When I saw the Buddha's face change, I realized the seriousness of the matter. Wu Tianhao certainly didn't say anything good in his ear. He killed me indirectly. What was terrible was not the fear of death, nor the inability to survive in the predicament. The most terrible thing was the human heart. It was something you could not see clearly or guess clearly.

For me, people's heart is really terrible. He will betray you unconsciously. Like Wu Tianhao, people who have a set in front of them and behind them are just like the devil, more dangerous than the devil. The heart is like this, Ziyi once said how much love me, and now, it is not easy to change the heart, I was injured by purple, my heart has been broken, trapped in death.

Therefore, when the sunglasses bodyguard approached me again, I still ignored everything and only focused on Ziyi. Looking at the woman who once loved me, I only said one word in my dead heart: Ziyi, if I owe you anything before, then from this moment on, I will not owe you anything again. I wish you happiness

Speaking Kung Fu, sunglasses bodyguard has already come to my side, directly clasped me, and I did not even resist resistance, just closed my eyes in despair, I tried to be strong, just for the strong side in front of Ziyi, because my heart was too bitter, the moment I closed my eyes, I could not help but shed two tears in my eyes.

While my tears were falling, I suddenly felt a strong wind beating on my face. At the same time, my whole body was taken up by the trend and seemed to have been moved. In addition, I heard the startling voice of guests and the scream of someone injured. At this time, my first feeling was that the wasabi appeared. To be honest, my heart was in harmony I don't want him to come, because I know that this is a sea of mountains and rivers. Even if the wasabi comes, he is only alone. I will get in if I don't rescue it.

My eyes opened unconsciously, but to my complete shock, the person standing in front of me was not wasabi, but Qiqi's bodyguard, cold faced man, whom I had not seen for a long time.

He stood upright in front of me, blocking the sixth master and his bodyguards. Moreover, I also saw that two of them had fallen to the ground. I had already felt how high the force value of these bodyguards was. Their strength was comparable with Haizi. But in the blink of an eye, two people fell to the ground. Obviously, it was the cold faced man who did it. It can be seen that he was really The force has reached a certain peak.

Of course, I was not the only one who was shocked by the sudden appearance of the cold faced man. In their opinion, it took courage and courage to stand up and plead for me. As soon as the cold faced man appeared, he directly knocked down the Buddha's bodyguard and stood directly against him, How can this not be shocking.

Not to mention others, even the Buddha himself was shocked. It was like breaking the ground on Tai Sui's head. The anger in the Buddha's eyes became more intense. When it did not erupt directly, it seemed that the Buddha knew the cold faced man. He just looked at the cold faced man with a cold face. Then, he asked in surprise: "Lenghan, what are you doing here? "

the name Lenghan obviously means that the cold faced man in front of me is really a man as cold as his name. His name is as cold as his character. Lenghan did not make any abnormal changes to the Buddha's questions, just as if he didn't listen to the Buddha's words. However, at this moment, a familiar female voice came from behind me:" what else can I do, Take solo out of here, of course! "

the familiar female voice said very light words, but the words were extremely overbearing. To her, it seemed that this was an ordinary thing that could not be ordinary. At the same time, all the people on the scene, at the moment of hearing the female voice, all their faces showed a color of astonishment. At the same time, all the people's eyes could not help but turn to the source of the voice.

At this time, at the entrance of the back garden, there came a girl with loose hair, wearing blue jeans, a motorcycle jacket and a pair of leather boots. Her face was snow-white, but her expression was very indifferent. This girl was no other than the sick girl who had disappeared for a long time, Qiqi!

Although I knew her for a short time and didn't get along for a long time, she left me a deep memory every time. The sick girl, with her bodyguard, saved me many times. For me, her identity and background are very mysterious. I have sent people to inquire, but the results are all blank. Therefore, I am full of kindness to her Strange.

Of course, in addition to curiosity, I also had a lot of moving, the most touching one was the night she left. She took the initiative to find me and made a final farewell to me. Before leaving, she also asked me if I needed her help, and her own body was like that, still thinking for me, how could I not be moved.

