Buddha is worthy of being a hero of a generation. His tone is full of dignity, and no one is allowed to refute it. His tone fully shows that he is not very satisfied with Ziyi's daughter-in-law. In other words, in this courtier society, Ziyi's identity is obviously not worthy of Fu Dong. Some of them are just superficial appearances, which have no value for the Buddha, Ziyi was thankful that she could marry into their family, but the result was that my ex boyfriend's trouble had damaged his Buddha's face. Now, Ziyi pleaded for me in public, which made him dissatisfied.

When I see the Buddha's attitude towards Ziyi, I feel even more miserable. When Ziyi is around me, I will not let her suffer a trace of injustice. I will take care of her with my sincerity for the whole life, but things go against my wishes. I don't know why she married Fu Dong and directly climbed the branch to become a Phoenix. This is really good, but at the same time, she will also be constrained, because grass She was born in such a big family, it must depend on people's face. But why does she want to do this? Does she really want to step up to the sky and lead an upper class life?

Just when I was in a daze, Fu Dong came to me again. Seeing that her father was really angry, she immediately pulled Ziyi behind her and said to the Buddha, "Dad, you'd better calm down. Ziyi is really a bit rash. She must be happy to get married today. She has no sense of propriety. You'd better understand it. In this way, you can listen to her son's advice, Forgive Ziyi. You can sprinkle all the fire on the boy. Is that ok

After listening to Fu Dong's words, the Buddha didn't say anything. He just snorted coldly and didn't bother about it. But Ziyi was scolded by the Buddha. Her face was very ugly, her eyes were a little hazy, and she was extremely aggrieved. However, due to the pressure, she didn't dare to make any more noise. At this time, Fu Dong returned to Ziyi and seemed to be persuading Ziyi to her ears. It can be seen that Fu Dong really cares about Ziyi. She is afraid that Ziyi offends his father and will not come to a good end.

The atmosphere of the scene was inexplicably strange. Everyone whispered and talked about how the Buddha would punish me next. At this time, a familiar voice came from the entrance of the back garden: "Buddha, how can you still get angry on such a happy day today? It's the man who doesn't have long eyes that bothers you. "

with the fall of the voice, the speaker slowly came over. Then, all the people on the scene immediately looked at the new figure. I couldn't help looking at the past. I found that the master of the familiar voice was the head of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, director Zhuang.

With a steady step, he went straight to the Buddha and continued to say, "Buddha, I have heard about today's affairs. He is only a child, and he doesn't understand the rules. You have a lot of rules. On this happy day, don't go to your heart and just drive him out! "

director Zhuang's appearance directly shocked everyone. No one thought that this selfless city director would come out to help me speak at the most critical time. However, after I met director Zhuang, I still didn't stir up much ripples. I was just a little confused. How could a person like director Zhuang speak with Buddha with such respect? Can we say that Buddha is the voice of the whole province?

Sure enough, the Buddha didn't move much because of director Zhuang's plea. He seemed to be the real emperor here. No matter who you are or what you are, he didn't pay attention to it. So, the Buddha looked at director Zhuang coldly and asked, "Laozhuang, do you want to put a foot in this matter? After all, the director of the Bureau, Mr. Zhuang, seems to have no intention of making a big fuss today. After all, I don't think it's necessary for the director to make a big fuss today. What's more, Wu Lai is one of my old friends who drag me to take care of him. I hope you can look on my face and let him off! "

director Zhuang is also an old man in the world. Although he doesn't dare to tell the truth directly, he still said it out to help me. Anyway, director Zhuang is the head of the city's Public Security Bureau and the leader of the public servants. Even if the Buddha is no more than an ox, he is just the boss of the underground, a white one and a black one, which can't be countered at all I should take care of the face of director Zhuang.

