After repeated entanglement, finally, I still called my father. I don't know who else can help me in this world, and who I can trust. Besides my father, I really have no one to rely on. My father is the straw that I can grasp. If I deal with Buddha, I can only place my hope on my father. So, now There's only one way. Ask my dad for help!

So, after a pause, I finally dialed the phone. As soon as the phone was connected, I immediately said, "Dad, it's me, Arlo!"

Every time I call my father, I tell myself that I must keep my spirit in front of my father and make some achievements for him to know that his son Su Qiyao is not too bad. But every time I look for my dad, it's the moment when I'm in trouble. I'm talking to the other end of the phone, and I've lost my confidence.

My father directly recognized that my mood was not right. He was silent for a while, then slowly opened his mouth and said, "I heard that you are back. How can the old white head release you?"

Whenever, no matter what kind of situation is on my side, my father, a middle-aged man with unfathomable identity, can always keep calm. It really seems that anything is nothing to him. His tone at this time is still Gujing bubo. Even, he seems to know everything about me. Isn't the white old man in his mouth the white grandfather? I didn't expect that my father was unexpectedly Even he knows?

Think of it. My heart can't help but suddenly, calm down to think about it. Wasabi saw me taken away by grandfather Bai at that time, and he also had a fight with him. Then my father must have heard about me from wasabi. He could not find me for such a long time after I disappeared. Obviously, he should know that white grandfather will not hurt me. That's why my dad left me alone.

Since the wasabi and my father said, I also understand this, but from my father's address to grandfather Bai, I suddenly feel that my father and grandfather white seem to know each other, thinking in my heart, so I couldn't help asking, "Dad, do you know grandfather Bai?"

As for my question, my father didn't say it in detail, but casually said, "I've heard of it! "

although my father's answer is vague, I can see that he obviously knows grandfather Bai. But it's no surprise that he has heard of grandfather Bai. After all, grandfather Bai's medical skills are excellent and his martial arts are superb. It's reasonable for my father to understand such figures. But I always feel that my father is perfunctory to me, and I know his personality, If he doesn't want to say it, he will avoid answering any question you ask.

However, I am not in the mood to continue to tangle with this matter, because I have other things to do. Then, I almost can't wait to ask my father about my most concerned topic and said, "by the way, Dad, I want to ask you, where is the horseradish now? Where has he gone? I can't get in touch with him! At present, my father is still in the hospital! "

as soon as my father's voice dropped, my heart immediately began to shake, and a kind of inexplicable fear suddenly swept over. Wasabi, the mythical character in my heart, could have an accident, and who could have hurt him and let him recuperate in the hospital, which is really incredible.

My father, who has always been indifferent, suddenly became serious when he talked about wasabi. The things that my father could attach importance to are absolutely not trivial matters. Moreover, I vaguely feel that the injury of Wasabi has something to do with Ziyi.

So, I quickly chased my father and asked, "Dad, tell me what's going on? Why wasabi got hurt, why my girlfriend Ziyi got married suddenly? You know all this, right? "

this is the most urgent question I want to know. When I asked this question, my heart was in my throat. I wanted to hear his answer. At the same time, I didn't dare to listen to the answer that I always wanted to know. After listening to my words, my father said to me slowly," I don't know about your girlfriend's marriage, but the madman is helping you protect her When the injury, I know only these! Br >

as a result, the wasabi man who didn't really want to protect me in the field was really against me? Why did Ziyi suddenly marry Fu Dong, who he never knew? Wasabi hidden so secret, how in the process of protection, was attacked?

The more I continued to think about it, the more powerful my heart beat. I held my breath and asked my father seriously, "is it the Buddha's son who fell in love with Ziyi, so that he started from the wasabi? "

at this moment, my heart was so nervous that I was worried that it was a conspiracy, but I hoped that Ziyi would be forced. I hope Ziyi didn't really change her mind to me. However, to my disappointment, my father continued to reply seriously:

" Arlo, things are not as simple as you think. Ziyi is just a little girl and has no use value at all It's necessary for others to ask several experts to attack wasabi together. I think someone is targeting you or indirectly targeting me. Recently, I'm looking into this matter. Originally, you're at old Bai's side, but now you're back, I'm not at ease. Son, listen to Dad's advice, either go back to old white immediately, or go home immediately and don't stay outside, The days ahead will be very dangerous! "In fact, in my eyes, my father has always been a God. No matter what kind of people I have offended, my father has not paid any attention to him. I feel that everything is not a matter for him, but this time, my father suddenly attaches importance to it. It seems that this time the matter is really too big, wasabi that is a first-class master, now even he has been injured, the key is to also bring in the awe inspiring Buddha in the three southern provinces. It seems that the reason why my father cares so much should also be the appearance of Buddha!

