Originally, I was still a bit drunk, and I didn't know where my thoughts were floating. However, as soon as I saw the number of Ziyi, my drunkenness disappeared in an instant, and my heart rate also accelerated. Maybe it was called "heart has a soul". With some excitement, I connected the phone excitedly. Immediately, a special female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, is it Suluo?"

This sound sounds absolutely familiar, familiar to make the heart beat faster, because it is not Ziyi who makes this sound, but Lin Shihan, who has disappeared for a long time.

Her voice I was really too familiar with, listening to the heart immediately disgusted, I forced to suppress the inner tremor, gritted my teeth, tentatively asked: "Lin Shihan?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone chuckled and said again, "ha ha, good, you can hear my voice all of a sudden!"

At this time, her voice is not as moving as before, always feel Yin Yang strange, listen to people very uncomfortable. What's more, I can't imagine that Lin Shihan, who was pure and incomparable at the beginning, will become a special stranger to me. But I suddenly thought about how she could get Ziyi's mobile phone.

Thinking of this, I immediately realized that something was wrong. My body almost trembled and asked her nervously, "tell me, what's wrong with Ziyi?"

After asking this, my eyes were red, I know how much hatred between Lin Shihan and I was, she suddenly took Ziyi's mobile phone to call me, I was really worried, she would do something terrible, but, purple is not around Liu Qianxue, she went there, or they both had an accident, obviously some impossible ah, Liu Qianxue's strength can be It's there. I can't think about it. I'm in a mess for a while.

After listening to my words, Lin Shihan was still indifferent and said to me calmly: "don't be so excited. I haven't done anything. I'm just chatting with Ziyi. That's all!"

Her tone is so indifferent and her words are so light. It seems that she has a good relationship with Ziyi. But I know that they are not anxious. They can't even know each other. But the more she is like this, the more I feel her deep threat. The more nervous I feel in my heart, I really ignore this woman. She disappeared after she came out of the police station It's a big mistake for me to leave her alone.

It turns out that she has not disappeared in this city these days, but has been hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities to revenge me. She must have used this time to find my weakness and know the status of Ziyi in my heart. Therefore, Lin Shihan could not directly deal with me, let alone my strength, and then started from Ziyi.

I was careless at the beginning. I only thought that Lin Shihan was just a weak woman and had no threat to me. However, I ignored her family affairs. As a big sect of the Xuanwu society, there must be many remaining evils that escaped my elimination. These remaining evils should be obeyed by Lin Shihan. After all, she is Lin Xuanwu's own daughter, obviously She's getting back at me now.

Thinking of this, my body is constantly trembling, but I understand that if I want to rescue Ziyi, I can't be manipulated by others by the nose as before, so I will die. My attitude must be tough. Therefore, although I am worried about some security in my heart, I still try not to break out and say coldly to Lin Shihan:

in the end“ Lin Shihan, the reason why I let you go that day is because I don't want to see you as a woman. I hope you can respect yourself. If you have to play with me, you hurt Ziyi's hair. I swear, I will make you worse than dead! "

Although I have an unchanging principle, I don't mind making an exception if she is really motivated by Ziyi. I'm not joking. If Lin Shihan dares to challenge my bottom line, I will definitely ask all her family members to be buried with her. Sure enough, Lin Shihan seems to be a little afraid of what I said, and his tone is not so shady. It seems that she is a little normal He said: "ha ha ha ha, Su Luo, do you think I am the same as you? If I catch a person who has no strength to bind a chicken and kill him, then I can't do it. You can rest assured that I'm not good with Luo Ziyi. I just want to use her relationship to discuss a condition with you!"

This remark of Lin Shihan is full of sarcasm. I know that she refers to the fact that I killed song Qingfeng, which is the fuse of the greatest hatred between me and her. She hates me deeply. It is precisely because of song Qingfeng's death that the Xuanwu society will assassinate me, and it is precisely because of song Qingfeng's death that the Xuanwu society and I were killed, which led to their downfall.

However, I don't regret it at all. If it wasn't for my fate, song Qingfeng had successfully abetted Wanlong to kill me. It would be a disaster to keep such a person. Of course, the only thing I regret now is to let Lin Shihan go. After all, I still underestimate her. From what she has done and the tone of her speech, she is no longer the same as before A weak girl, in this period of time, she really changed, changed I dare not despise her.

So, I very solemnly asked her: "say, what conditions?"

