As soon as the words fell, my action was beyond everyone's expectation. I put the pen in my hand and thrust it into Ma Qiang's neck.

All of a sudden, the sound of a pig like scream resounded through the silent classroom, and all the people in the classroom immediately fell into panic. They were all stunned by my sudden attack. Ma Qiang narrowly escaped my fatal blow, but I still grabbed their bodies.

The blood flowed along Ma Qiang's shoulder, and the blood in my body splashed all over my face. The bloody smell not only did not make me feel afraid, but also increased my violent spirit, which made me become more violent.

I didn't even give Ma Qiang any time to react, just like a hungry wolf pouncing on a tiger. I knocked down Ma Qiang, who was screaming, to the ground. I pulled out the pen with blood in his body. Suddenly, I kept poking at his face and body. While stabbing me, I screamed at him madly: "why do you want to force me? Why do you want to force me..."

I fell into a complete madness, the movements on my hands could not stop. My every move completely scared the students in their class. After seeing the blood, some female students even fainted directly. Finally, several big men in the class pulled me apart. But at this time, there was no good place in Ma Qiang's body, and the whole person lay limp on the ground On, lingering.

But I, the face is covered with blood, looks ferocious and terrifying, even, the corner of my mouth also floating a trace of gloomy smile. All the people in the class were stunned. For a time, no one spoke, and the space was filled with suffocating atmosphere.

After a few seconds of silence, I don't know which student in the classroom exclaimed: "Oh, my God, I've killed you. Call an ambulance! Police, police, call the police

After a moment of silence, the whole classroom was boiling again, and everyone was in a panic again. Perhaps, no one had thought that I would burst out such a terrible side when I was silent. Even the group of diehards who follow Ma Qiang all day long are shocked and dare not move when they see me covered with blood.

I stood up and swept through the familiar and unfamiliar faces. From the beginning of ridicule to the fear of me, I felt more relaxed than ever. Only at this moment, all the pressure in my heart was released. After this pressure was released, I was relieved. Even if I'm awake now, I won't regret my recklessness. If I were given a chance, I would still do what I had just done.

With my bloodthirsty eyes, I swept the faces that used to only laugh at me and bully me. Then, I cried out in a loud voice: "all TM, get out of my way!"

In a simple word, after the moment is such a deterrent, noisy classroom, instantly restored calm, those in front of me, consciously gave me a way. This kind of feeling is like a king. I have never felt it before. It is so happy and difficult to be comfortable.

I once again glanced at Ma Qiang, paralyzed on the ground, and then kicked him a few feet, warning him: "you TMD, don't mess with me in the future!"

With that, I walked through the crowd and walked out of the classroom. What I left behind was my handsome back. I don't know when, on the corridor outside the classroom, there were also a lot of people watching the fun. When they saw me coming out, they also made way for fear of being touched by me.

I didn't go back to class. Instead, I went upstairs and went all the way to the roof of the top floor. Today's weather is particularly gloomy, no sun, full of dark clouds, very in line with my mood.

Standing at the mouth of Tiantai, I took a deep breath of cold air. Then, I opened my feet and walked to the edge of the roof step by step.

I followed a lot of people behind me. At first, they didn't know what I wanted to do. When my body gradually walked into the edge of the roof, the teachers who took the lead behind me suddenly realized and yelled to me, "classmate Suluo, don't do stupid things. If there are any difficulties, we can sit down and have a good talk."

I didn't care what he said, standing straight on the edge of the top floor, looking out at the vast land. Since I was a child, I was particularly afraid of heights, but at this moment, I was not afraid at all. On the contrary, I was very relaxed. I felt a sense of sadness to get out of the sea of misery.

Looking down, more and more people gathered on the playground downstairs. They looked up one after another, looking at me on the rooftop and talking in succession. Some people took out their phones to take photos, and others started live broadcasting. This person looked at me upstairs with all kinds of hearts.

Like a chemical reaction, I caused a great stir in the school in a moment. The huge playground has been filled with people, and the crowd is full of onlookers. On the rooftop behind me, there were also too many people. However, none of them dared to approach me, but they were constantly persuading me.

