroom door, at this time, the class noisy, almost all students have arrived in the classroom, ready for class.

When they saw the angry me and appeared in their classroom, they all showed an incredible look. I ignored others, walked into the classroom, and went straight to Ma Qiang, who was playing hip-hop. When Ma Qiang saw me, he was surprised for a while, and then his face became serious. He said to me angrily, "is your TMD endless?"

I repressed the anger in my heart, the tone was full of indifference, arrogant said: "you TM hurry to return the pen to me!"

Ma Qiang looked at me. He even broke his face in front of the whole class. His face became ugly. He played with the pen on his hand and said to me provocatively: "I just don't give it. What can you do to me?"

He looked at me in the eyes, full of the smell of threat, as if to warn me, if I continue to entangle, he will let me die very ugly.

If I didn't dare to shout face to face with him before, but this time it was different. He robbed me of my sustenance for Miaomiao. I had made up my mind that I would not give up if I didn't take away the pen.

So, I bit my teeth, in front of the whole class directly to Wang Yadong choked and yelled: "Ma Qiang, we are good or bad classmates, why are you always so aggressive? Even if I've offended you, you've beaten and scolded, so don't embarrass me again, OK? "

Ma Qiang didn't seem to expect that I would suddenly say such words just now. His face turned red. He bit his teeth and said, "what are you talking about? I just took your pen. Do you need to be so mean?"

With tears in my eyes, I said pitifully, "as long as you return the pen to me, you can do anything you want me to do!"

The students kept talking about Ma Qiang bullying the poor man, which made Ma Qiang's face even more red, he was a little embarrassed, and I made him lose face in front of the whole class, he was even more angry, stood up and directly broke the pen in his hand, and said: "it's just broken pen, get out of my way, don't let me see you!"

At the moment when the pen was damaged, my heart broke. Looking at the ink splashed all over the floor, I didn't know how to express my feelings. I squatted down and picked up the broken pen slowly. The residual ink was stained on my hand.

The tears in my eyes finally slipped down, and the anger that was suppressed in my heart broke out completely. I was angry for the first time in my life. I held my pen tightly, pointed to Ma Qiang, and cried loudly to Ma Qiang in my voice: "why do you do this? I want you to apologize to me! "

Seeing me like this, the students in the class were very surprised. Ma Qiang couldn't help being stunned for a moment. But in a flash, his anger also broke out. His body stood up in front of me and said scornfully: "how, is there an impulse to kill people?"Said, he suddenly lowered his head, put his noble head in front of me, provocatively said: "come, I give you this opportunity!"

Now I really can't bear it. Facing his repeated provocations, I really can't stand it. The gunpowder in my heart has been completely ignited by Ma Qiang. I uttered two words with all my strength in my mouth: "die!"

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