Lin Shihan did not wriggle, directly said her purpose, seriously said: "my condition is very simple, is to ask you to save my father with the fastest speed!"When Lin Shihan said this, he didn't mean to discuss with me, but directly gave me the order that I had to do. After hearing this, I finally understood the reason why Lin Shihan caught Ziyi. She did this to save his father. Indeed, as the leader of the Xuanwu society, in this affray, Lin Xuanwu had the biggest crime, at least to be jailed for life Even if Lin Shihan tried his best to save Lin Xuanwu, no one would be able to save Lin Xuanwu. Therefore, Lin Shihan thought of me because she knew, or said, that she must be the only one who could save her father.

However, Lin Shihan, a woman, does not pose any threat to me, but Lin Xuanwu is different. Although he was abandoned, now medicine is so developed that it can be cured. When he comes back, he will return to his side with a wave. After all, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, so I have to guard against it. I didn't kill him, but I saved him It's just impossible.

After a pause, I said to Lin Shihan in a contemptuous tone: "what if I don't save it?"

Lin Shihan snorted coldly and said to me, "that's the only way out. I don't think you want Ziyi to be hurt. I know that Ziyi is your inverse scale!"

Lin Shihan has really changed. She has ignored my threat and hit my heart directly. She is a lion who has awakened. She is the most poisonous woman. This kind of person will make people headache.

In the face of her now, I dare not be careless. Even if I am angry in my heart, I try my best to think about how to deal with it. After thinking for a long time, I opened my mouth and said, "it's OK to save him, but not now. You need to wait for a few days!"

My purpose is to drag on, and then send my brothers to search the whole city. If we find Lin Shihan and wipe it out directly, she seems to have seen through my purpose. After listening to me, I directly said, "Suluo, I advise you not to use your brains. You can't find Ziyi. Listen to me. You can't save my father. This will be written off!"

It's light and easy to say. I'm really stupid. The purpose of Lin Shihan is not so simple. Her hatred for me can't be described in words. I killed song Qingfeng and her elder brother Lin Feng. These are the people she cares about most. Even if she killed me, I'm afraid it's not enough to dispel my hatred. She will surely retaliate me crazily. I can think of it and save me It's just the first step.

Although I know her purpose, I have no reason to refute her. What's more, Ziyi is still in her hands. I don't dare to mess around. I still pretend to be serious and say to her solemnly: "what I said is true. After all, the matter is too big to cause trouble in the province. I can save your father, but it won't work for a while, at least It will take at least three days, so I can't let Ziyi stay in your hands! "

Now it's urgent to save Ziyi. I really don't allow her to suffer any injustice. If Lin Shihan dares to mess around, even if I turn over the city, I will find her. But to my surprise, Lin Shihan listened to my words, without hesitation, and said calmly: "you can rest assured. As long as you promise to save my father, Ziyi is very happy now It's safe. I haven't touched her. You can come and find her now

I really didn't expect that Lin Shihan could be so frank. It's not like a cunning whore. Did I misunderstand her? She's really just trying to save her dad. Nothing else? However, I feel wrong. I clearly remember the way Lin Shihan looked at me on the day of the decisive battle, after killing Lin Feng and abolishing Lin Xuanwu. Now I think I'm scared. I don't think her purpose this time will be as simple as the surface. Therefore, I still questioned and asked, "aren't you afraid that I will repent after receiving Ziyi?"

At this time, Lin Shihan said seriously: "I believe you!"

After that, she didn't give me a chance to reply. She hung up the phone and heard the sound of Dudu. Similarly, my brain is buzzing. Now, after so much, I can't understand Lin Shihan. I feel that she has a mind set. But in fact, I seem to be wrong again. Is she really just as simple as she said Is that right?

Perhaps, because she knew me too well and knew how to ask me was useless. So she took great pains to seize Ziyi and force me to submit. She believed in my character. Therefore, Lin Shihan thought that I would do what I said, but was the fact as simple as I imagined?

Now, I totally can't believe this. After a long pause, I picked up my mobile phone again and called Ziyi's number. This time, the person who answered the phone was not Lin Shihan, but Ziyi. Luo Ziyi, who was real and sincere, seemed to have no sense of crisis at the moment. When I called her, she was completely happy. I didn't have time to chat with her and ask directly Where she is now, and Ziyi told me that she is in a cafe downtown.

When Ziyi reported the specific address to me, I immediately said to her: "Zi Yi, listen up, just stay there, don't go there, wait for me!"

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