I came back full of expectation and expectation. When I knocked on Ziyi's door, it was a strange man I had never met before. As far as I know, Ziyi has no relatives except mother Luo in this city. Who is the one who opens the door? I am puzzled at the moment when I see him.

Just as I was thinking about it, the strange man who opened the door took the lead and asked me, "who are you looking for?"

I don't know what is the relationship between him and Ziyi, but when I see him so strict, I can't offend him. If it's Ziyi's relatives, it will be bad. So I politely replied, "Hello, is Ziyi at home?"

The strange man looked at me and said, "who is Ziyi? You've got the wrong number. It's not here! "

What, he did not, I feel that he is cheating me, but I do not know his identity, can only continue to ask: "uncle, I am Ziyi's friend, if she is at home, can you let her out to see me, I have something to say to her!"

Hearing my words, the stranger looked me up and down and said again, "young man, how many times do I have to say before you can understand? There is no one you are talking about here. You'd better leave quickly!"

He didn't seem to lie to me, but I still didn't believe him. Just when I was about to ask him, the strange man said to me, "young man, is Ziyi a very beautiful girl?"

Hearing this, I immediately came to the spirit, and quickly replied, "mm-hmm, yes, uncle, do you know where she went?"

See me so excited, uncle said: "she handed over the house to me after the procedures, left, also did not leave me any contact information!"

Sure enough, Ziyi really didn't intend to see me. What uncle said was true. Seeing that I was silent, he said something casually, and I didn't listen to it, so he closed the door directly. Did Ziyi leave me like this, even refused to listen to an explanation? I regret that I didn't tell her something at that time, which made her leave me.

I drag the lost body downstairs, Ziyi's departure, for me, the whole world seems to be dark and peaceful, I stay in place for a long time, my heart is in the sea, fear is deeply swept my body, I chase thousands of, is to get here, quickly see Ziyi, explain everything to her, pray for her forgiveness, who knows, this and I imagine a little It's not the same.

Although Ziyi's departure was a big blow to me, I still didn't want to give up her. So, I found a phone booth nearby and dialed Ziyi according to the number in my memory. But the phone prompt was really empty. One after another, I immediately called my good brother Shen Muchen.

After the call was put through, I went straight to the subject and asked Shen Muchen, "Muchen, do you know where Ziyi has gone?"

Hearing that it was my voice, Shen Muchen's tone was a little excited. When he heard this question, Shen Muchen obviously stopped for a moment. I suddenly realized what was going on and asked again, "what's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

At this time, Shen Muchen quietly replied: "Arlo, you don't get excited. Ziyi got married today, and we just learned that. The brothers are looking for you crazy. Now I hope you come back. What can I do?"

What, Ziyi's getting married? This is more terrifying than the thunderbolt from the blue. I don't believe that Ziyi, who loves me so much, will suddenly marry someone else. This is absolutely impossible. This news really broke my heart. I had such a nightmare in the early morning of this year, which also drove me to escape from the white family. I can't wait to come back to find Ziyi, but I never thought that this nightmare would come true. The specific reason is that only ask Ziyi.

At this moment, I feel difficult to breathe. I can't accept this fact, but I have to carry it. It's really heavy and uncomfortable. I dare not delay any more. I quickly asked Shen Muchen, "Muchen, I don't want to know why. Just tell me where the result is, and don't interfere in this matter Just go alone. This is an order

Shen Muchen know my character, also did not persuade me, told me the address, I immediately stopped a taxi, anxious to catch the past.

The place Shen Muchen told me is Shangshui villa, which is on the outskirts of Beicheng. In addition to the center of the city, the north of the city has the best development. The government has invested a lot of money to develop it in the north of the city. Therefore, the economic development in the north of the city is the fastest. There is a villa called Shangshui villa on the outskirts of this city. It can be said that it is the most luxurious entertainment place in the city It is a paradise for the rich.

Just like the paradise on earth, it is a place where people gather in the upper class. Ordinary people can only look up and are not qualified to enter here. Ziyi can even hold a wedding in the place. It can be seen that her marriage object is absolutely extraordinary, because usually, that villa can not take over the wedding ceremony, because such people are currently Not yet.

I couldn't figure out who Ziyi would marry in a hurry, why she would get married, and even more afraid that the wedding had been held. So, I could only urge the driver to hurry up. At the speed of flying, I finally arrived at Shangshui villa. As soon as I got to the villa, I found that the whole manor had a strong festive atmosphere, and all kinds of things stopped around the villa Luxury car, I have a misfits in this taxi, and it is hard to avoid noticing. Especially, my image can not bear to look straight at, and the hair is untidy, and the woodlouse is full of clothes, even patches. It is totally a image of a haunting man, which makes the guests and guests and doormen welcome. After all, this place is rich and identities. When I came here, they all looked at me with disdain.I didn't care about other people's eyes. I just wanted to know what Ziyi had gone through during my absence. However, when I stood outside the villa to check on her, my heart suddenly suddenly burst out again because I saw many luxury cars here, which seemed familiar to me. Suddenly, I remembered him They are not the wedding procession I met on my way to Ziyi's house. At that time, the crowded motorcade was blocked on the road, which had to attract my attention, especially when so many luxury cars were driving together.

Now, I just know that the gorgeous wedding procession is the team to meet Ziyi. She and I passed by like that. When my eyes swept to Xue Ning's car, I was more convinced that they were them. Thinking of this, my heart was tingling again. My whole body seemed to have been cut by tens of thousands of knives. The pain was so sharp that I could no longer control other things. I went straight to the villa.

The villa is closed today. It seems that the married person has contracted the whole villa. Those who want to go in must show the invitation card. However, the rustic man like me is obviously not like the person with invitation card. Even in ordinary times, I don't seem to be a consumer. I was driven away by the guard who can't discuss.

After all, the North District is not my territory, especially in this villa. So, no matter how anxious I was, I didn't want to mess around. After being driven out of the door, I thought of other ways to get in. While thinking about it, I circled around the villa, which covers a large area, is located in an independent position and has protective measures Shi also did a good job. The walls were high and there were patrols.

The only way for me to go in now is to find a place without patrol personnel, climb over the wall and enter into it. I made up my mind. I immediately started to move. In a very hidden place, I found a cap from the package. Then, I quietly approached the wall of the villa. After the patrol personnel passed by, I climbed over the wall as fast as possible and secretly Dive in.

In the courtyard of the villa, I immediately looked around and found that there was no one. So I directly raised my head and straightened my chest. I walked up in the villa and put out the guests' airs. However, my clothes are really too rustic. Even if I put my airs well, it is easy to make people suspect, because almost everyone who enters the villa is male They are all in western dress and leather shoes, and women are bright and bright. No one will be like a woodlouse like me. But since I came in, others would be curious about me, nor did anyone question me. Perhaps, some people think that I am playing the role of pig eating tiger, everyone's heart is clear, can enter inside, is extraordinary person.

Therefore, even those patrolling people did not come to cross examine me for fear that I might offend some big people. After walking for a while, I felt more and more that the villa was really like a palace. It was built in a special style, and all kinds of unique scenery stood here. However, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, I didn't want to watch it. It was just in focus Looking for the wedding scene.

However, the more anxious and blind I was, I had to mix with the guests and follow them, and finally I found the wedding place. This is the back garden of the villa. Compared with the front yard, it is more spacious and magnificent. There are about 100 tables in the huge back garden. Most of the tables are full. I came late. The wedding ceremony has been carried out and the emcee is in the process The stage was full of speeches. I tightly suppressed my frantic mood and found a remote table to sit on an empty seat.

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