Since grandfather Bai formally took part in the battle, wasabi has indeed suffered a lot of heavy losses. Although he is old, his strength can't be underestimated. If it wasn't for wasabi who was also a master, I'm afraid it would have been impossible. Even so, wasabi also had a feeling that he couldn't carry it. He was already sweating and his eyes were full of anger, until he suffered from grandfather Bai again After the heavy blow, he fell back again and again, and finally got up.

This time, wasabi did not move quickly. Instead, he took a rest in the same place for a moment. It seemed that he was accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity. As expected, as soon as grandfather Bai left his place and took the initiative to move towards him, wasabi seized this opportunity. In a moment, he rushed to grandfather Bai. In the blink of an eye, he flashed in front of the white grandfather, I saw that the huge body of Wasabi was close to the white grandfather.

I know this move is what he used when he hit Lin Feng. Lin Feng's powerful body didn't bear this. It can be imagined that if he was hit by this blow, he would fall to the ground and not be able to stand it. Now, my heart was raised, for fear that the white grandfather would have an accident in front of me.

However, grandfather Bai gave me too many accidents. This time, he surprised me severely. He seemed to have seen the movements of the wasabi. So, when the wasabi hit him, he suddenly reached out his hand and grasped the wasabi shoulder position, and then he quickly flashed to the rear of the wasabi, just like the great shift of heaven and earth , body shape changes too fast, I did not catch, in my trance, the white grandfather to the wasabi body massage, look at the wasabi look like eating pain.

Originally, wasabi's attack was empty, and his body was about to fall forward. In addition, grandfather Bai seemed to be at will. In fact, with an endless momentum of pushing, the huge body of Wasabi that was pushed directly flew out and hit the ground. It made a dull sound. Obviously, the wasabi was hurt by grandfather Bai. This scene deeply shocked me and my heart was shaking wildly It's really breathtaking. It's amazing how the skinny old man Bai knocked down the wasabi without any effort.

In my astonishment, white grandfather clapped his hands at will, gently walked to the wasabi side, said calmly to him: "I have said it for a long time, you are not my opponent, why do you make such a fuss?"

Grandfather Bai's tone is not ironic. In fact, he is just expounding a fact, a fact that he thinks is very normal, and that is the fact that makes me completely scratch my eyes on grandfather Bai. An old Chinese medicine doctor with superb medical skills can show such a powerful Tai Chi, and overturn a generation of mythical horseradish. However, although wasabi lost, he didn't feel humiliated. He even felt that it was an honor to lose in the hands of the enigmatic white grandfather. I saw a respectful look in his eyes.

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, wasabi jumped up directly from the ground. Then, he said respectfully to grandfather Bai, "the old man is really an expert. I admire your Taiji. I have met some masters of Taiji before, but they are far inferior to you. You can be called a true Tai Chi master!"

I really didn't expect that the wasabi, who has always given no face to anyone, would praise others, and still praise from the heart. For his praise, grandfather Bai didn't like it. He waved his hand and said, "OK, don't flatter me. I don't want to eat this set!"

Hearing this, wasabi is still serious, continue to say sincerely: "I am not flattering, I really admire you, you are my wasabi this life, the second person to admire!"

From the beginning to the end, white grandfather has always been indifferent to wasabi. Even though the wasabi showed great strength, he still didn't care. His purpose was only to catch me back. But when he heard the last sentence of wasabi, he still couldn't help asking curiously: "Oh, is that so? I'd like to ask you about the first one Who is Pei's man? "

At this time, I saw wasabi directly stride to my body, pointed to me and said forcefully to grandfather Bai: "the first is his father, Su Qiyao!"

Wasabi's words didn't shock white grandfather, but surprised me. I couldn't help but feel excited. It's no wonder that people like wasabi will submit to my father. It turns out that he and my father are not pure friends, nor simply respect my father's conduct, but have been subdued by my father by force. It's really unexpected that they still have such a thing Origin.

For wasabi, although I don't get along with him for a long time. But I know him. He is a cold and rebellious man. Ordinary people can't get into his eyes at all. My father wants to convince him. It's obviously not enough just by opening his mouth. Then, only by surpassing him in force can he be easily convinced by such military fanatics as horseradish.

Of course, my father's courage in other aspects is enough, otherwise, even if the force is stronger, it is impossible for a rebellious person like wasabi to be my bodyguard. But in my consciousness, although I know that my father has strength, but when I know that he is even better than wasabi, I was really surprised. I felt that my father was really against the weather. No wonder I could get along so well. Now, I really admire my father more and more. His identity is more and more mysterious in my heart.After listening to wasabi's words, grandfather Bai just looked at me. In fact, even if he knew that I had a bodyguard of this strength and my father's extraordinary, it would surely bring me a lot of trouble. Therefore, he would look at me up and down. Unfortunately, the old man still didn't care. After he glanced at me a little, he said nothing: "I No matter who his father is, I will take him today, so if you know the truth, you'd better get out of the way! "

I don't know if grandfather Bai has ever heard of my father, but look at his meaning. Obviously, he is not afraid of anyone. He is going to take me away today. However, after listening to grandfather Bai's words, wasabi not only does not retreat, but also stands in front of me. Although he respects the strength of grandfather Bai, he also has his own principles. His purpose is to protect me, certainly not I'll be taken away at will.