Now, after a few months to see Qiqi again, her body still looks weak, walking as if some instability, such a weak girl, but attracted the attention of the audience. Just in such a moment, she has become the focus of attention. However, Qiqi is worthy of being used to the world. In such a murderous situation, Qiqi is like following in her own yard, very casual and slowly walking towards me.At the moment when Qiqi settled down, people in black who were hiding all over the villa suddenly came out and surrounded us, including the guests present. However, these people in black didn't start to us immediately. It seems that they were waiting for the Buddha's order. As the leader of the field, the Buddha appeared surprised from the beginning when he saw the cold At this moment, after seeing Qiqi again, his expression suddenly changed greatly. It's hard to imagine that the Buddha, who had no one in his eyes, was shocked to see Qiqi, a little girl. Obviously, the Buddha cared about this sick little girl.

The Buddha didn't become abnormal, but the leader of a group of people in black who came out just now may have misunderstood the meaning. He thought that the Buddha had been hurt by Qiqi. So he stood up directly, pointed to Qiqi and said in a sharp voice, "you can't be presumptuous here!"

The voice of these people is powerful and powerful. I can see that these people in black are much better than those men in suits I knocked down just now. It seems that they belong to the security guards of the villa. It seems that these people are the real hidden power of the villa. If there is no one with real strength to look at it, they are obviously impossible.

However, for me, these people are powerful, but in Qiqi's eyes, they are just like three different schools. In the face of the arrogance of the leader in black, Qiqi is not willing to look at him, but casually says to the cold faced man: "cold! "

two short words express Qiqi's meaning. After Leng Han got the meaning, he rushed forward in an instant, and the two immediately got entangled. At this moment, I really felt Lenghan's strength. I had seen him before, but he was not so powerful as now. Obviously, he was hiding his strength at that time, but I can really see it today The real power of cold, look at this posture, is completely with the existence of horseradish level.

Although the leader looked fierce, he couldn't stand the cold attack. After a few moves, the rampant leader was knocked to the ground by Leng Han, and he didn't get up. When his subordinates saw this, they immediately rushed to fight against Leng Han. At this critical moment, the Buddha, who had not spoken, suddenly yelled: "stop! "

as soon as the Buddha spoke, all the men in black immediately stopped and stood in the same place without moving again. At this time, the whole audience fell into silence again. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the Buddha. The Buddha ignored all the people directly and directly fixed his eyes on Qiqi. After a long time, the Buddha began to say," excuse me, are you the lady of Xia family ? "

I didn't expect that it was the first time for me to see the Buddha for such a long time, and the first time I heard him speak in such a gentle voice. Judging from his previous performance, I think he totally regarded himself as here. Even the head of the municipal Bureau, director Zhuang, did not pay attention to him. At the moment, he even held such an attitude towards Qiqi, which shocked me All the people in the room were shocked.

But Qiqi, facing the Buddha's inquiry, just gently turned down her mouth, filled with disdain in her tone, and leisurely replied, "I can tell you that I'm really a Xia! "

Qiqi's words obviously admitted that she was the Xia family miss in the Buddha's mouth. After hearing this answer, the Buddha paid more attention to Qiqi. Qiqi despised him, but the Buddha didn't put it in his heart. Then, he said to Qiqi again:

" I didn't expect that Miss Xia would come to my villa as a guest. My Buddha is really honored However, I still want to say that this boy made a big fuss about my son's wedding. I can't let it go so easily, unless you give me a reasonable explanation. What's the relationship between Miss Xia and the boy and why should she plead for him? "

Although the Buddha cares about Qiqi's life experience, he still refuses to let me go easily, because I can see his unwillingness. If he let me go like this, all the previous things would be in vain. At the same time, it really damaged the Buddha's face. Qiqi listened to the Buddha's words and squeezed out an extremely lovely smile.

Then, she looked at the Buddha with cute eyes and said lightly: "because, Suluo, he is my boyfriend! “

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