White grandfather's words I let a choking, to tell the truth, if grandfather Han and I to hard, even if killed me, I will not yield, but he directly told Bai Ling, but can not help but let me stop, indeed, bailing is a poor person, she really love me, from the performance of the war can be seen, to the end even she was injured, but from then on After that, we became strangers.

Even if I can't feel too much hurt, I can't help but feel that I can't be hurt by her Pregnant.

Therefore, for the words of white grandfather, I did not refute him, just solemnly said to him: "I want to see Bai Ling!"

The white grandfather ordered to agree, and then, he took me to bailing's room, and said to me: "if you think of it, make good preparations. When the evening is full, you'll have to pay homage to get married!"

His tone didn't mean to discuss, but he said to me in an imperative tone. I didn't say anything. I went directly into Bai Ling's room. As soon as I went in, I saw Bai Ling. She sat on the bed with red eyes. She must have cried. As soon as she saw me, she immediately met me and asked me, "Suluo, how did you really come here?"

Looking at the white Ling in front of me, I said with a bitter smile: "tied by your grandfather!"

Bai Ling listened to my words, her face also changed dignified, her eyes flashed anger, she said to me decisively: "I knew they would be like this, go, I will take you away!"

I can see that Bai Ling is also dissatisfied with her grandfather's behavior. However, I didn't rush to leave. Instead, I held bailing and asked her, "ling'er, are you really pregnant?"

Hearing my words, bailing suddenly stopped, the anger in her eyes gradually turned into a melancholy mood. She lowered her head and whispered, "in fact, I don't know. My menstrual period is unstable, but my grandfather took the pulse and told me directly that I was happy!"

At this time, I knew that Bai Ling was pregnant because of his pulse. That is to say, no one knows whether Bai Ling is really pregnant, even Bai Ling himself, except for his grandfather. But now it seems that I really don't believe in grandfather Bai. I know that he can do anything for bailing. As long as I am with bailing, his goal will be achieved.

However, if grandfather Bai's words are true, what should I do in the future? I have my own children. Can I still be with Ziyi? This is a question I dare not face. When I was in a daze, bailing said to me with shame:

"Suluo, I blame me. I'm sorry for you. I didn't mean to involve you, but my parents must force me to marry. My grandfather said that I had a boyfriend and said he could take you Come on, I can't stop it. My parents locked me in the room. That's what happened after that. You know. "

When Bai Ling said this, I basically understood the whole story. Obviously, her parents were so anxious about their daughter's marriage that they saw something wrong with Bai Ling's sexual orientation. They didn't want their daughter to get deeper and deeper, and they didn't want the scandal to be made public. They could only let Bai Ling get married as soon as possible to cover up the fact, and I became a cover for the fact Son.

Before that, I promised my grandfather Bai that he would be responsible for bailing and would take good care of him. This naturally became their goal. He was brought to be the son-in-law. It was really self-made. In the final analysis, no one was to blame. It was my own fault. But I knew that the root cause was the exposure of Bai Ling Or everything will be as usual. At this moment, I don't know whether I should hate myself or her.

These are now to tangle also useless, so, I comforted Bai Ling, then puzzled asked her: "Ling Er, did you take Xuening to see your parents, why do you want to do this?"

Suddenly hearing this question, Bai Ling's face became more and more ashamed. She was a little girl who had done something wrong and didn't dare to answer me directly. I asked several times. Bai lingcai hesitated to tell me about the situation. Originally, bailing took Xuening to see her parents, but she knew that her family could not accept this matter. So, last time, Bai Ling had no choice but to take Xuening to see her parents She will let me pretend to be her boyfriend, to hide from grandfather Bai, let him not think more.

Later, bailing began to try to forget Xue Ning, but it didn't work out. Suddenly, she heard another thing, that is, I was in danger in the war. This frightened Bai Ling, and the only person she could ask for was Xue Ning. Xue Ning wanted to help me, and she wanted to mend old friendship with her to meet Bai Ling's parents. That's why Xue Ning was willing to help.

After listening to Bai Ling's story, I finally understood why her relationship with Xue Ning was suddenly exposed. I knew that there must be some reason why Xue Ning came to save the scene. It turned out that Bai Ling sacrificed herself and promised her to meet her parents together so that she would no longer have no sense of security. Xue Ning was willing to help, but Xue Ning was like a single minded family She didn't know how much she opposed it, but she had to insist on going, and it was because of this that I was involved.All in all, the most resentful person is me. If bailing is not to save me, there won't be such a thing today. For me, I don't like it any more, but I'm moved by Bai Ling's behavior. For me, she is really willing to do everything. Even if it's not related to me, she will still sacrifice to save me She even hurt her parents and was forced to get married.

