Hearing that Ziyi's tone was full of sadness, and there was endless panic in her eyes, as if she had fallen into hell from heaven in a moment. However, Ziyi's character I knew, still standing strong, and in her words, I also felt that she had not fully believed it. She was still waiting for me to answer, because in her heart, she still believed me.

I looked at Ziyi nervously, and stuttered and said, "Ziyi, listen to me, things are not the way you think, the relationship between me and Bai Ling."

Said, I suddenly a little bit can not say, Grandpa white stood in front of me, I even want to lie have not said that can not export, I and Bai Ling, I promised grandpa white things, are real existence, how can I open my eyes in front of Grandpa white to say a blind word? But how can I explain it to Ziyi?

Ziyi listened to my half words, and her eyes were more sad. She bit her lips and asked me, "I want to know, are you and her granddaughter really as he said?"

Facing Ziyi, I really don't know how to answer, tangled for a long time, I replied: "yes, but you."

I want to continue to explain, but when Ziyi hears the word, she just breaks me off and says, "sulo, do you know? Actually Lin Shihan told me that your relationship with bailing, a school doctor, was unclear. But I didn't believe her at that time because I believe you! "

She said, her tears came down, I know, it was a disappointed tear, in Ziyi's heart, has become a dependence on me, in her eyes, our love is mutual trust, and let her not accept is, I did not confess to her, this may be my biggest mistake, to now, was grandpa White found the door, I even reasonable also said not clear, Now I really don't know what to do, can only to purple Yi full of guilt said: "Ziyi, I am sorry you, you can listen."

I wanted to explain it well with Ziyi. I could not miss a word to explain the original situation of the matter. But now Ziyi's mood has collapsed, and she can't hear my words at all. She cried and scolded me: "you liar!"

After that, she turned and ran away. At this moment, all the vows of the mountain alliance were useless. Ziyi felt the betrayal of the most trusted people, and made her on the edge of absolute collapse. I thought that our happy days would continue, but the white grandfather who suddenly killed blocked everything, and let purple follow the happiest top and fall into the cruelest abyss.

Looking at Ziyi's sad and desperate back, my heart convulsed violently. Immediately, I tried to catch up with my leg. But I just ran two steps, and was caught by grandpa Bai. Don't look at his old man's age, but I was very strong. I was caught by him on the shoulder, feeling that he was soft and could not run. At this moment, I was a little angry, although he was still a little angry It is my benefactor, but he doesn't give me face at all, and doesn't think about Ziyi's heart at all. It makes me feel very depressed and uncomfortable.

Now, I want to get rid of him and shout, "you let go of me!"

Seemingly unimportant action, I just did not earn to get away, at the same time, Grandpa Bai also said to me politely: "if you don't solve ling'er's affairs, you will not want to leave!"

When we argued, Ziyi had already run far away, took a taxi and left. Looking at Ziyi, who disappeared in front of me, my eyes were red. Then, he said to Grandpa Bai dissatisfied: "you mean it, right?"

Facing my questioning, Grandpa Bai didn't conceal it, and said to me directly, "yes, you are right, because you can't be with other women, you must be responsible for ling'er!"

Grandpa Bai's tone is unquestionable, as if to let me and Bai Ling together, he can open up everything, I know his feelings for Bai Ling, and understand his mood at the moment, but his behavior really makes me dissatisfied, I said to him: "this girl is my girlfriend, before, and now, has always been, you know! So, I can't be with Bai Ling. When I was in your house, I promised Bai Ling to hide you. So, I promise to take good care of Bai Ling later! I just didn't want you and Bai Ling to be sad and made that decision! "

What I didn't expect was that Grandpa Bai didn't care about my explanation. He just said to me very seriously: "I don't care about your past events. I only know that you have a relationship with ling'er, and she is pregnant. Just for these two, you must be responsible for her!"

Actually, I really don't believe grandpa Bai. Besides, if Bai Ling knows she is pregnant, she will also inform me. I don't believe it. I absolutely don't believe it. Grandpa Bai must use this to deceive me, and let me be responsible for Bai Ling. Anyway, now, I will explain to Ziyi clearly and tell her all the things. So, I directly say to Grandpa Bai "Grandpa Bai, listen to me, no matter what, can you wait for me a day, a morning can also be, I have dealt with it, will definitely go back with you, I swear!"

