After returning to school, I took a hot bath to relax. However, my mood did not relax. Lying on the bed, my thoughts kept flying. This day was of great significance to me. I experienced many things that I had never experienced. For me, it was also a kind of transformation and growth in a real sense.

Of course, it is precisely because of today's events that I have been completely changed, and my mind seems to be clear. I know what kind of situation I am in now, and also understand the status of the organization in my heart, and to what extent.

At the beginning, the original intention of my organization was to fight against Xie Yu and stay together with Ziyi. However, with the change of time, I experienced more and more things. Slowly, my body and mind were also integrated into the organization. Especially after so many experiences today, I would like to develop and expand the organization I founded by myself to reach a maximum point 。

My original purpose was that after completely defeating the Xuanwu society, I would point the spear at Xie Yu. Whether it was for Ziyi or for myself, I had to deal with Xie Yu and dig out the people behind the scenes. But now the situation is completely different. The person behind the scenes that I want to know the most saved me at the most critical moment. If there was no her this time, I'm really going to die. Moreover, after this incident, the mysterious people behind the scenes gave me a totally different feeling. That kind of inexplicable hatred has disappeared. No matter what, I can't deal with them any more.

What's more, Xie Yu said since the last time she came to see me that she would not interfere with my affairs. She did not interfere with my life any more. Even though I was with Bai Ling at that time, they did not stop her. Perhaps, the so-called backstage man really planned to give up on me. Since she didn't want to see me, she would not take care of my feelings anymore.

So, Ziyi and I together, she should not stop, this is definitely a good thing for me, it can also make me feel at ease with Ziyi, but just after the Xuanwu society, I have a lot of mess to clean up, and there are still many remaining evils of the Xuanwu society, so, I will not be with Ziyi for the time being After all, my power has not been stabilized. I am afraid Ziyi and I are still in danger.

The main problem is that I am going to meet Ziyi in a beautiful and beautiful way after stability, and give her a great surprise. Therefore, before that, I must make myself, or my organization strong, at least not to hurt the people around me.

Now that I have this goal, the way I have to go is clear. From the next day on, I completely threw myself into the construction of the organization, and I almost made a hundred times of efforts. In addition, in the process of development, no one stopped me from interfering with me, which made everything very smooth. In the next half month, the organization turned over The change of sky and earth!

In terms of personnel, we are expanding infinitely. Of course, we are not blindly collecting people. During the period, we are also selecting carefully. Shen Muchen has always been strict in checking these matters. Therefore, I am very relieved. His efficiency is also fast. In only half a month, the number of staff in our organization has doubled.

In terms of territory, after the Xuanwu society was completely removed by the police, all the territory they occupied and the private territory were taken over by me. The whole eastern district is now the only one in my family. All the small forces were disintegrated by me in a short time.

On the other side, the two old foxes were released by the police on the same day. They knew that their release so quickly must have something to do with me. Therefore, whether they were for my help or fear of my revenge, in short, they gave me rich rewards after the event.

They not only gave me not a small amount of money, but also the site. Wanjia gave me two more venues, while the Song family gave me a hotel that I valued most, that is, the hotel where I helped Dong Zhiming eat last time. It is a five-star hotel. It is located in the most prosperous area of the Eastern District and the central area of organizing all the venues One of my favorite places, because of the good conditions and facilities of this hotel, it is very conducive to be the base camp of the organization.

At first, old song was reluctant to give me whatever I want and give as much as I want from other sites, but I can understand his maintenance. Because this hotel is famous in the city and it makes money. Finally, I solved it by violence. After getting the property right of this hotel, we reformed it and changed its name to Brilliant Hotel, now it is a collection of all entertainment based place, so it deserves to be the base camp.

After I got the money, I also prepared a lot of weapons and vehicles. Except for guns and ammunition, we had all kinds of controlled knives. We also bought a lot of cars, mainly for the convenience of going out to work in the future. This battle has really changed us, making my organization develop rapidly without any obstacles, and has almost replaced the lost basaltic society It has become the largest group in the Eastern District and even the whole city.

