When I was full of guilt to see Bai Ling leave, Xie Yu suddenly came over and patted me on the shoulder and jokingly said to me, "I said that Su Luo, you can't do it there. How can you hook up with a girl again? Is it OK to say that the following is good?"

As for Xie Yulai, she didn't seem to care about this captain Zhang. Why she was so special to me? What she cared about most was my emotional problems, which was also the thing I was most afraid of. I was afraid of her disorderly behavior. Therefore, she directly explained to her: "don't misunderstand me. I have nothing to do with her!"

Hear my answer, Xie Yu is white my one eye, immediately, leisurely say to me: "I left!"

After that, Xie Yu also took her people to leave. When she left, she didn't have the same scenery as when she came, because she was back in a big truck, and the Maserati had already disappeared in this wasteland. I don't even know when it left. So far, the mysterious person behind the scenes is still a mystery to me, but no Know because she saved me this time, or she let me feel the familiar flavor, anyway, through this matter, I have no hatred for her, some are just full of curiosity.

But it's not the time to be curious. At present, everyone has left, and I can't stay. So I immediately said thank you to captain Zhang and left with Shen Muchen and others. On the way back, we met a lot of ambulances, and they were rushing to the battlefield. What surprised me most was that I was able to break away from this incident It's just like a dream. After thinking about it, I still think that Zhang Lei must have helped me in the back.

Since they cheated secretly and had contact with the police in advance, this matter must not be kept secret. Therefore, it may be that Zhang Lei or director Zhuang knew about the situation, so they just planned and took such a move and hit the Xuanwu association by surprise. Therefore, I escaped from death in a muddle headed way.

Even though I escaped from my life, I didn't feel lucky. My mood was still complicated because I experienced too much betrayal from Wu Tianhao and the help of my old enemy Xie Yu. I killed myself and escaped from the police. All kinds of things tangled together and lingered in my mind, which made me hard to digest for a moment.

Of course, I am also very grateful for this battle. I have learned a lot from this battle, and I have grown up a lot for a short time. Perhaps, only in the most critical time can we really see the people's hearts clearly.

Wu Tianhao trapped me in injustice and sent me to the ghost gate in the most graceful way.

Xie Yu's people behind the scenes usually aim at my love everywhere, but they won't hurt my people. Moreover, at this most critical time, they came forward to save me. In a real sense, they pulled me back from the ghost gate.

Bai Ling, a woman with no strength to bind a chicken, is willing to stay in such a dangerous battlefield for me. Even if she is physically injured, she also pretends to be OK. What she has done for me is really moving me.

Shen Muchen, crab, Chen Haoran, and all my brothers are real heroes. They know that it is a dead end, but they did not escape and did not abandon me. They fully reflected their loyalty to me. These people are my real brothers of Suluo, and they let me realize what is a close friend between life and death.

After returning to the Eastern District, one of the first things I did was to visit the injured brothers in the hospital. Fortunately, those brothers who were seriously injured had successfully passed the dangerous period without causing casualties. This is the most gratifying thing for me, and the corner of my mouth finally showed a delayed smile.

My brother, who was lying in the hospital before, heard that Xuanwu would be removed from the list. He directly forgot about the pain on his body. He felt that all the injuries he had suffered were worth it. After consoling the brothers, I went out to find a quiet place and made a phone call to Director Zhuang. As soon as I opened my mouth, I sincerely expressed my thanks Do any tactful.

Director Zhuang told me that this was nothing, because he had long wanted to kill the Xuanwu society. However, Lin Xuanwu had something to do with deputy director Kang. He had been unable to do anything about shelter from the rain. Now deputy director Kang was oppressed by Zhang Jia and didn't dare to act rashly. I just caught all the Xuanwu society, which saved him a lot of things.

Director Zhuang told me that in the past, he had a headache about the basaltic society. Their underground transactions were so neat that he could not find any obvious evidence. There was no suitable reason to deal with them directly. Just this time, through my fight with the Xuanwu society, the police directly charged the people of the Xuanwu society with a crime of mob beating students, which was their crime Even bigger, if the black against the black is better, and they are fighting against our college students, the pillars of the future of the motherland, relying on this statement, they will have been abandoned, I do not worry about their chance to return.

