As like as two peas in the bride's room, I was wearing a red wedding dress, sitting in the red bride's dress, sitting still at the bedside, just like the ancient bride. This wedding was just a farce for me, but I paid much attention to Bai Ling, whether I was married outside or my chapel, or I am now sitting in bed. While waiting for me to unveil the cover, she did everything meticulously. Maybe, the virtual wedding in Bai Ling's heart has become a reality. Maybe, this wedding is the only time in her life, and she will never have a chance again, so she will pay so much attention to it.

See such white Ling, I can't help but go to the bedside, for her to lift the cover on the head, this moment, I saw her face, she has never made up before, it can be said that I have not seen, her appearance is a kind of natural beauty, does not need to be decorated are already very beautiful, but I can't think of how, the makeup of her more beautiful, this moment, I Crazy.

Now I understand. No wonder when I was drinking outside, others said I had found treasure, but I didn't care. At this time, I suddenly realized that I could get a beautiful woman like Bai Ling as my wife, and I would have no regrets in my life. Unfortunately, she does not belong to me, no matter how intoxicated I am, or a little sober, I know my identity.

I used the only reason to suppress their own emotions, and then, to sit on the bed of white Ling softly said: "Ling Er, you don't have a rest! "

I said this in order to break the embarrassment, because I knew Bai Ling was waiting for me all the time. Bai Ling listened to my words, stood up directly and said softly to me:" Suluo, no matter what we will do in the future, but tonight, you are my bridegroom, you belong to me, right? "

Bai Ling's voice is very sweet, which makes me even more intoxicated. Her only bit of reason has been blown out by her, and she nods and replies:" Well! "

as soon as I heard this, Bai Ling directly took advantage of my absence, and without hesitation kissed my lips, and threw me overboard on the bed. When Bai Ling was so caught off guard, I immediately lost myself and immersed in her gentle hometown. Bai Ling is such a person. She is always straightforward and straightforward in her feelings and loves me without fear She also has her own principles in dealing with things. She knows what to do and what she shouldn't do. For example, she takes me as her own. Bai Ling just thinks about it in her heart and never shows it.

Now, since I have promised her to become her short-term bridegroom after paying homage, Bai Ling can't help herself. She is also a woman, and she needs that. At the moment, it's the beautiful scenery that gives her this opportunity. I'm almost passive. Bai Ling is doing everything by myself, and I just enjoy it slowly at the beginning, I was half pushing, slowly, I could not control myself at all, and I was burning with fire. In the end, I completely lost my sense. This night, we didn't know how many times we did it, until both of us were exhausted, then we fell asleep.

I woke up at noon the next day. After I woke up, my head hurt, but my memory was not broken. I knew what happened yesterday, but I didn't regret it. Because I knew that I did all this for bailing. Because I owed her, I gave it back to her this time. After I got up, I didn't eat any rice, so I wanted to say goodbye to them.

But what I didn't expect was that this time, I was stopped by the white grandfather. He didn't let me go. I knew that the old man was not easy to deal with. But seeing that he was endless, I was also a little annoyed and said directly, "I did what you said. What else do you want? "

grandfather Bai said to me indifferently:" in this case, you should stay here. For you, it's just a play on occasion, but for Ling Er, it's a big event in life. She married you this time, and she'll be your man. She's quit her job. Now she'll stay at home and have a baby. Don't forget, this is your child Ah, you can't leave it alone. What's more, you're just married and you're going to leave. Let the neighbors know what to do! "

after hearing this, I suddenly felt that grandfather Bai had a sense of sophistication. I felt that everything was within his expectation. In the end, I had to be at his mercy. Yesterday, it was because the arrow was on the string, and the old man still begged me, but I couldn't refuse. Now, I have done what he said, and he followed me like this again Ah, he wants to bind me forever and let me stay here!

Thinking of this, I directly retorted to my grandfather Bai: "grandfather, I'm sorry, I can't promise you, I also have my life, I can't stay here forever! "

in fact, I don't care about Bai Ling, and I'm not irresponsible to the children in her belly. But I don't want to be a pawn manipulated by him. I want to be free and not be constrained here. But the white grandfather listened to my words, continued to say to me: "I also did not say to want you to stay here forever, is to wait until Ling Er gave birth to the child, otherwise she stays here alone, I really feel a little uneasy! "