Now, I feel more guilty about her. I really don't know how to make up for this woman. Looking at her, my eyes are red unconsciously. I can't help but ask her, "ling'er, why do you treat me so well? Do you really love me very much? "

When I said this, my voice was hoarse, and I was in a bad mood. Bai Ling listened to my words, and her expression was obviously moved. She reached out her hand and stroked my cheek. She said affectionately, "I love you, I love you very much, because you are a different man!"

At this moment, looking at Bai Ling, I was a little lost in my mind. Once upon a time, it was in this room that we had a relationship and left an indelible memory. Now, here again, we are under the pressure of the outside world, especially in my heart. I really want to hold Bailing in my arms and take care of the person in front of me for the rest of my life But I know it's impossible. My heart can't let go of Ziyi.

Bailing seems to see my mind, she took back her hand and said to me seriously: "Suluo, don't worry about it. I know you have someone you love deeply. I won't haunt you. Today's thing is that I can't forgive you. Don't worry, I'll tell my family clearly and won't let them mess around!"

Bai Ling's words are very serious, but her tone is full of bitter feelings. She is the most painful. Just as grandfather Bai said, once I didn't marry her, it would not only expose the problem of Bai Ling's sexual orientation, but also expose her unmarried pregnancy. Then she would not only break the relationship with her parents, but also be ridiculed by the whole village people. She would only be the only one in her life Can live in the shadow of inferiority.

Everything has come to this stage. Bai Ling still pretends to be strong. She still ignores herself and thinks for me. After saying this, she goes directly to the door and prepares to find her parents to explain the matter for me. Looking at such a stubborn bailing, I can't help but move. Suddenly, I put out my hand, grabbed bailing, held her in my arms, and whispered to her ear: "Ling'er, I know that what you do is for my good. The person I am most sorry for in my life is you. But, have you ever thought about it, if you are really pregnant, what are you going to do?"

Bailing in the end whether or not really pregnant, this is my most worry about the problem, although I constantly tell myself, white grandfather's words are not credible, but not afraid of ten thousand in case, if white Ling is really pregnant, then I really difficult to do. Let's not say whether I should be responsible for bailing. Even if I'm not responsible, will Ziyi forgive me? Therefore, in any case, I need to know whether bailing is really pregnant. If it is, I must know Bai Ling's attitude.

Bai Ling listened to my words, the sadness in her expression became more and more profound, and her eyebrows also had worries that were hard to hide. However, she did not want to show any difference in front of me, so she had to hide her emotions as much as possible, and said to me decisively: "if it is really pregnant, you are not responsible, I can raise the child by myself! "

Bai Ling's words slapped me heavily, which made my heart ache inexplicably. I love Bai Ling. I know that she is strong. No matter how she is, she doesn't want to involve me. She is not the kind of woman who is too dogged. Even if she is pregnant, she will not blackmail me and rob me from Ziyi's hand, but ask her to beat up the baby, Obviously, it is impossible. Even if she agrees, her family won't agree.

But once she was born, as the father of a child, can I really think of nothing? Can I stay away from it? The more I think about it, the more entangled my heart will be. At this moment, the door of Bai Le'er's room suddenly opened, and it was grandfather Bai who came in. He quickly came to me, and the appearance of white grandfather let me loose Bai Ling in my arms. At this time, I only heard the white grandfather say sternly: "he must be responsible! "

grandfather Bai's tone is beyond doubt, and his face is also very grim. Now it seems that even Bai Ling has no room for discussion. As soon as he approached, he said sternly to me:

" Suluo, do you think I'm cheating you? Now I solemnly tell you that ling'er is really pregnant. This is not a coincidence, because the medicine you take can activate your ability in that aspect, which is easy to cause pregnancy. I also feel ling'er's pulse, and it is still several times. The result is the same. She is indeed pregnant. Now, this is the fact that can not be changed. This is not better. As long as ling'er gives birth to a great grandson, he will not be afraid of the outside world. So, anyway, you are responsible for my granddaughter and the unborn child! "

when grandfather Bai said this, his expression was extremely serious and his voice was sonorous and forceful. He didn't seem to be lying at all. All my doubts were gone. I couldn't help but believe it completely. At once, my brain was in disorder. Finally, this matter was no longer a small matter. The only way to solve it was that I was responsible for Bai Ling, But it's really hard for me.I have now entered a dilemma, one side is sad and desperate Ziyi, waiting for me to go back to explain, the other side is bailing pregnant, waiting for me to be responsible, God, what should I do now?

When I was at a loss, bailing immediately stood up and said to her grandfather without hesitation: "grandfather, I didn't explain it to you clearly. Suluo has a girlfriend. They two came together very hard. I really don't want to break up others. If you want me to be happy every day for my good, please don't make up your own mind and help me Decide where I belong! “

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