I know, this is not the way to go on, I don't want to make things irreparable, and I don't want to hurt the Bull Demon King. So, I directly said to the Bull Demon King in front of me: "Bull Demon King, you don't mind, I'll go with him, but I'll trouble you with one thing. During my absence, you find Xu Nan and protect her secretly. Don't let her have any accident !”

It seems that today's things have been unable to hide, the strength of grandfather white is far above the wasabi, if I let the wasabi force to resist, it will only cause irreparable results. Moreover, I must have an end to the matter with bailing, what's more, grandfather Bai also said Bai Ling is pregnant. No matter whether it's true or not, I have to find out, so I can't at this moment I'm running away.

Now, my only worry is Ziyi. I'm afraid that something will happen to her. What's more, without my company, I'm afraid that the remaining evils of the Xuanwu society will take her again. I have to ensure her safety, or I'll have a bad conscience all my life. Anyway, I'm the closest person to Ziyi in this city, and she's also my closest person, so I can't let her have a trace of danger, just ask her to forgive me. I'm willing to take care of her all my life. But now, I'm forced to do something about bailing first.

Although wasabi is loyal, but it is also to my father, his duty is to protect me, not others, so, he did not hesitate to refuse me and said: "absolutely not, I promised your father, must protect you!"

I looked at wasabi, solemnly said: "you don't worry, I'm very safe with my grandfather Bai. I don't need your protection for the time being. But Ziyi is different from her. She is my girlfriend. My favorite person. She will have an accident. I can't live. So, uncle wasabi, I want you to protect her secretly and wait for me to come back. I hope you can promise me!"

After that, I bowed deeply to the wasabi. Then, I left the car key to her. Then, I said to my grandfather Bai, "OK, let's go."

I know that I have already said this, and wasabi can only obey. Then, I set out with grandfather Bai and went to bailing's hometown.

on the way, with the consent of grandfather Bai, I made two phone calls. One was to call Shen Muchen, telling him that I had something to do. I left for a while, and asked him to act as my agent for all the organization Wu, another phone call is to Ziyi, but let me lose. It is true that her phone has been turned off. When I want to call again, grandfather Bai is annoyed and confiscates my mobile phone directly.

After a long journey, I went back to grandfather Bai's hometown. When I came here, I was very relaxed. But this time, I felt heavy in my heart. I couldn't get rid of the uneasy feeling in my heart for a long time. With thousands of melancholy feelings, I came to grandfather Bai's home. When I arrived at his home, I knew why he would bring me back in a hurry.

It turns out that in his courtyard, lights have been decorated for a long time. The courtyard is full of excitement, and there are big happy words on the door. Obviously, it is necessary to prepare for the rhythm of the wedding. In such a remote rural area, everything is handled according to the old society, and their marriage form is very simple, that is, the one who worships heaven and earth and the other worships the high hall. There is no need to do anything in modern society West.

On the way to here, I also thought that grandfather Bai would force me to marry Bai Ling, but I didn't expect that. No wonder grandfather Bai wanted to bring me back. It turned out that they were all ready, so they sent me the so-called bridegroom.

Bai Ling's parents and many relatives gathered in this house to witness the important moment. The festive atmosphere made me confused. I didn't know what to do. I was like a puppet, led by Bai's grandfather to know Bai Ling's parents. Bai Ling's father seemed to be a government worker, looking very sophisticated Bai Ling's mother seems to be a strong woman. However, her parents' first impressions are very good, which has nothing to do with their identity. It makes me feel approachable.

As soon as the couple saw me, they kept praising me, saying that I was too young and promising to be their son-in-law. And grandfather Bai, after coming back, directly indicated to them that I was bailing's genuine boyfriend. The real thing was that I was a fake. This time I came here, I specially made a marriage with bailing. Grandfather Bai's words were like Jingxin pills Bai Ling's parents feel very happy. They are already in a happy mood. They can't close their mouths.I was just about to explain. When I was caught, suddenly I was caught by grandfather Bai. He quickly pulled me to a place where there was no one, and then he said seriously to me: "Suluo, you can see it without me. My family is ready for everything Knowing all the people in the village, your marriage has been made public. Now you can't take it back. So, in any case, you must marry Bai Ling today

When I heard that grandfather Bai was so strong, I directly and categorically refused, and my attitude was also strong: "I said from the beginning, I can't marry Bai Ling, because I have a girlfriend, we love each other very much!"

When I heard this, grandfather Bai said without any doubt: "Su Luo, if you have a little conscience, you should help ling'er. If you don't marry her, her parents will completely cut off their relationship with her because of her affairs. If the villagers know about her, they will laugh at her. At that time, the child will be pitiful. You don't want her to become a traitor Remember that she helped you, and more importantly, she really liked you

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