But grandpa Bai refused me a little face and said, "no, those fart vows are deceiving. I don't believe it. I came here specially today, so I want to catch you back to be married with ling'er, so, this is a delay!"I've met unreasonable people, but I haven't met such unreasonable people as grandfather Bai. The old man even wants to take me back to get married. What's the age? There's such a thing as kidnapping and marriage. I'm about to break down when I'm forced by him. I yell at grandfather Bai: "do you think it's possible? Even if I compromise today, Bai Ling won't agree. You forced us to get together. Have you ever considered Bai Ling's feelings? "

Seeing my great reaction, grandfather Bai's look changed. Instead of being as strong as he was just now, he showed a melancholy face. I could see that he was in a bad mood. He sighed and said to me, "do you think I want to do this? I can't help it. You promised me to take good care of ling'er for me, but you didn't do it. I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I already knew that ling'er has a sexual orientation problem. I just don't want to tell the truth. I want to change her slowly. You have become my breakthrough point. I see hope in you.

So, I don't care what your status is. As long as you are good to ling'er, at least, it can be accepted by the world. Do you know, yesterday ling'er took a girl back to see her parents, which made her parents angry and vomited blood, almost didn't piss them off. Although our family is not traditional, it can't accept this kind of thing, and can't bear this kind of rumors So, you must go back with me and marry ling'er! "

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, I was suddenly stunned. No wonder he would deliberately come to me and make an inquiry on me. It was because of this. But I really didn't expect that Bai Ling would take her daughter home to see her parents, but I was suddenly confused. Who would she bring? At this time, I had a brainstorm, which made me think of a person for the first time Xue Ning, who helped me during the war.

Now a listen to white grandfather said, white Ling admitted that she is Lily potential, but also brought back a woman to see her parents, in retrospect, everything seems to be on the right, no wonder she to Xue Ning life is obedient, no wonder Xue Ning will help her to save me, no wonder Xue Ning look at my eyes also full of hostility, if I guess right, bailing's object should be Xue Ning.

I really didn't expect that Bai Ling actually disclosed the affair with Xue Ning. In today's society, no matter what family it is, no one can accept this kind of thing. Which old man doesn't want his children to have offspring, let alone a kind-hearted grandfather like grandfather Bai.

I didn't expect that this grandfather Bai was so open-minded in his heart. He knew everything. Therefore, when he treated me, he rescued Bai Ling who had gone astray by the way. He hoped that she could have a future with me. His requirements were not high. As long as the grandson-in-law was a man, I could not satisfy him with this seemingly simple request I really can't do anything. I'm willing to do my best for bailing. But I'm responsible for her. I can only say I'm sorry. I can't do it!

After thinking about it, I will not marry Bai Ling, whether he oppresses me with pregnancy or influences me with bailing. So, after hesitating, I directly say to grandfather Bai solemnly:

"grandfather Bai, I know that I did not do well, I lied to you, but just now you saw that my girlfriend left very sad Now I'm worried about her Anwei. I'm really afraid of what happened to her. I'm going to find her now. After I've calmed her down, I'll find you. When the time comes, I'll have to deal with it. Anyway, I owe you this. But I have to make it clear to you that I can't marry bailing, because I only have my girlfriend in my heart There's no room for anyone anymore

What I said was full of true feelings. Every sentence was from the bottom of my heart. I owed them first. As long as I was not allowed to marry Bai Ling, I would like to do anything. However, grandfather Bai didn't give me any room to discuss. He directly grasped my hand and said seriously: "this can't help you. I'll tell you the truth. I'm determined to take you today You have to follow me when you go. If you don't, I'll carry you. Even if the emperor comes, I can't stop me! "

In this world, maybe only for the sake of Bai Ling, this grandfather will be so rude. It seems that the kind-hearted grandfather really wants to drive me crazy. I am so anxious that I cry out: "Grandpa Bai, I see you are an elder. I have always respected you, but if you do this again, I will resist!"

My tone also changed very impolite, because the white grandfather does not eat soft, so I can only have some hard, but as soon as I said this, white grandfather suddenly grinned and said, "Oh, yes, it depends on whether you have this ability."

After that, he grabbed my shoulder hand and suddenly increased his strength. The pain made me sweat. This seemingly weak old man has great strength. Even I can feel it. Grandfather Bai's Kung Fu is so secret that I can't get rid of him. At this time, I can't worry about other things. I just opened my throat and yelled: "come here Help! Is there anyone else? Come and help me

I don't want to face the cry of earth shaking, listen to the white grandfather is also a burst of speechless, perhaps, how he can not think of, I said the resistance is to call for help, he was coagulated, was about to speak to me again, suddenly, a huge figure flashed out, and as soon as he appeared, he took the endless momentum, toward the white grandfather that only grabbed my arm hand Go, in the face of such a domineering and fierce offensive, white grandfather almost reflexively released me and retreated.This huge figure is not someone else. It is my close bodyguard, wasabi. He will come forward only when I am in danger. In fact, I know that I am not the opponent of grandfather Bai at all, but the horseradish with extraordinary skills is not necessarily. Even if Mr. Bai has helped me a lot, but for the sake of Ziyi, I can only choose to offend him.

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