After I hung up the phone, I immediately got sober up and immediately gathered hundreds of people to drive to the downtown coffee shop. Although I was sure that Ziyi was safe and sound, I still could not believe Lin Shihan's words easily. I was afraid that she would play some tricks and invite the emperor into the jar to let me fall into her trap. Therefore, I must be careful.

On the way, Shen Muchen asked me about the situation. I told him everything I didn't hide. Shen Muchen also felt that things might not be so simple. It was good for me to keep an eye on how long. Time passed slowly in tension. Finally, in the street in front of the coffee shop, I saw Ziyi in the coffee shop from a distance The door, silently looking at, waiting for me.

This coffee shop is located in a prosperous area, and there are many passers-by around. However, Ziyi stands out from the crowd everywhere. It is easy to recognize her. She is still indifferent to the world. There is no trace of being kidnapped. Especially, when she knows that I am going to see her, she looks very happy and stands alone at the door of the coffee shop , also can't help but show a beautiful smile.

Now I was almost sure that Ziyi was safe, and there was no place for ambush. So my brothers and I got off the bus directly and walked towards Ziyi who was waiting for me. Originally, Ziyi thought I was coming to see her alone, but she suddenly saw a large group of people coming here to meet her. In an instant, her smile froze, The whole person is motionless, lenglengleng's looking at my arrival.

I was at the forefront of the team with the air of a king. My expression was serious. As soon as I got close to Ziyi, I couldn't help but catch her and check her up and down. Then, I asked with concern: "Ziyi, are you ok? Why isn't Liu Qianxue by your side

In my heart, from the beginning of hearing Lin Shihan's voice, I couldn't hide the anxiety in my heart. No matter how calm I was on the surface, I was really worried about Ziyi. I was really afraid that Lin Shihan, a woman, would go crazy and do something out of the ordinary, even when I was just on the road.

Until I saw with my own eyes that Ziyi was ok, my heart was settled down, and at the same time, I was very excited. This is really lucky. I also deeply understand that no matter what time, Ziyi is the person I care about most. I care about her more than my life.

Ziyi was more and more surprised to see me so excited. After a while, she came back from her astonishment and asked me, "what can I do for you? It's just that Lin Shihan ran into me on the road and asked me to have coffee, so I'll let Qianxue go home first!"

I'm in a mess when I hear her. What's going on? Is Lin Shihan's kidnapping so mysterious? How purple to her a little hostility, so, I quickly puzzled asked: "but how can your phone in her hand?"

Ziyi did not hesitate to reply: "Oh, you say this ah, her mobile phone is out of power, borrow my mobile phone to use, so, I gave her!"

When Ziyi said this, her eyes were full of sincerity, and there was no impurity. Looking at such a simple Ziyi, I couldn't help sweating. Ziyi was so simple. Compared with Lin Shihan, how terrible it should be. Thinking of this, I held Ziyi tightly regardless of more than 100 pairs of eyes in the rear.

Ziyi was still a little embarrassed. She just stood upright and didn't move. After holding her for a while, I left here with Ziyi and went back to glory. On the way, Ziyi told me that there was nothing special today. Lin Shihan met her by chance, invited her to have a cup of coffee, and talked about my interesting stories in middle school. Ziyi was very happy. It was such a simple thing, It almost scared me out of my wits.

However, from this incident, I understand that I must pay more attention to Ziyi's safety. From today on, I will let Ziyi stay with me. Now I have been stable and have the ability to protect Ziyi. Only by keeping her around, can my heart be solid. Similar to today's things, I can never let it happen again.

When Ziyi heard me say that she would stay by her side, she simply laughed and bloomed, and her expression had a sense of happiness that could not be concealed. Perhaps, for her, the waiting time was really too long. She waited for me for such a long time, in order to finally be with me. Now, my power is stable, and I have eliminated Xie Yu's obstacle, and I let her follow me in the future How can I be unhappy.

Then, I called Qianxue and told her that Ziyi stayed with me. Hearing the news, she was brilliant and happy. She told me to be more careful. Qianxue also told me that if I didn't give her a holiday, she would look for me. During this period of time, her disturbance has ended. It's time to go back and report. It's time for her to stay I have been around for a long time and chatted a few more words. She hung up the phone and said that she would leave tomorrow and contact me again. Liu Qianxue and I had a quarrel. But when we really needed each other, we would still help each other to the end.

Ziyi and I were back together in this way. Although the results were the same, I was still very uncomfortable. I was still preparing to give her a surprise and make her happy. But tonight I took a large group of people to pick her up. It was like fighting, which really surprised and pleased her, but it was quite different from the surprise I was going to give her.Surprise can be said later, but after Lin Shihan's experience, my heart is very heavy. More and more I feel that Lin Shihan is a little enigmatic. Even Shen Muchen is a little incredible. He can't help but sigh. Lin Shihan is not a simple woman. After returning to the hotel, Shen Muchen specially discussed with me about how to deal with Lin Xuanwu.

