The golden chain man was too lazy to bully the driver when I interrupted. He pointed the spearhead at me directly. Maybe, he also heard the arrogance in my tone, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, he must insult me. To tell the truth, if I put it in the past, I can play with him slowly. But now, I have no mood at all, and I have no time for long distance Trekking, running for such a long time, I want to see Ziyi quickly. I can tolerate the big things. No one can stop me from moving forward.

But he did go too far. The rabbit bit people in a hurry, so I didn't waste any more saliva with him, because there was no reason to talk to such people. Sometimes, it was safer to speak with my fist. When he didn't respond, I immediately took a hand, one punch and one leg, and the taxi driver saw this The curtain, the moment was scared silly eyes, stunned in situ.

After this episode, I took a picture of him casually and said slowly, "OK, it's OK. Let's go! "

If I was in another place, I would still be restrained. But in this city, I'm not afraid of anything. If anyone doesn't make sense, I will be more unreasonable than him, because I am the day of this city. When the taxi driver saw my extraordinary, he didn't dare to delay, so he nodded his head immediately and was ready to start with me. However, before we got on the bus, we were suddenly passed on A stern voice came: "stop! "

the speaker is a female voice, and it is also a familiar female voice. I turn my head and find that this person is not someone else. It is Bai Ling's target, Xue Ning.

At the moment, she is rare to wear a formal dress. In the sun, she looks dignified and beautiful with short hair. In this way, she should be a man on weekdays. In fact, she is not bad. Of course, in addition to a smaller upper circumference, everything else is perfect. I really didn't think that the first person I saw after returning to China was her, and still What's more, she seems to be the owner of the accident car just now, and the man who was knocked down by me seems to be her driver.

When I turned my head, Xue Ning also recognized me. At once, she also showed a startled look. She looked at me with a little unbelievable appearance, especially when I was wearing simple clothes. During this period of time, she was a bit afraid to recognize me. After a long pause, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Suluo, I didn't expect that you are such a bitch! "

perhaps, Xue Ning also knew the relationship between Bai Ling and me. No matter when she saw me, she didn't have a good face. Even if the last war helped me, she didn't volunteer. Although her manly righteousness and spirit of fearing death made me change my outlook on her, whenever I think of Bai Ling, she exposed her affairs to her parents because of her coercion After making me and white Ling false marriage oolong, this moment, I suddenly feel that the misunderstanding between me and Ziyi, and she can not get rid of the relationship.

So, even though she helped me, I couldn't get angry at the thought of bailing and Ziyi. Now I'm indifferent to her. I looked at her and said in a deep voice, "Oh, it's you. Long time no see! "

my tone is very insipid. Seeing that I have admitted my identity, Xue Ning immediately flew into a rage. She rushed to me, grabbed me, and yelled at me:" you bitch, where have you been hiding these days? I'm so easy to find. Today I finally dare to be bold and tell my mother where you've hidden bailing. I heard that you've been together, Is this TM true? "

at this moment, Xue Ning, from her gentleness just now, suddenly turned into a female tiger. It can be seen that she cares about Bai Ling. During this period of time, Bai Ling, like me, has been staying in her hometown without any contact with the outside world. Therefore, Xue Ning will inevitably go mad if she can't find her. However, how can she find out about me if I don't know something about it And bailing together, is it because I and bailing disappear at the same time?

No matter what, I don't want to explain anything to her. I just said to her coldly: "Miss Xue, I hope you know yourself a little bit. You should know that you and ling'er can't be together, and her family won't agree. If you really like her, let it go and stop pestering her. Oh, by the way, a woman doesn't always want to be together It's not elegant! "

with the last sentence, I couldn't help laughing at it. If I had been in the past, I would not have cared about her affairs. After all, this is her freedom. But now it is different. Bailing is about to become a mother. She and I have formed a formal marriage to get rid of public opinion. They can't be reunited now. I must give up Xue Ning's mind and let her go At the end of Bai Ling, for her sake, I didn't let Xue Ning transfer the hatred to me.