What surprised me again was that the Buddha did not pay attention to anyone. Even director Zhuang was no exception. After listening to director Zhuang's words, he just frowned and said coldly:

"Laozhuang, it's not that I don't give you face. If anything else happens, I can think that nothing has happened. But today, this boy ran to my son's marriage I didn't chop him up and feed the shark. It's kind of kindness that I didn't chop him up and feed the shark. I can't do this. You should know that in recent years, I have faintly retired, and the public security in this city is good. You can understand that. You know, it's my family business Forget it! "

for director Zhuang, the Buddha still left some room for him. He didn't speak too comprehensively. Everyone could hear him. The Buddha's words were full of threats. I firmly believe that as long as he stamped his foot, the whole city would tremble. If he really got angry, the city would surely fall into darkness, and the public order would be in chaos. At that time, the victims would suffer Director Zhuang himself.So, after listening to the Buddha's words, director Zhuang was still a little afraid. Seeing the Buddha's determination, he could only sigh helplessly, and then he retreated. Obviously, the situation on the scene was useless even to such figures as director Zhuang's Bureau. It seems that the power of the Buddha is really unpredictable. In fact, I also know that no matter who is black or without the support of white people, he can't If there is no strong backstage, it is obviously impossible. Since the Buddha doesn't even pay attention to the village Bureau, then the person behind him is designated as unfathomable. No wonder he can cover the sky for such a long time in this province and still stand firm.

It seems that this time, I really can't escape, and there is no one who can save me. However, to my surprise, Wu Tianhao, who has not made a statement since director Zhuang left, suddenly rose from his seat. If Wu Hao looked at me before, he would have no attitude towards me, even if he didn't look at me, he would have no attitude towards me.

To my surprise, the Buddha, who has always been arrogant, didn't give anyone a good face. However, after seeing Wu Tianhao coming, he didn't keep a straight face. He just asked him calmly: "brother Wu, are you going to plead for this boy? "

perhaps, the Buddha really can't believe that I am such a small person, I can make black and white people of high reputation to stand up and plead for me. Therefore, when Wu Tianhao came, the Buddha seemed to have some doubts, and there was also suspicion in his heart. Wu Tianhao did not rush to answer the Buddha's words. He just gave a meaningful smile, and then He went to the Buddha's side, put his mouth to the Buddha's ear and whispered something to him.

I can't hear what Wu Tianhao and the Buddha said. However, I can see that the Buddha's face slowly changes. When Wu Tianhao breaks away from his ear, the Buddha immediately gives a roar and says, "I'm the God who I am. No one can ride on my head. Today, if you don't deal with this boy, I'll pay the Buddha After that, you can't mix in the world! "

So far, it's the first time I've seen the Buddha get so angry. Before he was angry again, he just flashed anger in his eyes. But at the moment, he roared directly. Obviously, his body and mind were completely angry. Seeing him like this, I suddenly felt that Wu Tianhao stood up to help me, but in fact, he seemed to deliberately move out of my father to anger me Buddha's, seeing that the Buddha was completely angry, Wu Tianhao also echoed: "Buddha, you should think twice! "

after hearing Wu Tianhao's words, the Buddha became more angry. Immediately, he uttered a stern voice and said," I have made up my mind. There is nothing to discuss! "

after that, the Buddha did not care about anyone, and directly ordered:" do it! "

at this moment, my numb heart suddenly moved. When I saw Wu Tianhao pretending to be kind to help me, he infuriated the Buddha. This made me feel that Wu Tianhao could not get rid of the relationship between me and Ziyi. At the moment, he could sit gracefully on the wedding site. Although everything was not shown, it can be seen that his heart was so cruel Poison.

At this time, I suddenly had a trace of sober pain, I not only lost in love so pitifully, but also was calculated by my most trusted people, so that I fell into such a situation. Unconsciously, my eyes were a little sour, I red eyes, scanning the scene of a dignified person, only pain in my heart, can not think of anything else Words.

When my eyes swept to Fu Dong, who was standing with Ziyi, my heart was full of ripples. This kind of taste was very hard for me, and my heart was dead. But in front of Ziyi, in front of so many so-called dignitaries, I could only bear it silently and pretend to be strong.

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