This farce, also with the appearance of Qiqi, came to an end. I took Qiqi's hand and walked slowly in the eyes of the crowd. At this moment, even though I was extremely reluctant and unwilling, my expression was calm but extremely calm. Every step forward seemed to be stepping on the memories of Ziyi and me, no matter how my situation was, no matter how Qiqi was How much ability, after all, can not change the fact that Ziyi got married.

Maybe, in other people's eyes, my love did not lose, but won a more rare woman, but in my own eyes, my love lost, lost too thoroughly, I can't keep my favorite woman's heart, and have no courage to witness her wedding, anyway. I can't accept the fact that she has become someone else's bride.

As a matter of fact, I tried my best to keep it, but it was useless after all. As a result, in order to lose my dignity, I just took my fake girlfriend's hand, pretended to be strong on the surface, but my heart was extremely painful. No one asked us to stay at the scene, and no one called me. But even so, I felt hot on my back, like having two eyes , staring at my back tightly, the hot light in my eyes, through my back, straight into my heart, let my heart tingle.

And I did not look back, have already felt the power of the light from these eyes. Perhaps, this is the feeling of the heart, I told myself in my heart, as long as the voice of Ziyi sounded behind me, as long as she opened her mouth to stop me, even if I just called my name, I would not hesitate to turn back and rush back to embrace her.

But all this is my illusion, imagination, everything is just my own amorous, until I completely out of the back garden, behind me there is no voice of my hard and extravagant, my heart is completely desperate, also dead, I can't help but look up to the hot sun in the sky, the dazzling sunlight stimulates my eyes, I squint like a conditioned reflex At first, a bitter smile appeared. Then, I stepped up and left with Qiqi.

When I got to the villa, I heard the wedding music coming from the villa. I knew that after I left, the wedding went on again, and the festive atmosphere was restored again. When my voice reached my ears, I could not help but hold on. Qiqi saw my abnormality. She didn't make a sound, just Quietly accompanied by my side.

A moment later, I had recovered my mind and found that I was still holding Qiqi's hand. After I realized my impoliteness, I immediately let go of her and said to Qiqi apologetically, "I'm really sorry!"

Qiqi, with a light smile, replied softly, "it's OK. Let's leave first."

Qiqi laughs like a flower, but her state is a flower that is about to wither. But even if it is about to wither, she is still strong and alive. From Qiqi, I clearly feel the courage and strength to fight against the fate. She brings me a very different feeling. It is because of her that I have been hit so hard that I didn't fall down, I really thank her. Looking at Qiqi in front of me, I sipped my dry lips and nodded at her. Then, I left with her.

Walking on the path of the villa, I do not know, we came to the road, and behind us, there is a black Mercedes Benz, slow tail, Qiqi and I walk quietly, no conversation, in the open environment, we can only hear our breath. After walking for a while, Qiqi suddenly opened his voice, breaking the silence of the scene: "Suluo, you should pay more attention to the Buddha in the future. He has given me face in front of others today. However, he will remember this matter today. He is a man who will report his grievances. You should be careful!"

Qiqi's advice didn't surprise me much. I can see from the performance of Buddha today that he regarded himself as the heaven, and no one could bargain with him. However, in front of so many people, a word that didn't agree with me swept his face. Therefore, he must have a grudge against me. I would be surprised if I didn't retaliate!

In front of Qiqi, a mysterious background, and on the occasion of his son's marriage, the Buddha forbade all his anger and didn't do anything to me. However, it doesn't mean that he won't deal with me in the future. Our Liangzi is completely married. Although the Buddha's momentum is frightening, it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of him. From the beginning to the end, I haven't been afraid of Buddha In other words, I am here today, the only thing I care about is Ziyi, and the only thing I care about is Ziyi.

And Qiqi's words, I did not feel threatened, I did not care, some do not care about said: "it's OK, don't worry about it!"

At the moment, my face is a little silly, and the way I speak is like talking to myself and replying to Qiqi. After listening to my words, Qiqi said faintly: "I know what you care about in your heart, but you must pay attention to these. What's more, I feel that the woman still doesn't love you deeply enough. If it's me, I'll wait for you to come back and listen to your explanation. If you don't come back, I'm willing to wait forever! "

Qiqi's words seemed to have something in it. I didn't understand it for a moment. However, from her actions and words to save me, I could feel that she didn't think highly of Ziyi. She once remembered that on the night when I was separated from her, she asked me about Ziyi, because I knew that she envied me and Ziyi very much.But now, this enviable love, so inexplicably ended, I once again immersed in the pain, at this time, Qiqi advised me again, said: "Suluo, the matter to this step, you have to put down anyway, after all, she has become someone else's wife, and with your present meagre power, it is not the Buddha's right at all Hand, offending him is no good end, so, this person, you can not afford to offend, do not offend

Qiqi's words are to persuade me not to fight against the Buddha. Similarly, it is said with a pertinent and objective attitude, and I listened to it seriously, but the pain in my heart did not disperse so quickly, and the time with Ziyi was not short. I was not saying that I could put it down. I wanted to put it down. It was just thinking that the real decision was still not settled I really can't let go of Ziyi. I will try my best to fight for it. For a while, I also fell into confusion.

In the next section of the road, Qiqi and I fell into silence. Time was slowly passing, and we were getting farther and farther away from the villa. Gradually, my deep heart also calmed down. I was trying to accept the cruel reality and calculate the time. Now Ziyi has become someone else's wife, and I have tried my best to fight for it, which is irretrievable Love, also made the best effort, to this moment, I should also try to put down.

After a short silence, I raised my head, took a deep breath and exhaled deeply. Then, I turned my head and looked at Qiqi and said sincerely, "Qiqi, thank you for your help."

For this girl who has helped me many times but never asks for return, I really don't know her real name. I only know her name is Qiqi, which is usually called Qiqi. Today, I heard Buddha say her surname is Xia. I know that her name in school is fake, but I can only call her Qiqi. Since people intend to hide their identity, I will find out the truth It's not good.

And Qiqi listened to my words, very casual reply: "this is nothing, I appreciate your persistence, will help you. Originally, when I went back to school, I wanted to see how you were doing, but I didn't see you in person for several days. Today, I suddenly got the news of your return, and as soon as I came back, I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, so I came here in a hurry! "

Qiqi's words are very casual, but I can tell from the words that she is very concerned about me, and is not a general concern, otherwise, she would not appear at this appropriate time, in this sudden moment, pretending to be my girlfriend, such as a big family girl, the most taboo is that there is gossip, but today, she is in front of so many high-class people, Frank However, I was her boyfriend and didn't feel any loss at all, so I took it for granted.

Subconsciously, I always think that Qiqi has something to do with me, but I also know that since she doesn't want to talk about it, I won't tell her if I ask her again. Therefore, I didn't gossip too much. I just changed the topic and asked her with concern: "Oh, by the way, I heard that you left school for physical reasons last time. How is your illness when you come back this time What is it like? "

I thought that Qiqi would not be happy when she mentioned this taboo topic. Even though she was a friend or a friend, I should always go to greet her. However, she looked at everything very open and didn't care about it at all. She spat out her tongue at me and said playfully to me, "actually, I almost reported there, but Lord Yan heard of me I don't have a wish. I'll live in the sun for a few more years, so I'll put me back! "

It can be seen that Qiqi's words are just echoing with me. I can see her illness as a layman. It's really serious, but Qiqi doesn't think so. She behaves very relaxed every day. This courage really makes people feel admirable. It's not easy for her to have such courage at this age, but such a smart and kind-hearted girl can be so smart and kind-hearted Why suffer from illness? It's a real creation!

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