There are only a few of them on the site, but the basaltic society is completely destroyed. Then I must take over the territory of the Xuanwu Association. In addition, with the promise of Song Wan and his family, I think this is the end of the matter. When I come to my door in person, they will certainly fulfill it. Therefore, I don't have to worry about the site at all. Now it's the staff. That's our big flaw. Now we have to do it In the past, it was mainly due to the lack of funds and poor income, and I dare not accept unreliable people casually. However, once those sites are taken, money is no longer a problem. Moreover, I am ready to blackmail their families. Now, there is no big problem in terms of money.

What we want is useful people, not incompetent people. Joining them will only make the guild rotten. At this time, when we are in the best position, everyone knows that we have eliminated the Xuanwu society. Therefore, there are many people who have come to join us. Of course, I gathered these high-level officials to discuss expansion Personnel issues.

The reason why Shen Muchen will participate is that at present, he has joined my ranks. Through today's war, he feels my courage and knows my potential. Therefore, he wants to create our glory with me.

Shen Muchen's joining me is very gratifying. I'm sure I can't get such a brother. I didn't pull him in before, mainly because he didn't want him to go on the road of no return. What's more, Shen Muchen has accompanied me through many difficulties. Besides, I don't think the road will be smooth any more with him, I can be sure.

Along with Shen Muchen, of course, there are crabs, as well as his brothers of life and death. Shen Muchen, as my best brother and best friend, can be said to help me move forward and lead me to become stronger. As soon as he joined in, I directly appointed him as the deputy leader of the organization, and also created a new Tangkou For the Zhuque hall, the head of the hall is concurrently held by Shen Muchen, and all the people he brings over are still working under him.

There was no objection to my decision. My brothers all know that the organization and maintenance to this day can not do without Shen Muchen's help. Chen Haoran, a man who had a grudge with me before, understood how much Shen Muchen helped me. There was no doubt that my decision was passed by all.

When Shen Muchen is brought into the organization, our organization has made a breakthrough. The most important thing is that with Shen Muchen, my pressure will be reduced a lot. I don't need to do everything personally. I give him the right to handle the affairs of receiving people, and let this intelligent person take charge of me to the end.

When we finished our meal, it was already 9:00 p.m. from the war at noon to now, for such a long time, Wu Tianhao didn't contact me again. I had been waiting for his phone call, but I didn't wait. He can be said to be a pain in my heart, one of the most worrying pain for me today. He said to me that it was more difficult for me to accept than betrayal. He was quite so If I really die this time, he should be regarded as the most important person who killed me, and he can completely stay away from it. His move is really insidious.

Up to now, I don't understand why he would do this. If Wu Tianhao really wanted to kill me, I would not live at all. He also saved me. I really can't think how he suddenly became like this. Therefore, I have to find out the truth. Only by understanding all the causes and consequences can I know how to face and deal with Wu Tianhao in the future.

After settling the account, I sent away all my brothers, including Shen Muchen. So I went straight to Wu Tianhao's downtown area. Of course, I didn't come alone this time, but accompanied by wasabi. At this time, the wasabi did not hide, but came with me clearly.

The sign of the nightclub is still shining, and the inside is still lively, but it gives me a completely different feeling. In the past, this place had a kind of home feeling for me, and it would be particularly safe to stay here. But now, I feel that it is particularly terrible, like Longtan tiger cave, which makes people feel cold inside and lingering with a faint sense of panic.

I know that because of my father's relationship, Wu Tianhao did not dare to deal with me openly. Therefore, I dare to break into the dragon's den, but he made me feel uneasy. Therefore, I was accompanied by wasabi and stood at the door of the nightclub for a long time. Then, I took a deep breath and walked in with wasabi.

When I entered the nightclub, there was still a noisy atmosphere. However, no matter how busy it was, my heart was always cold. A bad feeling lingered in my heart. When I went to the front desk staff, I asked the waiter about my identity and asked him whether Wu Tianhao was here. If the front desk attendant didn't know, he called me Here comes the manager, the fat man I met last time here. This guy still has an impression on me.

