"After the appearance of wasabi, he immediately pulled me behind him and protected me in front of me. Wasabi, he can give me unlimited sense of security, no matter when, as soon as he appears, he can let me find the feeling of being relied on. Therefore, as soon as the sunflower appears, I will face the white grandfather with an apologetic face and say:" white grandfather, I really can't live, I have to find my girlfriend first My friend, I will make amends to you in person some other day

Now I really don't have time to pester him here. After apologizing with grandfather Bai, I turned to wasabi and said, "wasabi, help me stop this grandfather. Remember, don't hurt him, just stop him!"

After that, I turned around and went to my sports car. However, to my complete dismay, I had just taken two steps when a figure suddenly flashed in front of me. The figure looked weak, but it had an endless aura, giving people a very strong feeling. He was the skinny white grandfather. At the moment, he stood with his hands down and squinted at random I, but let me feel very oppressive, when I was extremely shocked, his voice rang leisurely: "solo, you don't think your bodyguard can stop me?"

White grandfather's words immediately let me shocked, for me, he is indeed an enigmatic existence, whether it is his medical skills, or his wisdom, as well as the strength hidden in his body, I can not see through, I know in my heart, my strength is absolutely incomparable with him, I can not escape from his hand, so, I will shout out horseradish.

Wasabi, I think, has always been the strongest master. I think, he is so old, how can he be the opponent of wasabi, but how can I think that, only in a turn, white grandfather crossed the wasabi, quickly flashed to me, at the moment he showed momentum, it is overwhelming, so powerful, this moment , I suddenly feel that the strength of grandfather Bai is really deep.

Not only me, but even wasabi was startled. He didn't seem to think that the old man would be so powerful. Therefore, for the words of grandfather Bai, wasabi was not angry. He just walked to my side seriously and pulled me behind again. Then, he said to grandfather Bai, "the old man is really a master, and I haven't seen him for a long time You are such an expert, let me experience it today

Originally, wasabi is a person with few words, everything will be explained with the most concise language, but at this moment, the expression of Wasabi words is polite. Obviously, he does not dare to slack off in front of the white grandfather, and in the face of the giant wasabi, white grandfather also seems to care nothing about the appearance, to him light said: "big man, you can't beat me Don't ask for trouble here. I'll take solo. Don't worry. I won't hurt him

White grandfather's tone has been virtually crazy to the limit, perhaps, he really did not put the wasabi in the eye, but even so, the wasabi will not let my grandfather take me away, in an instant, the mountain anemone on the towering momentum was sent out, this is a daunting momentum, this momentum, strong and ferocious, did not expect, an old man will put the wasabi Forced to such a field.

After getting ready, wasabi took off his military coat for a long time, and then said to white grandfather, "Oh, yes, if you don't try, how can you know I will lose?"

After that, he also stopped talking nonsense, and directly attacked the white grandfather. As soon as sunflower made a move, he set off an avalanche of momentum. The attack was extremely swift and violent. If I had eaten his fist, I was afraid that I would be half disabled. Therefore, even if I guessed that grandfather Bai's skill was not ordinary, I couldn't help pinching a sweat for him. I stood straight in place, closely staring at him The previous scene.

However, white grandfather in the face of Wasabi so strong attack, but did not immediately Dodge, he just legs slightly squat, made a defensive posture, until the wasabi hit him, he slowly hand. White grandfather's action looks very slow, but let me once again silly eye is, he this slowly slowly block, but resolved the wasabi strong and strong attack.

Holding my breath and staring at this scene, I didn't see what was going on, so I easily cracked the wasabi attack. What made me feel strange was that the old grandfather Bai was not strong, and his movement was so slow. How could he take the wasabi's attack and still look so easy? I don't understand. I really don't know. However, wasabi is As if he had known the strength of CAI grandfather for a long time, he didn't show too much surprise and just continued to shoot without stopping.

Although the horseradish is huge, his speed is also amazing. He attacks grandfather Bai one move after another. His movements are very coherent. I know that wasabi is a kung fu master. As early as more than ten years ago, he was the existence of domestic gods, not to mention now. When I saw wasabi shooting, I was fighting Lin Feng at the gate of Lin Feng's house, but at that time Wasabi did not move the real case, is simply accompany Lin Feng to play, until the end, he only used a move to dry Lin Feng.

