Bai Ling's satisfaction made me feel more ashamed. I lowered my eyes and looked at Bai Ling's slightly protruding belly. My heart became more and more sour. My throat seemed to be blocked. After holding for a long time, I finally vomited out a sentence: "ling'er, after I leave, you should take good care of yourself. I will come back to see you when I have time! "

Bai Ling had been restraining herself. No matter how hard she felt in her heart and didn't give up, she also squeezed out a smile. But when she heard me say goodbye, her tears still flowed uncontrollably. The tears drenched her face and revealed her sadness. She said to me with a choking voice:" mm-hmm, I know, you go, I'm ok, you Don't worry about me! "

only those who leave can feel the sadness of parting. Especially when we leave, we will never return to this kind of life supported by husband and wife. This is a great turning point for Bai Ling. In the future, she will take on her own life and even raise a child by herself. How hard will it be for her to be a woman and how much pressure she will have in her heart I can't imagine, I can't imagine.

But now that I've made up my mind, I'll leave even if I don't give up. I know it's useless to say anything now. The more I say, I'm afraid the more I can't give up. I can only pray for the safety of their mother and son in my heart and live a good life. When I have time, I will often come to see them. So, I hold back the pain in my heart and say to bailing desolately, "OK, Take care of yourself! "

after that, I want to leave. But as soon as I turned around, I found that I was hugged by others. I knew it was bailing. After all, she still couldn't give up me. Behind me, she always held me and sobbed. When I turned back, bailing suddenly and heavily kissed my lips. We just stood at the entrance of the village, hugging and kissing, kissing for a long time. All the feelings of not giving up and all the tangled emotions were all Into this kiss.

After a long time, bailing let me go and said to me in tears: "Arlo, I won't give you a lift. You should be careful all the way. Go straight ahead, you can take the bus in the town when you get to the road, and then you can transfer back to the city. "

Bai Ling's words are very bitter, which shows how reluctant she is in her heart. I can't help but stretch out my hand to wipe away the tears on her face and say to her:" I know! "

not only unconsciously, the sky began to brighten, and the chickens in the village crowed. Bai Ling was afraid that I would be seen to go, so she did not dare to delay. So she turned back and looked at her sad back. My heart was deeply hurt again. I prayed for their mother and son again. After that, I resolutely turned away and set foot on the road back to the town 。

Bai Ling's village is very remote. It's been a long time since the last time I drove here. I can imagine my pace. When I was on the road, I wanted to make a phone call, but my mobile phone was out of power. There was no display on the boot. I had to trot along the way. When I ran to the main road, it was already bright. I waited for a long time on the side of the road and finally got on An early bus went to town.

When I got to the town, every household was open, and the shops on the street were also opened. The crowd began to appear on the street, buying vegetables and going to work. It was not a prosperous town, but it was very busy. I didn't want to enjoy the scenery of the town. I went straight to the station, bought a ticket, and then set off again for the city.

It was only when the bus started that I felt really out of the poor mountain area. The bus's destination was the urban area. The more it went forward, the closer I felt to the urban area, and the more expectation I had in my heart. The previous reluctance to give up my feelings and the car's advance at will slowly faded away, and I was full of expectations.

Looking at the fields on the road, green, the breath of spring is coming. Today is the middle of April. I spent the whole winter in Bailing's hometown. However, I didn't feel the cold winter in the south. I spent the Spring Festival there. During this time, I was really isolated from the world, and I knew nothing about the outside situation.

I don't know what's going on with my dad. I don't know what's going on with my organization. What's more, what I care about most is what's going on with Ziyi. Does she wash her face with tears all day? Will she be waiting for me in silence? Will she wait for me to give her an explanation like we broke up for the first time? Or, what I dare not imagine, she may be I've been forgotten.

As soon as I think of Ziyi, my heart can't help but feel pain. I really want to give her an explanation quickly and ask for her forgiveness quickly, so that she will not be sad any more, and I will be happy and happy together. However, the more urgent I am, the slower the speed of the car seems to be. I always feel that I can't reach the destination, just like sitting on a slow climbing turtle. My heart is a little bit tolerant Impatient.