Therefore, he directly and respectfully led me to the rest room, served me some tea, and told me that Wu Tianhao had disappeared for a period of time. He had just contacted boss Wu and asked me to wait here for a while and said that he would be back soon. In that case, I also saw what they said. I didn't know what strategies they were going to play, but just waited here patiently After I finished a cup of tea, Wu Tianhao finally appeared.However, this time, Wu Tianhao was not as energetic as before. His figure was still tall, but he was a little embarrassed. As soon as he saw me, he said to me with shame: "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, you are OK, if you are OK, you can scare me!"

I looked at him a little inexplicably and asked in doubt, "Uncle Wu, I didn't have any accident. Don't you think I'm very good, but what's wrong with you?"

After listening to my words, Wu Tianhao sighed heavily and sighed to me: "at noon, I was ready for people. When I was about to go out, I was held by others. Until now, my talents have rescued me!"

Looking at Wu Tianhao's appearance, it doesn't look like acting. It's very sincere. At first glance, it looks like he was kidnapped. In retrospect, Lin Xuanwu said that Wu Tianhao would not come, and there seems to be no flaw in the whole thing. However, when I look at Wu Tianhao's performance, the so-called "no leakage", but I don't believe that Wu Tianhao's strength has been seen by me, so what he said is right It's a lie. However, I didn't show any difference. I just asked in surprise: "my God, I really can't imagine that someone dares to kidnap you with Uncle Wu's strength!"

Wu Tianhao pretended to be a victim and said to me earnestly: "in fact, I don't know about this. I think it should be his people who did it. Their purpose is to stop me from helping you. Therefore, I am especially worried about you. If you have an accident, I will be guilty of a great deal!"

Wu Tianhao said that his eyes were red. People without any acting skills could not do this. I almost believed it. Later, Wu asked me how to get away. He pretended that he didn't know. I explained the situation of the scene to him at will and said that he had good people to help me. On the surface, Wu Tianhao pretended to be very lucky and died for me I feel lucky to escape from Li Li, but I always feel a little worried in Wu Tianhao's eyes. He is the real old fox, and Lin Xuanwu is just weak.

It can be imagined that a man like Wu Tianhao is OK to be a friend. It is terrible to be an enemy. Therefore, even though I have doubts about him in my heart, I still don't show it at all. I pretend to trust him very much. Every word I say, I think twice before I act. Therefore, at this time, I understand something called scheming, and I must be cautious Guard against unexpected needs.

After chatting with Wu Tianhao, I said goodbye to him. As soon as I went outside, the cold wind was blowing on me. At the moment, I suddenly woke up. I had only one thought in my heart. This Wu Tianhao is really too terrible. It's even more terrible than my father said. After walking for a long time, I can't help looking at wasabi and asking him, "wasabi, do you think Wu Tianhao's words are true, like or not A lie? "

After listening to my question, wasabi's expression was still calm as water. He said coldly, "I don't know if Wu Tianhao lied. I only know that he is very deep and his force is also very deep. Therefore, this man must be on guard."

Wasabi's words are very obvious, that is to say, Wu Tianhao is hiding himself. After listening to his words, I can't help shivering, and a sense of fear arises. This Wu Tianhao is really afraid. No wonder my father said that he would have no pressure to deal with Xuanwu, but I just can't understand why he wants to treat me like this. Is he bought by Lin Xuanwu or what he doesn't have The purpose of telling people, it's really crazy for me.

As wasabi said, Wu Tianhao is really hiding too deep. I can't guess him at all. But at least I already understand that I can't rely on Wu Tianhao any more, or even use me any more. At this moment, although we are not enemies, we are no longer allies.

Therefore, it is impossible for me to be associated with a person who nearly killed me. Although Wu Tianhao did not obviously frame me up, I could not treat him as an enemy for the time being. Therefore, before I became strong, I could not suspect him. After I went back, it was very late. I went to bed directly.

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