I thought about it, still can't get married, and finally I said to him, "I'll go to director Zhuang for help and save him!"

After hearing this, Shen Muchen said in surprise, "Arlo, are you crazy? Are you really determined to let him go? If he comes out, he may be in a lot of trouble! "

I know what Shen Muchen is worried about, so I continue to say: "I don't understand this truth, but since I have promised Lin Shihan, I must do what I say. When I should do anything by any means, by any means, or by reputation!"

Shen Muchen listened to my words, and did not say anything, but his expression was a little complicated. In fact, I did not know that Lin Shihan wanted to rescue her father urgently. It would not be simple for him to go home to recuperate and spend his old age peacefully. She would certainly do something to me, but no matter what, I have promised Lin Shihan, so I can't go back on my word. Anyway, he has already It's a disabled person, and my power has been completely stabilized. I don't believe that a disabled person and a woman can make much noise.

After the decision was made, I contacted director Zhuang the next day and asked him to find a way to get Lin Xuanwu out. Although I was a little embarrassed about this matter, I still agreed to me. After dealing with this matter, I was relieved to be with Ziyi. She didn't know the gratitude and resentment between Lin Shihan and me at first. She didn't know until she heard this conversation between me and Shen Muchen, I almost implicated myself to realize how stupid and naive I am. However, what I like is her.

Such a purple I must cherish, she is my life, is my favorite person, I must guard this love, let her happy and safe in my side. Then, I arranged a room for her in the hotel, the best presidential suite in our hotel. This is our base camp. Only by letting Ziyi live here can I feel at ease. When Ziyi saw me suddenly becoming so successful, she didn't think about it. At one time, she couldn't accept it. Her eyes were full of love for me.

The two of us just met again, and we talked a lot. Ziyi and I talked a lot about each other in our room. We talked to each other about the latest situation of each other. But there is one knot I haven't mentioned to Ziyi all the time. It's a secret in my heart and my dusty memory. I can't tell Ziyi and let her misunderstand.

Although I had promised her that we would be honest and trust each other in the future, after all, Bai Ling and I had a relationship. If Ziyi knew this, she would not be able to bear it. So, now I just want to cherish the love with her, and can't give her any misunderstanding. Anyway, from now on, Bai Ling and I will not have any intersection, so let her become a secret forever in my heart.

Unconsciously, Ziyi and I talked to each other until early in the morning. At this time, we planned to go to bed. We vaguely remember that we met last time. We were also in the hotel. Everything was ready. We were about to make physical contact, so we were disturbed by Wan long. It was because of the last incident that I embarked on a road of revenge. We caught song Qingfeng and offended Lin Feng, He started a war with the basaltic society and finally destroyed it.

In such a short time, after so many things, life has finally returned to its original point. Ziyi and I broke through the obstacles and finally got together. The only difference is that now we live in my own hotel, which is the headquarters of our organization. Therefore, I don't need to be afraid of any interference. We can enjoy it The next time.

After the two of us finished chatting, I immediately ran into the bathroom to take a bath. This time, I washed very quickly and came out in about 10 minutes. After I came out, I looked at Ziyi with hot eyes. Ziyi was a bit shy and looked at me. Then, I ran into the bathroom with my head down. Seeing her so shy, I laughed cunningly Immediately, lie directly on the bed, slowly waiting for Ziyi.

Ziyi may have been ready for a long time. This time the speed of bathing is also very fast. After a while, she also came out. She was shyly on the bed and lay beside me. This scene deeply stimulated me and made my blood boil in an instant. I hugged Ziyi and kissed her lips heavily.

At this moment, I was like a wild animal in love. I couldn't control myself until Ziyi, who was kissing, was almost out of breath. I just let go of her. Looking at Ziyi, she was about to make the next move. But at this moment, Ziyi suddenly said, "Arlo, I heard Lin Shihan say that you can't do it. Is this true?"

At this critical point, Ziyi suddenly talked about it, which made me feel ashamed. Fortunately, I had recovered under me, otherwise I would not have the face to see her. However, when I heard the word "no way", I was still a little uncomfortable, because the last thing men like to hear is that women say that they are not good, so I directly to Ziyi The teaser said, "OK, it's only when you try it that you know."When I said this, Ziyi's face blushed instantly, which made her speechless. Seeing her embarrassing appearance, I laughed wickedly. Then I rushed to Ziyi's body and whispered to her, "Ziyi, now I'll let you experience my ability!"

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