When I think that Qiqi is also a person with persistent diseases, I suddenly think of my own stubborn disease. If there was no grandfather Bai, I might die soon. He is the most powerful doctor I have ever met. Maybe he can cure Qiqi's disease. So I quickly said to Qiqi: "Qiqi, I know an old Chinese medicine doctor. Maybe he can cure your disease?"

After listening to my words, Qiqi said to me almost without hesitation: "forget it, those are useless. I've seen it from childhood to adulthood. All I've found is the way to control, and it's impossible to eradicate it!"

When Qiqi said this, she was a little sad. This is the most real emotion for her own illness. Just imagine, who doesn't want to have a healthy body, especially those who are suffering from illness from childhood to adulthood, what they want most is healthy and happy growth, but some people are troubled by diseases. I know that people in big families like Qiqi do not lack money and contacts, and what kind of doctor should they look for Life can be found, but, for grandfather Han's medical skills, I still trust, so, I didn't say anything, but in my mind, when I had time, I would ask grandfather Bai about the situation and see if there was a cure.

As for this matter, I will not mention it for the time being. It will only make Qiqi more sad. So, I talked with Qiqi about other things, all of which do not involve privacy. After a long chat with Qiqi, my mood has been relieved a lot. At least, I am not overwhelmed by Ziyi's affairs. At least, I can be like a person, Walk and chat.

We just walked for a long time and talked for a long time. Unconsciously, the sun was going to set and the sky seemed to be getting dark. At this time, Qiqi said to me, "well, it's not too early. I should go back to school. If you want anything, you can come to the school directly to find me!"

So I nodded to Kiki and said, "well, I know!"

It's no use saying thank you to Qiqi. The relationship between us is no longer the word "thank you". Qiqi didn't say anything more. She just turned around and got on the black car that was always following us. After getting on the bus, Qiqi asked me again, "if you want to go there, I'll ask the driver to see you off first."

I looked at Kiki, shook my head and said, "forget it. I want to be quiet."

Qiqi listened to me and nodded her head. She didn't say anything. She also knew that I should be quiet. Then, he said hello to the driver, and the car left immediately. I stood where I was, staring at Qiqi's far away car. Once again, I fell into a desolate situation. When Qiqi's car completely disappeared, I suddenly felt a cold wind And come, I can't help shivering, suddenly back to reality, not easy to ease a little heart, suddenly and red fruit pain.

Although after chatting with Qiqi, I slowly accepted Ziyi! I have told myself many times today that I believe in Ziyi. I always feel that the purple Yi I love will not change my heart. No matter what mistakes I made, she will forgive me. But this time, I fought for more than once, even for her Offended the Buddha, but in the end, I still didn't wait for the result I wanted, and the cruel fact came.

I really don't understand, purple in the last three months what happened, how can suddenly become like this? When I think of this problem, I suddenly think of a person, yes, he is my bodyguard wasabi. I remember that before I left with my grandfather Bai, I asked the Bull Demon King to protect Ziyi secretly. So, for Ziyi, wasabi should be the most clear person.

However, Ziyi got married here, and I was almost abandoned here, and wasabi didn't show up. This obviously shows that he is no longer with Ziyi. However, where did he go? Anyway, wasabi must know something about Ziyi. So, I need to find him as soon as possible. So, I took out my mobile phone and prepared to look for him, but just when I was about to take out my mobile phone Waiting, I suddenly remembered that my mobile phone had already run out of electricity.

So, I quickly put my mobile phone back in my pocket, took a taxi and went straight to my headquarters. When I got to the road in front of the hotel, it was dark, and the signboard of the hotel was shining and brilliant. I was glad to see it for a while. Although I didn't live here for a long time, I took it as home The familiar breath immediately came to my face, which calmed my uncomfortable heart a lot, but I didn't have time to feel it here. I just wanted to understand the matter quickly.

So, I didn't make any stop, I walked directly to the hotel, but just as I got to the gate of the hotel, I was stopped by the security guard at the door, and one of them called out to me, "where do you come from? Don't look at what's here, get out of here!"

The security guard's tone was fierce and his momentum was not ordinary. I couldn't help looking up and looking at the man who stopped me. His face was very strange, and there was a sense of impetuousness between his brows. He was followed by several other people. They were all fresh faces. It seemed that they were brothers outside the organization or in the organization New people, anyway, I don't know them.Of course, they certainly don't know me. Seeing my image, they immediately drove me away as a beggar. I know that although this is a five-star hotel open to the outside world, it is also our headquarters. Therefore, the security measures are relatively strict, and the identity of guests is also required. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter. I also said to these understand.

After three months in the mountains, I came back in the clothes with pudding, and I had a fight in the villa. At the moment, my image is no different from that of beggars. It is no wonder that these fresh security personnel will obstruct me. I understand this and do not blame them. I said to them lightly: "your security significance I appreciate you very much. Well, you should step back, because I'm your boss, solo

But what I didn't expect was that after listening to my words, these security guards not only did not retreat, but also burst into laughter. They seemed to regard me as a madman. They could not close their mouths with laughter, and said:

"I said," are you really crazy? You beggars and dare to claim to be our elder brother. If you are Suluo, My TM is still Shen Muchen! "

"Ah, I didn't expect that any cat and dog can call themselves Suluo these days. It's so funny."

"Ha ha ha, talented person, this beggar elder brother is really fantastic?"

"Yes, I don't look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue I have. I dare to pretend to be our boss Su!"

All kinds of voices rang out one after another. Finally, the security guard who took the lead broke the discussion and roared: "OK, don't talk nonsense with him. Just get rid of it. Don't waste time here!"

As soon as the security guard took the lead, he immediately reached out and grabbed my clothes. He tried to throw me out. But he dragged me for a long time, but I was still standing still. At this moment, he realized that something was wrong. His face turned ugly, and he felt that he was very shameless. At once, he was ready to push me away But my horse step is not something that ordinary people can shake. No matter how he does it, I always move in the same place.

Then, the hot tempered bodyguard was angry. He widened his eyes and scolded me. Then he kicked me with a sweeping leg. Seeing this, I snorted coldly. When his foot touched me, I suddenly took a hand, seized his attacking arm, and skillfully threw him out. His body fell heavily on the ground.

When other security guards saw this, they were confused. Who could have imagined that a man like me, who is like a beggar, would have such strong strength. However, even so, they still don't think I am Suluo. After all, in their opinion, if Suluo comes back, it must be the appearance of wind, scenery and light. It is impossible for them to have such no image, just like a beggar, he is in a mess I can only blame my appearance for betraying me.

Although the first time they didn't dress up as a good man, they didn't think that they were good people. However, they didn't have the impression of being a good man It looks like it's a bit flashy. It's not too weak to fight.

I didn't say a word, with the fastest speed, easily put them all on the ground, to be honest, their unity is true, let me gratify, according to the law, for their own people I should not start, but I now have no other ideas, just want to quickly investigate the matter, but there are always a group of ignorant guys, love me to create trouble, and I was angry in the body When you take them out.

Of course, I had a sense of propriety in my heart. I just simply put them down. Then, I clapped my hands, looked at them lying on the ground, and said coldly, "remember all of them. Don't be so reckless in the future. Do you hear me?"

After I cleaned them up, I didn't want to investigate any more, because I had business to deal with, so I went straight to the hotel. But I had only two steps to go. One of the security guards who fell on the ground yelled with his walkie talkie: "no, it's a big deal. Someone's going to smash the floor!"

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