Xue Ning seems to have been possessed by the devil, especially if she hasn't seen her for such a long time. After listening to my words, she really thinks that Bai Ling and I have been completely cured. She was furious and roared at me: "I'm going to kill you! "

after that, she rushed to me and started to attack me. Although Xue Ning is a woman, her military value is amazing from the war, not to mention it can rival Lin Feng, but compared with me before, it is definitely more than enough. However, now I am not that me. In three months, my strength has improved too much, which is what Xue Ning didn't know. She thought I was the weak chicken at the beginning If you don't agree, you'll fight when you come up.When she rushed to me, I met her moves calmly. She conquered her strength with softness and was easily dissolved by me. At this moment, Xue Ning seemed to me that the Kung Fu was just a show of fists and legs. As long as I kept my mind and focused on her moves, I could easily resist or defuse her attack. This is my progress in this stage.

I didn't use 30% of my skill in fighting with her. In my opinion, I didn't want to hurt her even though I was playing with her. The greatest subtlety of Taiji lies in defense. As long as you practice Taiji in place, it's like a protective shield, which can keep you comprehensive, make your facial features sharp, and can detect the movement and movement around you, which is not easy to be hurt Even if she was hurt, she was the least hurt.

the furious Xue Ning completely lost her mind and attacked me constantly. However, she tried her best, but she could not hurt me at all. This made her more angry and her moves became more fierce. It was a deadly move. I was worried and didn't want to waste it with her Time, always defense is not a problem, so I cracked her next move, immediately hit her, ready to subdue her.

However, I will let go of fighting with men, but I have no experience in fighting with women. I can't do heavy hand at all, and it's inconvenient to fight. Especially when I hold her hand and subdue her, my hand accidentally touches her airport. Although it's small, it's still soft, which makes me feel a little embarrassed.

When I touched her like this, Xue Ning was even more shy and angry. Originally, because of the big noise on our side, many onlookers were attracted. As a man, I didn't care, but Xue Ning was different. Her family was a respectable family in this city. How could she stand such an invasion? She screamed at me in a hurry: "if you dare to let go, I will definitely Will kill you! "

although I know that it's a bit indecent of me to tie her down, I really don't want to go on and on with her. Therefore, I not only did not let go, but also increased my strength. At the same time, I whispered to her," let me let you go, but you have to let me go. What do you think? "

at the moment, Xue Ning's whole body is stuck in my arms. This feeling is extremely ambiguous. Xue Ning is the type of boy not close to me, and my action is the biggest humiliation in the world for her. Her eyes are full of murderous gas, but she can't do anything about me. Finally, she can only bite her teeth and compromise and say:" OK, I promise you, you can let it go It's me! "

as soon as I saw her promise, I immediately let her go and clapped her hands. Like nobody else, Xue Ning, who was free again, quickly arranged her clothes. Her fierce eyes were in a trance, and she felt very shameless. At the same time, she wanted to be angry with me, but she knew that she was not my opponent. Finally, she could only resent me and said," Suluo, I tell you, I'm in a hurry to attend the wedding today, so I won't have the same insight with you. But wait for me. Since you show up, don't try to escape my palm! "

I know that Xue Ning is a man who loves face. When she left, she didn't forget to speak hard to me. As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately got into her car. The man who was beaten by me quickly got on the bus. Then, the car roared away in front of my eyes, and I quickly got into the taxi and let the driver leave quickly.

A farce ended in embarrassment, and the taxi driver, seeing my real ability, had a different attitude towards me. Before the accident, he thought I was a country bumpkin and didn't pay much attention to me. He even felt uneasy because of my urging. Now he felt different about me. He chatted with me while driving, and the lines were full of words His admiration for me, at the same time, his speed did not reduce, a bypass of the wedding procession, he quickly accelerated up.

After arriving at the destination, the driver didn't want my fare. However, I didn't ask him about it, so I got off the car and went straight to the upstairs of Ziyi's house. With a nervous and excited heart, I slowly climbed upstairs. The closer I was, the more impetuous I became. I didn't know why, I felt that something bad was going to happen.

Finally, I dragged some heavy steps to Ziyi's rented house. I knocked on the door a few times. Then, I waited. A moment later, the door was opened, and the person who opened the door was a strange man.

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