The fall of the basaltic society also removed a tumor from the city. This matter is very gratifying to director Zhuang, and I have made a great contribution. Therefore, director Zhuang not only did not blame me for causing him trouble, but also expressed his sincere thanks to me. He also told me that the people of Wanjia and song families would also deal with it OK, give me a reasonable explanation then.Although, on the surface, director Zhuang is very satisfied with me, but I know that Zhang Lei's relationship is behind this matter. Therefore, director Zhuang's kindness to me is entirely in the face of Zhang Jia. But since director Zhuang gave me the step, I would simply follow him. He said that I had made a great contribution, so I took the opportunity to mention one to director Zhuang The request is about Dong Zhiming.

Dong Zhiming took the responsibility of killing people instead of me. Looking back at the beginning, I was really ridiculous. I should never have gone to see Wu Tianhao. He has not given me any information. Obviously, he has not done it for me. In other words, he has turned a deaf ear to this matter. Now, it seems that I can only rely on myself. Then, I told director Zhuang that I have one A brother was arrested because of the Song family. I hope he can help me to rescue this brother.

I know that this kind of thing is really not difficult for him as a chief secretary. After listening to my request, director Zhuang did not hesitate and directly promised me that he would try his best.

Because I know that if there is no accident in the Song family, old song will certainly dredge up relations and fight here. In that case, even if the emperor and Laozi came, he would not be able to save Dong Zhiming. But now that old song himself has problems, he must know that he is in the end, and he will not dare to continue to make trouble about his son's death. Therefore, if he talks about any conditions in his hand, I think he will promise anything for the sake of his life, and it is not difficult to rescue Dong Zhiming.

After getting the assurance from director Zhuang, my heart was at ease. Then, I thank him and hang up the phone directly. Up to now, I am in a trance. A great war is over. The Xuanwu society, the biggest gang in the city, has been destroyed. The Song family and the Wanjia family, which are the big families in the city, are also in a desperate situation. More importantly, I am still in a daze I took this opportunity to save my good brother Dong Zhiming. I was confused. But today's thing is still very satisfactory.

Of course, through this, I also understand the dangers of society and how important it is to have relationships. Without Zhang Lei's relationship, I'm afraid that the person who enjoys the prison disaster is myself. Thinking of this, I took out the phone and quickly dialed Zhang Lei. After connecting, I sincerely said thanks to him, and then chatted a few more, then hung up Telephone.

After the end of the battle, the sky of the whole city changed. In a short time after the end of our war, almost all the people in the city learned that Xuanwu would turn against Song Wan's family and fight with each other, causing heavy casualties. Of course, the news that Lin Xuanwu was abolished and Lin Feng was killed was also widely spread. In the eyes of outsiders, this matter and Song Wan's family became enemies They have a relationship between the two families, but as long as the insiders know, the fuse of the whole thing is me, a small person, and I quietly become the last finch.

The other shore flower, a group only composed of students, was beyond everyone's expectation. It suddenly disintegrated the city's largest Mafia organization. This shocking news not only caused great repercussions in this city, but also caused a sensation in the country's underworld forces. My organization also successfully emerged in this city.

After that, my organization spread all over the streets and alleys of the Eastern District and became the largest organization in the eastern district. Even if it replaced the leader, we did not become the leader, because our current power was not stable, so we could only live in a small city, but take charge of the whole city It's just a matter of time.

That night, I got together with Shen Muchen's brother, and got together with the top management of the organization. Hu ate Hai and drank. This meal was a celebration of our victory and an important meeting. Therefore, even the seriously injured crab and Chen Haoran also came.

There is no time to delay this meeting. We have an urgent problem to deal with, that is, the issue of power. Although we have a good reputation, we are still the weakest. If other people attack now, we will not attack ourselves. Therefore, we should be prepared not to rely on any forces, but to avoid accidents, our group should be prepared Weaving should be strong in the shortest time.

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