The seats here are arranged in an orderly way. The more the front is, the more noble the identity is. Slowly, the identity will gradually fall behind. In order not to attract attention, I specially chose the seat at the most edge, but it is the most insignificant table. There are also people with status sitting on it. They are obviously not happy with me when I sit here. They all look at me with puzzled eyes I even murmured that I didn't deserve to be with them.

I didn't care. I just ate at the table and pretended to look at the scene carelessly. To my surprise, I saw many familiar faces here. Many of the guests were black and white. Even Wu Tianhao, who I know well, also came. He sat in the VIP seat as if occupying the main place Of course, Xue Ning was also at the dinner. In addition, I also saw a disgusting face, Kang Ming, the second generation of officials who worked for the tiger.

Obviously, these people are definitely not running for Ziyi. I am eager to know where Ziyi is going to marry. Therefore, I can only hold my breath and listen to other people's comments. Slowly, through the conversation around, I knew the situation of the scene. It turns out that the man who married Ziyi was Fu Dong.

Although I don't know the name Fu Dong, I am very familiar with it, because this talent is a real underworld prince. In this city, I can say that I cover the sky with one hand, but I am limited to only one city, which can't be compared with Fudong. As long as you are black, you should have heard his name, not to say how much he has It's because he was born into a strong family.

His father is called Buddha in the rivers and lakes. He is a wonderful figure. He is the underground emperor of the whole provincial city. No matter whether you are mixed with black or white, you should give him a little thin face. Almost no one dares to offend him. No matter you are the leader of that City, as long as you meet him, you should respectfully call him Buddha. He is so capable and a true biography Strange people.

The name of the Buddha is a legend. Even Xue family, once the underground king, can't compete with it. As for how much cattle he has, nobody knows. In recent years, no one will offend the underground emperor. Of course, I also mixed up the fame. After I learned more information, I heard about this figure.

But what I can't believe at the moment is that Ziyi wants to marry the prince. In an instant, my already anxious heart is completely broken, as if it is crushed by a huge stone. I know deeply that the Fu family is the existence that I can't afford to offend. If I offend them, I can say that the power I manage with painstakingly can be destroyed in an instant, and there is no way If we have a foothold in this city, of course, it is also a problem whether we can live or not.

Judging from the guests on the scene, many important people came to pay Dong's wedding ceremony. I know how much face their family is. Compared with him, I feel like a joke. However, even if the other party is the king of heaven, I can't watch Ziyi marry him and give up my beloved woman. I really don't understand why Ziyi is involved with Fu Dong What happened in the three months since I left? In the end, is Fu Dong looking for Ziyi, or is Ziyi climbing up to Fu's house? Is it Ziyi who is completely desperate for me, so, deliberately looking for this big man is to anger me?

My heart kept telling me, things will never be like this, I believe Ziyi, her feelings for me absolutely stand the test, before, even if we have completely broken up, but after the explanation, she still forgive me, and I am together again, and this time, because of bailing, although hurt her heart, but we have not broken up, I have not with She explained that she could not abandon me like this, could not give up my marriage with others, absolutely impossible, I know, she must be forced.

Just as I was thinking hard, suddenly, the sound of music rang. This is the wedding march. With the sound of music, it immediately attracted thunderous applause from the audience. Accompanied by applause, Fu Dong, the leading actor of the wedding ceremony, was wearing a handsome black dress with a touch of heroine between his brows, and a slight sunshine on his body, Let him seem to be full of infinite light, dazzling and dazzling.

Fu Dong, my opponent, my rival in love, ushered in such a powerful opponent when I couldn't predict. It was definitely a disaster coming from the sky. It was like a big hailstone in the sky, which hit my heart hard. I tried to condense the broken heart and watched the wedding. Is extremely nervous looking forward to the appearance of the bride.

After a short while, with the master's call, the bride also entered. After hearing this sound, I immediately turned my head and found that at the end of the red carpet, Ziyi was slowly stepping on the red carpet and walking leisurely towards the center of the stage. Behind her, there were many flower children holding the wedding dress for her and following them slowly with scattered petals. Their movements were stable and orderly.