My father is the only straw to save my life. If my father can't deal with the Buddha, I will be really dangerous. I've seen the Buddha's momentum. Even director Zhuang wants to be three-thirds of the people. What can I take to fight against it? But even if the Buddha is more terrifying, I don't want to escape any more. I try my best to get out of the white grandfather's place and everything will come back I didn't do it. Now I have to hide. How can I suffer.

After pondering for a few seconds, I opened my mouth and asked my father, "Dad, is it because Buddha is not easy to deal with? "

when I heard my question, my father answered without hesitation:" it's not just him! "

when I heard this, I asked," who else? "

at this time, my father's voice changed from seriousness to indifference, saying," Wu Tianhao! "

the three words" Wu Tianhao "directly hit my heart. My father has repeatedly told me that Wu Tianhao is a man who can't be trusted, so that I can use it, but I can't rely on him. When I think back to the last time I fought with the Xuanwu Association, I put all my hope on Wu Tianhao. As a result, if it wasn't for the timely rescue of Xie Yu and Xue Ning, I might have been buried It's in the hands of the basaltic society.

When I came back this time, although Wu Tianhao was pleading for me on the surface, it was like taking out my father and deliberately provoking the Buddha. At that time, I felt the smell of conspiracy. Now, after listening to my father's words, I am more convinced that all these things must have something to do with Wu Tianhao.

It's just that, to my surprise, how could Wu Tianhao oppose my father suddenly? He should be in awe of my father. How could he offend my father openly now? I really can't think about this, so I continued to ask my father, "Dad, what's Wu Tianhao?" before I finished speaking, my father directly interrupted me and said categorically, "OK, don't ask so many questions. I'll find out about this matter. Now tell me where you want to go?"

Sure enough, everything in the world is secondary. In my father's place, he always cares about my safety. He hopes that I can go back to my grandfather Bai, or go back to his side. Unfortunately, these two roads are not what I want to go, and force me to decide that I really can't do it. Therefore, I directly and seriously said to my father:

"I won't be able to take these two roads Go, because there are my brothers here. I have to stay here. Otherwise, if they really want to deal with me and know that I am hiding, they will certainly take my brother for an operation in order to force me to come out. Besides, Dad, you told me not to escape from reality, but to face up to it bravely, even if you fail, it doesn't matter. This is the responsibility a man should have, isn't it ? "

when I said this, it showed my determination. Now I have changed, and I have changed a lot. In the past, I was afraid to go out of school and become a turtle with a shrinking head in front of a Xuanwu society. That would be too cowardly for me. At the same time, I can't do it now. Today, my organization has developed and expanded Now, my heart has grown strong, and people have undergone qualitative changes with the change of time. I can't change back to the former Suluo. Even if the emperor comes, I can't hide. I have to face it bravely. What's more, Ziyi is also involved in this incident. I don't know whether she is sincere or not. I have to put a foot in it..

After listening to my impassioned words, my father couldn't help thinking. Even I could hear my father's heavy breath. After a long time, my father opened his mouth and said to me, "Arlo, actually I'm just worried that they're going to attack you, but since you're determined to stay, I'll respect your choice, but you have to remember one thing Live, always be careful, because your safety is the most important, you know! "

my father's meaning is very obvious. He wants me to hide not because he is afraid of them, but because he is afraid that my strength is too weak. In his heart, I have always been a little child and will always grow up under his protection. However, I am really different now. I am no longer the person I was at the beginning Slain solo, now I can not only protect myself, but also protect my important people.

Therefore, for my father to give me the request, I still very solemnly agreed to him, righteous reply: "well, I know, Dad!"

I have asked all the questions I should ask. I have got the answers to the questions I want to know. Now there is nothing to be confused about. Everything, from the attack of Wasabi to Ziyi's marriage, is a conspiracy against me or against my father. Our father and son have become the protagonist of this plot. From my father's words, I know that he is Let me hide, that is to say, this plot is against him, so I have to stay to let them know that I am not a vegetarian now.Before the phone hung up, my dad said meaningfully, "they are going to force me out of the mountain!" This sentence let me confirm that an invisible conspiracy has begun!

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