After a week, I began to learn Tai Chi with him. Maybe I was too concerned about my own strength. Once I entered Taiji learning, I almost paid a hundred times of effort. I was immersed in martial arts every day. Even eating, sleeping and dreaming had something to do with Taiji. Now, for me, I have to pay a lot of efforts There is no other fun. I just want to learn as soon as possible and get rid of the claws of grandfather Bai.

Although grandfather Bai has a strange personality, he is very serious when he teaches me Kung Fu. He imparts the essence of Tai Chi to me. My aptitude is not bad in learning other martial arts, but practicing Tai Chi is still very hard. No matter how hard I try, I still hit the stone with an egg cannot withstand a single blow.

Later, I learned that it was because I was too impatient that I caused side effects, which made me unable to make progress. Taiji is a martial art which stresses a state of mind. Only when I put my mind at a level can we achieve twice the result with half the effort. In itself, the environment in the village is very good, which is very suitable for self-cultivation. However, it is because of my urgent heart that I let myself go My efforts were in vain. So, after some teaching from grandfather Bai, I gradually understood the mystery. I gradually relaxed my mind, studied the essence of Tai Chi and practiced slowly.

Gradually, I also began to adapt to the life here. From the beginning, I had to run away several times a day. Later, I didn't think about running away. I even began to like it. In other words, I didn't want to hurt myself beyond my ability. To tell you the truth, my life here is really good. I don't need to do anything else. I just need to practice my kung fu White grandfather and ling'er will settle for me. Bai Ling is a typical woman at home. She can take care of the housework very well. With her there, she doesn't have to worry about anything at home.

In the following days, I concentrated on practicing martial arts, while Bai Ling was taking care of her fetus. We didn't sleep together. However, after a period of time together, our relationship gradually improved. Suddenly, I felt like an old man and wife. Unconsciously, I seemed to be used to the days with bailing. This is also the day I once yearned for, a plain life, and male farming Women weaving days, everything seems to be back to the most primitive beautiful, I become nostalgic for the past, nostalgia for bailing.

Although the thought is turbulent, but my faith in my heart has not changed. I try my best to learn Tai Chi in a short time, not to mention becoming a strong man. At least I can escape in the hands of grandfather Bai. I want to go back quickly, find Ziyi, find my brother, and live my unfinished life.

At the beginning of practicing, I had hope to exist, but later I found out that all this was just a dream. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't compete with my grandfather. Compared with him, I was just the tip of the iceberg. He had practiced Tai Chi for countless years. Every morning, I had to play a set of tricks, and I pressed my roots in his hands After two moves, I will never be able to escape calmly. Therefore, with my efforts, I want to escape, not to mention waiting for Bai Ling to give birth to the child. Even when the child grows up, I'm afraid I can't escape from this gate. I think I was fooled by this old fox again. He is completely intentional. He knows that I have no chance to escape, and he just wants me to stay forever This, accompany Bai Ling to spend the rest of her life.

Although I like to stay with bailing and want to have such a warm home, I still have a lot of mess waiting for me to clean up in the city. I can't let myself continue to be selfish and give up to others. I can't abandon Ziyi. I can't let her go, nor can I lose my dream of fighting.

In this way, with an enterprising heart, I stayed in Bailing's hometown for three months. After three months, I almost mastered the essence of Taiji. I thought that even if it was not superb, I could use it freely. Really, now I have tried my best. I have played my best, but I still have no It is still a difficult problem for FA to escape from the palm of his hand.

In the past three months, Bai Ling's stomach has been bulging, and I've really integrated into the family. I like the day when I get along with Bai Ling. I'm immersed in martial arts every day and do selfless exercises. I'm used to this full and warm life. So, knowing that I can't escape, I'm not discouraged. On the contrary, failure makes my faith more and more However, one night after three months, I had a nightmare. I dreamt that Ziyi had left me and my organization had collapsed. This nightmare made me wake up in an instant. The scene in the dream was so real that it scared me into a cold sweat A dream let me firmly settled, no matter how comfortable I stay here, no matter how accustomed I am to the present day, I must go back. Bai Ling and the children will come to visit me in the future, but I can't accompany them all my life. I can't let go of my real life and those important people in my life. I can't be isolated from the world and can't escape from the reality.