At the moment, Ziyi has a classic hairstyle, wears a princess style wedding dress crown, wears an extremely gorgeous wedding dress, coupled with her beautiful face, the beauty can not be described in words. Ziyi originally belongs to the kind of stunning beauty, and seeing her wearing wedding dress and painting makeup, Ziyi instantly becomes the most beautiful woman in the world, her appearance, her Temperament, are deeply attracted to me, affect my heart, let my heart keep shaking.How many times have I married Ziyi in my dream and lived with her forever. In reality, I also made an agreement with her. When we found mother Luo, we would get a certificate to get married. However, the happy life of Ziyi and I was interrupted by grandfather Bai. What's more, in the three months since I disappeared, Ziyi suddenly became someone else's bride.

But when I saw my beloved woman step into the marriage palace with others, this kind of taste is really too oppressive and bent. My heart is even more painful to the extreme. What makes my heart like a knife is that when Ziyi walks, she still appears a faint smile on her face. Seeing her appearance, she does not feel forced at all. She seems to have changed to me Heart, willing to marry others.

And everyone on the scene, almost all from the sincere applause, everyone's face is full of smile, for the new couple sent sincere blessing, only I, alone sad, sad, oppressed.

After waking up from that dream, I left bailing's hometown at the fastest speed. I kept on my way and didn't even have the mood to eat. The purpose was to see Ziyi early and give myself a psychological comfort. But I really didn't think that after coming in a hurry, I got this result. My heart was completely broken with Ziyi's smile Yes.

If we say that Bai Ling and I are forced to get married, just to take a form to cover up Bai Ling's pregnancy, but Ziyi, she is really here, and a man who is 100 times stronger than me, is holding an unprecedented luxury wedding. This is a fact more difficult for me to accept than death. At this moment, I really want to escape from this place, I don't want to see Witness this sad scene, but at the beginning of this moment, my body seems to be out of my control, the deepest part of my heart keeps telling me, can't leave, must not leave, let me wait for the arrival of the miracle.

Time goes by in my expectation, but the miracle has never happened. Ziyi and Fudong's wedding are in full swing. For me, every minute here is a torment. The further the wedding is, my heart will be tingling. Unconsciously, the wedding has reached a critical moment, and it is also the most exciting moment. This moment, the emcee, is the most exciting one Solemnly reciting the wedding vow is also a problem for each couple. It is a long oath, and the expression of Si Yi Nian's oath is more sacred and serious.

At last, the master of ceremonies, in the whole audience's gaze, seriously dealt with Dong and asked, "our handsome bridegroom, I now ask you, would you like to marry Miss Ziyi in front of you?"

After all, the bridegroom's official is the main character of the scene. After the master of ceremonies raised this question, he did not hesitate to shout in front of all the people: "I will! "

Fu Dong's voice was bold and powerful, which attracted the cheers of the people on the scene, but it was a panic for me. Especially, when the master of ceremonies asked Ziyi whether she would like to marry Fu Dong as his wife, my heart was shaking violently. At this moment, I believe in Ziyi and our unswerving love. It is her love that makes my heart stronger Determined, even if Bai Ling has my child, I would like to return for Ziyi, because I always firmly believe that the relationship between me and Ziyi is indestructible.

At the moment, if I want to witness my beloved woman, Luo Ziyi is about to become someone else's bride. I want to hear with my own ears that Ziyi is willing to marry someone else as a wife. How can I accept this? At this moment, for love, I really can't control so much, because I don't want to do things that I regret. Now, no matter how strong Fu Dong's background is, no matter whether Ziyi is forced to marry Fu Dong, or whether Ziyi will forgive me, I can't watch this woman I love marry another man. Even if he really likes this man, I will fight for it.

This time, I have to fight for it. Even if there is only one chance, I will fight for it. Otherwise, I will regret all my life. Therefore, in the silence of the whole audience, waiting for Ziyi's reply, it is the moment when Ziyi wants to open his mouth to accept this solemn pledge. I have been hiding in the corner, and suddenly stand up from my seat and dance with the biggest voice Fu Dong, on the stage, yelled word by word: "I don't agree! “

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