What, grandfather Bai said to wait for me to have a baby? How long will it take? It's impossible. So I refused again: "no, absolutely not. I can come back to see her often, but it's impossible for me to stay until then! "Let's not talk about the organization and I have to take care of it. It's Ziyi's business that makes me head big. How can I stay here? However, after listening to my words, grandfather Bai gave a meaningful smile and then said, "but you must stay! "

when I heard the tough words, I was stunned for a moment. Then, I yelled at grandfather Bai:" why should I listen to you! "

seeing my angry appearance, grandfather Bai couldn't help but smile and said:" to tell you the truth, I had expected that you would have an irresponsible day. Now I will not hide it from you. Although I have cured you of your disease, it is only a temporary cure, not a root cause. If you want to eradicate the disease completely, you must stay and learn Tai Chi with me It was handed down by my ancestors. Its main purpose is not to fight, but to build up your body. It has the effect of self-cultivation. If you practice with me, your body will recover completely. Besides, your self-protection ability is a little poor. Don't you want to practice some self-protection ability with me? This can also avoid future injury! "

when I heard that, I was stunned again. I really wanted to improve the force of force than anyone else. I really didn't expect that the old man's calculation was so delicate and deeper than anyone else's. it can be said that since I first entered this house, I've been working step by step. Within the scope of his calculation, Bai Ling and I were first asked to treat diseases on the basis of me Something happened, and even accidentally made Bai Ling pregnant. Now, step by step, it seems that he has paved the way. I am a chess piece in his hand.

Now he wants me to learn Taiji from him. I don't believe his words. I can't believe his words any more. Although I know that his kung fu is really attractive, it can strengthen my body and make me no longer vulnerable. I don't need to rely on others for everything. However, I'm really unhappy to be manipulated like a fool. No matter what kind of bribes he uses to lure me, I can't compromise.

So, I refused to him and said, "it's all about the future. It's up to God to decide whether to die or not. Today, I have to leave here, and no one can stop me! "

but I said all about this, but grandfather Bai still didn't care and said to me:" Oh, yes, but you don't want to stay. I have convinced ling'er in the morning. She already knows that if you don't stay here to learn from me, your illness will relapse and you will die. She promised me to stay. Even if you don't think about ling'er, you should consider it for yourself. Otherwise, even if you go out, what can you do? You have the possibility of relapse at any time. Does your little girl friend want you to be short-lived? So, I advise you to listen to me and stay! "

I have to take it. Jiang is still old and spicy. Grandfather Bai's words are reasonable. He is right. I really need to stay. Otherwise, Ziyi will forgive me if I go back. If my stubborn disease is not cured, I will lose my life if there is any problem. In that case, what future can Ziyi and I have to talk about.

But now I really can't believe grandfather Bai any more. I feel he's hiding too deep. I really can't fight him. He just wants to tie me up and control me at any time. I think, even if I stay here until Bai Ling gives birth to his child, I'm afraid he will find an excuse to let me stay here. Therefore, I really don't have so much time to spend with him. I have to leave here.

After thinking about it, I directly asked grandfather Bai, "what if I have to go? "

when I heard this, grandfather Bai's expression was still very indifferent, and said to me with disdain:" since you want to leave, it depends on whether you have this ability. Now I give you two ways: first, escape from my hand, and second, suicide. If you don't want to do either, you have to stay here at ease! "

after saying this, grandfather Bai no longer cares about my attitude. It seems that he has made up his mind completely and doesn't give me any room to discuss. However, how can I be the opponent of the old fox? In the days after that, I suffered mental and physical abuse in this place. Whenever I wanted to escape from this house, I never escaped, even at the gate of the courtyard They haven't even gone half way. Every time is the door did not touch, I was white grandfather to beat back, terrible is, he gave me a merciless, hit me a body.

Grandfather Bai doesn't give me soft and direct hegemonism. In this remote country, I have no way to cry, because even bailing was convinced by her grandfather. She even advised me to learn kung fu with my grandfather. This is the most helpless thing for me. The only person who has pity on me has defected. How can I feel.

Bai Ling also knows my strength. It's easy to deal with thirty or fifty small minions, but it's difficult to deal with people like Lin Feng. Therefore, whether it's to cure a disease or to strengthen myself, she hopes that I can follow my grandfather to practice hard, not only to exercise, but also to improve my strength.

Of course, Bai Ling also begged my grandfather to let him relax, but he didn't listen to me at all. He made me look like his enemy for many years, and I had never been soft hearted. I was really forced to die. I wanted to die, but I didn't have the courage to die, because I had a lot of things to do. I was not willing to die, but I couldn't find a way to escape No matter how to protest, I even wanted to call the police, but this idea was directly dismissed by me, because my mobile phone has been confiscated by grandfather Bai, which can make me really helpless.Finally, under the torture of grandfather Bai, for a week, my will dissipated. Since it was useless to resist, there was only compromise. What's more, I really want to learn from grandfather Bai to improve my strength. Moreover, in retrospect, my original dream was to learn from him as a teacher. In this way, my way of learning began.

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