Thinking of this, I made up my mind and was ready to leave immediately. Unless grandfather Bai killed me and let me end my life, no one could stop me. The moment when I woke up from the nightmare happened to be more than three o'clock in the morning. I put on my clothes in the dark and decided to leave quietly.In order not to disturb white grandfather, I didn't say hello to Bai Ling, but slipped out of the door directly. This time, I didn't know whether it was grandfather Bai who was sleeping or what was wrong with him. Anyway, until I walked out of his courtyard, the old man didn't come out to stop me. In this way, I went smoothly all the way, walking in the dark night sky, and quickly walked to the intersection of the village.

When I came here, my body was much more relaxed. I had an indescribable sense of relief in my heart, but I was also reluctant to give up. Although grandfather Bai was unreasonable sometimes, I didn't hate him in my heart. To me, he was a respectable elder. Without him, I really was nothing. He not only cured my illness, but also taught me profound knowledge Tai Chi, in the past three months, I have really changed a lot. Therefore, when I really want to leave, I still feel a little reluctant to give up, especially when I want to leave bailing.

However, I don't want to be imprisoned here all my life. For me, the outside world is more suitable for me to soar. I have a lot of things to do, especially, I have to explain to Ziyi clearly. I want to tell her the whole story of the matter. In this way, my heart is firmer. I stride forward to the village, but the dark sky makes me suddenly At the same time, I noticed the flashing lights and heard the rapid footsteps, which really scared me a lot. I thought that the haunted white grandfather was catching up again, so I tried to run away.

At this time, I suddenly heard a female voice behind me: "solo, wait a minute! "

I recognized that it was Bai Ling's voice, so I turned around and saw Bai Ling running towards me in a hurry. Seeing me stop, Bai Ling's rapid pace also slowed down. She was panting slowly close to me. It was dark at night, but I could not see her expression, but I saw her heart. I was ashamed to see her like this, "Ling'er, you don't have a good rest. What are you doing here?" I said to her in the dark? "

while walking, Bai Ling said to me in a soft voice:" of course I'm here to see you off! "

when I left, I didn't dare to say hello to bailing. I was afraid that she would be sad. I wanted to leave quietly and leave this warm home as soon as possible. But I didn't expect that bailing found out and chased me off. This made me feel embarrassed. After a long pause, I said," how do you know I'm going to leave? "

at this time, bailing had come to me, looked at me fondly, and said leisurely," it was my grandfather who called me up. He said you were going to leave. Let me come and see you off! "

with that, Bai Ling also handed me a package, which contained my clothes, my mobile phone, some water and dry food. Looking at this, Bai Ling brought it here for fear that I would be hungry. Sure enough, I was too naive. I thought that I had escaped from the hand of Bai's grandfather, and I didn't know it. But it turned out that he knew, maybe, mine Every move was seen by him, but why did he let me go this time!

Thinking of this, I immediately asked Bai Ling, "why didn't my grandfather stop me this time? "

Bai Ling showed a wry smile and quietly replied," Arlo, do you really think that grandfather is so unreasonable? His purpose of leaving you here is to cure you. Taiji is very suitable for your condition, so that you can have a radical cure. Of course, the most important thing is that grandfather doesn't want the Tai Chi inherited by his ancestors to have no successor.

My father was in politics and didn't dare to be interested in martial arts at all. I was a girl, so I didn't know about it. Therefore, my grandfather valued you very much and said that you were very suitable for learning Tai Chi. He was his successor. Then he took advantage of your time with me to teach you all the essentials. Now you have mastered them completely and he should teach them All of them have been taught. What can be achieved next depends on your own creation. Therefore, there is no need for him to keep you! "

Bai Ling's words directly changed my view on grandfather Bai. I always thought that I was caught in the trap of grandfather Bai and became a pawn manipulated by him. But in fact, I misunderstood him. He didn't mean to bind me forever, let alone treat me badly. He cured my illness and taught me Kung Fu. He did all these things in a way that made me misunderstood It is through this way, will force me to learn hard, the more I want to escape from here, the more efforts to practice, so, it will naturally get rapid progress.

Today, I have mastered all the essence of Tai Chi, and grandfather Bai let me go. He didn't ask me more, so he allowed me to go. Now it seems that I am ashamed of grandfather Bai and even more ashamed of Bai Ling. They really did too much for me, but I only played a fake couple with Bai Ling. Not only that, but Bai Ling was pregnant with me I can't make up for her love for me in my life.

After knowing the truth of all this, I confided a few words to Bai Ling: "ling'er, thank you! "

hearing my words, bailing replied with a smile:" Arlo, I should thank you, thank you for your company during this period of time, I am really happy, thank you! “

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