After a long ordeal, at noon, the bus finally arrived in the city. As soon as the bus stopped, I couldn't wait to get off the bus and step into the land of the city. I couldn't help taking a deep breath, breathing the familiar air, and deeply feeling the taste here. Then, I stopped a car on the side of the road and ran directly to Ziyi rent Where I live.

As soon as I got on the taxi, my heart became more and more urgent. I kept urging the driver to speed up all the way, so that the taxi driver was a little impatient. But under the pressure of money, he still tried to speed up. But the thing is like this, the more anxious you are, the more trouble you get. When you run to the halfway point, you encounter a wedding procession, occupying the whole street and the whole road ahead I was blocked up. Seeing this anxious state, my heart became more anxious. Although in three months, my heart had undergone a qualitative change, but in the matter of seeing Ziyi, nothing could calm me down, especially in the current situation.To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the sake of their newlyweds, I'd really scold them. However, they were really too conspicuous. There were so many luxury cars. They also hired professional photographers and celebrity hosts on TV. The lineup was extremely luxurious. They just got married, and people all over the world would like to know the same.

It's a happy day for others. I can bear all these things when I just come back. However, the more unfortunate thing is that when the driver was driving around the road, suddenly, a car in front of us passed by and scratched each other. Just for a moment, we stopped the other party's car. Immediately, a man with a gold chain got out of the car, ran to this side, patted our car, and asked us to discuss an explanation. How overbearing and overbearing the attitude should be.

When the taxi driver saw that the taxi driver was a luxury car and the man was extremely rude, his face turned pale. However, I really didn't want to delay in this incident. I immediately said to the driver, "well, you don't care about him. Just go. I'll take care of anything. I'll pay for your repair! "

the taxi driver may not have thought that I could be so rich. He nodded happily and was about to leave. But before his car started, the door was forced to open. The guy with the gold chain directly pulled the driver out of the car and swore at him:" I said how do you drive? Are you blind? What do you think if you don't get in the car? "

this man is full of flesh and looks like a nouveau riche at first sight, but he is full of ruffian and gas. He is obviously not an ordinary person. This little driver never saw this posture, and he was completely frightened and even regressed. Obviously, both sides are responsible for the scraping incident. However, the one with strong wrist will win. However, the small driver is obviously from other places without any influence and can't fight at all People.

Now, I don't care who's right. I just want to see Ziyi quickly, and I don't want to delay time here. So, when they argued, I jumped out of the car and said to the gold chain man, "brother, since you damaged your car, we can make compensation. You say, how much money, I'll pay for it! "

I thought that the other party pestered the taxi driver just to extort some money, so I obeyed them. I took the initiative to turn hostility into jade and silk and compensate them. However, what I didn't expect was that my words caused more anger from the other party. When he heard me speak, he raised his foot and kicked me without hesitation. At the same time, he cursed me:" you're going to bury me and beat me here You know what? I've never been short of money. My fuckin 'car was scraped. I just want to ask for an explanation. What's wrong with you? Get out! "

this man with a gold chain has a very hot temper. He speaks very fast and acts rudely. He is like a dog and does not let go of his mouth. It can be seen that today's incident angered him not because of money. Indeed, people who can drive luxury cars don't care about the money at all. I understand that rich people like them are understandable for the sake of face, but look He is so arrogant, I also feel uncomfortable, patted my pants which he kicked dirty, and then, I looked at him indifferently and said: "talk about it, what do you want to do?

a contemptuous disregard of the man who had the gold chain, but I could not help him to look at me more than I could see, but how can I see how the man in coarse cloth is a country woodlouse and he is not at all concerned with the rich and powerful people? This makes him even more dissatisfied. He again arrogantly said to me, "neither is it." There is no solution, my request is very simple, you kneel down to me to apologize, and said to me, grandfather, I was wrong, this matter is even solved, what do you think! “

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