Now, there is no one who dares not to pay attention to us in the whole city. However, I am very busy with the affairs of the organization. Whenever I have some spare time, I follow my brother who can drive the organization to learn how to drive. I don't give myself any buffer time. Besides sleeping, I am busy almost all the time.With my intelligence, I started driving very quickly. It happened that ten thousand families gave me a Lamborghini bat sports car, which was a limited edition, to show their sincerity. Last time, they saw with their own eyes how I slaughtered Lin's father and son. Therefore, they were afraid that I would target them in the future, so they offered me very attractive gifts to please me, And I accepted it politely. Of course, as the leader of the gang, I also had to have a good car. This bat sports car was just right for me. I didn't have free time to go to the driving school. I went through the back door and got the driver's license.

In this half a month, my ability to drive has been improved by leaps and bounds. I can say that in this half month, both myself and the organization have been completely stable. During this period of time, I did not have any special things. The only few times I met Bai Ling in school. She was strangers to me and pretended not to know me It makes me feel bad, but I didn't disturb her life. I remember our agreement, and I didn't want to affect her.

As for Lin Shihan, after she came out of the police station, she didn't know where she was going. Shen Muchen said that Han Boyang's family suddenly collapsed, and they didn't know who did it. They also disappeared directly in the city. She almost disappeared with Han Boyang, as if the world had evaporated.

I can understand Lin Shihan's pain, which is definitely a fatal blow, but I didn't sympathize with her. On the contrary, I felt that she deserved it. I didn't care about her any more. However, for Han Boyang, I didn't want to retaliate against him for the time being. However, when they suddenly collapsed, I was very glad that I did it myself, but Shen Muchen said I didn't take any precautions against that mysterious force, and I didn't think that they would threaten me. After that, it was over.

After my power was completely stabilized, one day about half a month later, another good news came, that is, Dong Zhiming came out. On this day, I took all the senior management of the organization to welcome him out, and specially held a banquet to help him get rid of the bad news. Although Dong Zhiming didn't stay in prison for a long time, he was silent at the beginning of the crime for me, I was deeply moved. I almost imprinted him in my heart. Although I didn't arrange a specific position for him after he was released from prison, he became my most trusted assistant, with the same status as crab Haoran and the God of war in the organization.

Dong Zhiming saw the rapid development of the organization, and did not accept it for a while. It is hard for him to believe that the once weak organization has become the representative of the city's black forces in such a short period of time. All the brothers are dressed in decent clothes and have wine and meat every day. If Dong Zhiming did not see it with his own eyes, he would not believe all this.

After a while, Dong Zhiming finally accepted the fact, and the first thing he said was that his bet was really on the line. I was really a big boss with great potential. There was no need to say anything else. Everything was in the wine. On this day, we had a very good drink. It was the most happy day for me and all the senior managers of the organization.

After a long time, we finished the dinner. I was a bit drunk. Instead of going back to school, I just took a rest in the hotel. Lying in bed, my head was a little dizzy, and the image of Ziyi came out of my mind. It was because of the goal of giving Ziyi a sense of security that I was full of energy recently. The development of the organization was in full swing and I was immersed in the busy, Now, all this has finally stabilized, my heart suddenly gushed a yearning, that kind of uncontrollable deep missing, the most important and still, I really haven't seen Ziyi for a long time.

Maybe it's because last time I almost died in the hands of Wan long, so that the always simple Ziyi understood that being with me would easily bring me trouble. So recently, I didn't contact her and she didn't contact me. Ziyi may have been waiting for me to welcome me back!

I think the time should be ripe now. My organization is no longer a predator. I am not a mole ant that is trampled on. I have eaten all black and white in this city. No one can threaten me. When I want to give Ziyi a surprise, suddenly, my mobile phone rings through this The silence of the room, instantly broke my mind, because it has been a long time no one to call me, let my heart suddenly shocked is that the number of caller ID is Ziyi.

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