In the war, wasabi fought several experts of the basaltic society alone. At that time, I saw the wild state of wasabi. It was a King Kong that could not be attacked or defended. In my eyes, he was already the existence of the peak. If the two times of Wasabi were just warm-up, then this Once, wasabi is really show themselves, perhaps, for an expert, he is lonely, he is not afraid to meet the strong, he is most afraid is not to meet the opponent, said invincible more lonely, now I really understand this truth.So, at the moment, wasabi attaches so much importance to his opponent this time. His eyes are glowing. The more he hits, the more excited he is. He feels that he has finally found his opponent. What I still don't understand is that in the face of such a fierce attack from wasabi, grandfather Bai can resist all his moves. You know, all that wasabi shows at the moment is real kung fu If you are not careful, you will lose your life. If you were me, you might have already fallen.

However, grandfather Bai did it. I couldn't understand how he was able to defend so tightly. No matter how the wasabi attacked or from where he attacked, he couldn't hurt him. This really surprised me. I thought I could do some Kung Fu. Even if I knew something about Chinese martial arts, I understood it It's really not worth mentioning.

However, grandfather Bai's slow moves are basically in the defensive state. He has not taken the initiative to attack, or he can't spare his hand to attack. Because the horseradish moves are too dense, he just keeps on using his moves like a robot. He seems not to be tired, and his movements are fast. He has been circling around grandfather Bai, using both hands and feet, It's a wonderful fight.

In particular, when the wasabi rose into the air and kicked several times in the air, it was like Huang Feihong's shadowless foot in Foshan. My teeth almost fell out. It was really eye opening. No matter what kind of Kung Fu, wasabi seemed to have reached a certain level. These cool movements were so handsome that people were fascinated. I could see my heart In the thumping, inadvertently also secretly learned several moves.

No matter what, grandfather Bai is still poor in his age. No matter how strong he is, his body is not strong enough. No matter how high his martial arts skills are, he can't bear the powerful and continuous kicks of wasabi. Finally, grandfather Bai can't stop him. He has been beaten back and forth by wasabi. His face, which has always been calm and gentle, has changed a little.

Seeing this scene, I can't help feeling that grandfather Bai can't stand it. In fact, my purpose is to stop him from pestering me and make time for me to chase Ziyi. I really don't want things to happen like this. One of them is my bodyguard, the other is my life saver. No matter who is injured, I don't want to see it, So, at this time, I wanted to stop them. But I was about to ask the wasabi to stop. Suddenly, grandfather Bai said something that made me scared: "ha ha ha ha, you big man's martial arts are really good. Old man, I despise you. It seems that I'm going to act seriously!"

After all, grandfather Bai didn't immediately move his hand. Instead, he stretched out his legs and made a half squat posture. His hands and feet were always in the same place. The more I saw it, the more familiar I became. Suddenly, I woke up. Isn't this Taiji? I often see old people doing this in the morning, using Tai Chi to exercise their bodies. They use this kind of action. Only, the so-called Taijiquan is for strengthening the body. Is it really useful for fighting?

In a trance, I seem to understand one thing, why the wasabi didn't hurt white grandfather at all just now. It turns out that grandfather Han is not slow in body reaction, but he is using Tai Chi defense. The so-called "soft conquering Gang" should be like this. Therefore, grandfather Bai didn't make any effort to resist the fierce attack of wasabi.

At the moment, following the arrogant words of grandfather Bai, I can see that he is going to make real kung fu. It seems that grandfather Bai should be an expert in Taiji. That is to say, he has not used all his strength before, or he has not done anything at all. At this moment, I understand what it means that there are people outside, and there is a heaven out of the sky The accomplishments of martial arts are really endless.

However, only I was shocked. Wasabi was not as shocked as I was. He was still a positive face. It seemed that he had known for a long time that grandfather Bai didn't exert all his strength and was trying to test him all the time. Therefore, after hearing that grandfather Bai was going to officially get up, wasabi said faintly: "I'm waiting for your words!"

After that, the wasabi attacked the white grandfather again. He was still unstoppable. When the wasabi attacked, his circled hand suddenly attacked the wasabi. No matter what time, the action range of white grandfather was not big, but his eyes were very keen. Although the action of Wasabi was as fast as lightning, the white grandfather could In order to easily capture, and then to control, and even, you can take the opportunity to give wasabi a hurt, do not look at the white grandfather is just in place, but do not turn your eyes to look at his me, can see the white grandfather's action, fast in slow, slow in fast with fast.

Grandfather Bai has also made a real move. His Taiji is just the opposite of wasabi. He is slow and fast, quiet as a virgin, and as active as a crazy rabbit. But the situation has reversed. His moves can restrain wasabi and cause him great harm. This is the biggest secret of static braking. I feel that grandfather Bai has already shown the subtlety of Tai Chi Li is perfect, this attainments let people admire, in today's Taiji generation master.

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