I stood on the edge of the roof, slowly turned around and looked at the group of people behind me. Among them, there were many familiar faces, including my classmates, my teachers, and school leaders. At this moment, all of them had different expressions and stood behind me with different thoughts, especially the leaders of the school and my head teacher, all sweating nervously Yes.At this time, my counselor came out of the crowd and yelled to me, "Su Luo, please come down quickly. Ma Qiang has been sent to the hospital. There is still help. Don't mess around!"

School leaders also immediately agreed: "yes, yes, Su Luo students, hurry down, everything is good to discuss, will be OK!"

Even those students who usually look at me badly, at this moment, also let out sympathy for me, hiding in the distance and whispering: "if he's OK this time, I'll never isolate him again!"

I looked at the group, moved my dry lips, and cried in a desperate voice the words hidden in my heart: "do you know? In order to make a promise, I left my hometown and came all the way to study here. I just wanted to study quietly and get a diploma. I thought it was a very simple thing. But when I came here, I found that I was wrong. What was wrong was so ridiculous. In my opinion, this is not my ideal school. No matter what I do here, it is disgusting, No matter how I dodge, there are people bullying me, and the school is full of voices talking about me

After saying so many words in one breath, I stopped for a moment and then said again, "I don't know why, even the teachers don't look up to me. I can bear all these things. But, do you know, those people who bully me are not willing to let me go even if I beg for mercy. You forced me to do all these things, and Ma Qiang deserves it, This is the price he deserves. "

At the end of the day, I cried excitedly. For so long, all the words accumulated in my heart were revealed here in front of so many people. At this moment, my heart was full of joy. All the unhappiness and unhappiness disappeared, and all the people who listened to my speech fell into silence.

After a short silence, the school leaders and teachers continued to humbly persuade me. But now I can't listen to any voice, keep crying, I don't know what's going on, I've even laughed, how sad I am, how ruthless the people are now, how realistic the world is.

After a burst of laughter, I pointed to the people in front of me and continued: "you people, don't be hypocritical here. You are all animals with human face and animal heart. Even if you have a trace of pity for me, I will not be forced to be like this. I'm fed up with this life, and I'm really fed up with it. People are doing it and heaven is watching. You will have retribution. "

My words, not only said the teachers and school leaders look ugly, but also hit those who have insulted me, they unconsciously lowered the noble head, as if aware of their own mistakes.

I got a thorough vent, and my spirit was relaxed. However, I cried out to the people in front of me: "although the days before were only bitter, I'm satisfied to have you see me off before I leave."

Hearing me speak like this, the school leaders behind me are more anxious, but none of them dare to step forward, just look at my words and deeds anxiously in situ.

The phone in my pocket suddenly rings, breaking the peace in front of me. I slowly took out my mobile phone and answered the phone in front of all the people. At this time, the firefighters who heard the news also made preparations for rescue below.

Just listen to the other end of the phone, immediately came uncle Yang anxious voice: "Hello, Arlo, listen to uncle, don't do stupid things, what difficulties wait for uncle to help you solve, obedient."

I took a deep breath and sobbed at the other end of the phone: "Uncle Yang, I'm sorry, I let you down! I can't do what I promised you. If there's an afterlife, I'll repay you for your upbringing. "

With that, I hung up the phone without waiting for uncle yang to talk. I also turned off the phone and put it into my pocket. I relaxed and ignored everyone's voice. I opened my arms and leaned back slowly.

At this moment, the appearance of many people I like appeared in my mind, such as Miaomiao who ran away from home, Lin Shihan who hated me, and Shen Yue, who betrayed me. The appearance of these people changed me and made me fall into this muddy whirlpool.

And when my body fell in the air, my mind suddenly came up with the figure of Mu sister, recalling the time with her, only those days, is my happiest and happiest day.

When I think of sister Mu again, I really regret what I have done. However, it's too late to say anything now. I pray silently in my heart that if God gives me a chance, I will explain everything to Mu sister, hoping to get her understanding and tolerance.

I jumped downstairs that moment, the whole campus thoroughly boiling, I closed my eyes tightly, mouth silently murmured: "goodbye, I used to like the people and bully me, goodbye, this does not belong to my world!"

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