Bai Ling was really unhappy when she was so upset by her grandfather. She had the most respect for her grandfather, but at the moment, she obviously didn't agree with her grandfather's practice. When Bai Ling saw Bai Ling like this, he looked at her with heartache and sighed, "ling'er, grandfather, it's also for you. I don't want to see you in the reproach life in the future, not to mention your parents and you Make to the point of breaking off the relationship, ling'er, you should also consider for your own future. Suluo is the only man you love. Even if you don't fight for it, don't give up easily! "

grandfather Bai's wrinkled face is full of concern. He is really worried about Bai Ling's future, and his words are also reasonable. Yes, the only man Bai Ling is interested in is me. Now she has an advantage. She cured my illness for me. To tell the truth, I care about Bai Ling from the bottom of my heart. No matter what, I will fight I promise not to let her be wronged, but today's thing, the most aggrieved person is her, I really can't watch alone bear the pain, in this world, in addition to I really difficult to find a second man, into her law, so, this matter has no other people to choose, and this is also the real intention of white grandfather to bring me back regardless of everything.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally compromised. I solemnly agreed with grandfather Bai, but I also emphasized with him that he would not really be with bailing, but I would come to see her in my spare time, because I have a girlfriend. I can't leave my beloved Ziyi behind. When my grandfather Bai saw that I agreed to marry Bai Ling, he immediately beamed with joy I didn't say anything more. I only told me that I could agree to attend the wedding ceremony.

After chatting with grandfather Bai, I went to Bai Ling's room again. I knew that Bai Ling was opposed to everything about today's affairs. But just now, grandfather Bai lowered his posture and said those words to me. Obviously, because of Bai Ling's personality, he took the initiative to retreat and persuade me. The purpose was to let me comfort Bai Ling and not let her tangle in it Here it is.

As soon as I got back to bailing's room, I immediately explained the situation to bailing and made my meaning clear to her. After listening to my words, bailing immediately opened her eyes. She looked at me stupidly and said, "Arlo, do you really want to have a result with me? "

what I didn't expect was that I had already explained to her, but Bai Ling still showed an unbelievable look and an unbelievable look with surprise, which made me think she didn't understand. Therefore, I deliberately stressed it again and said," well, I'd like to marry you, but this is just a form for you Parents, relatives and people in the village! "

Bai Ling understood my meaning, looked at me with excitement on her face, and said affectionately," Arlo, I understand, I know what you mean, but this is enough for me. However, Arlo, I still want to thank you! "

it can be seen that as long as I promise, this will be very satisfactory for bailing. Her requirements are not high at all. I also know that in Bai Ling's heart, she wants to be with me very much. She is willing to do everything for me, for bailing's sake, and not to let her get into trouble with her family, Of course, bailing could not get it. Her excitement was all over her face.

Seeing her so happy, my heart was also gratified. In the final analysis, I owe her, which is a part of me to make up for her. When I and our two parties agreed, immediately, this unexpected wedding started.

This wedding is very simple, just like the TV show, that is, one worship of heaven and earth, two obeisance to the high hall, and so on. Although the wedding is hasty, it still needs to be dressed up. I am a big man. I don't need too much decoration. I just need to dress up. Bai Ling is different. Everything is very troublesome. Before the wedding, she stayed in the room all the time. Fortunately, there were special personnel to dress her up, which saved a lot of time.

I was in another room, preparing my own affairs, and I had nothing to do. The main thing I did was to tidy up my mood and make myself happy. Although it was a good occasion, marriage was a big event after all. Even if it was acting, I should try my best. But at this moment, I felt strange and inexpressible in my heart.

In the evening, most of the villagers came to witness the most grand wedding in the village. Bai Ling's hometown was full of joy, and the whole village was witnessing our happiness. When Bai Ling and I were fully prepared, all the people attending the wedding were all here. Our hasty wedding officially started.

I was dressed like an ancient bridegroom. I was holding an ancient wedding with Bailing here. Even though I was prepared for it, I was still in a state of melancholy. However, the atmosphere was so happy that I gradually distracted my attention. My melancholy in my heart was gradually diluted by people's laughter. Forget it, I think so much It doesn't help. Since I have promised others to do it, I will be willing to do it well, because this is what I owe bailing. I also use this wedding ceremony to make up for her hurt heart and let her get some comfort from her heart.With the passage of time, a wedding banquet was in a cheerful atmosphere for a long time. After paying homage to the hall, Bai Ling was sent to the bridal chamber, while I was led by my grandfather Bai to deal with the relatives and friends present. I have been smiling to all the people, offering wine to all kinds of people and saying nice words, Suddenly, I feel that I seem to adapt to this role, this moment of me, are no longer their own, as if, this wedding is no longer a walk through so simple, I suddenly realized that I really into the play.

There were a lot of guests present. I offered a lot of wine, and I didn't know how many cups I had drunk. I thought that I had a good amount of wine. At this time, I was pushed into the bridal chamber by the crowd. Until the moment when the door of the bridal chamber was closed, I felt the surrounding quiet and reacted. All this was finally over.

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