My father's words are like to me, also like to talk to himself. After that, he immediately hung up the phone. And I sit in this empty office, recalling what my father said to me. I can't calm down for a long time. I also understand that now, my situation is really in danger. Obviously, someone deliberately targeted me. Wasabi was injured, and Ziyi suddenly got married again. This is not a coincidence. My subconscious tells me that someone deliberately uses Ziyi to make me into a desperate situation Take my dad out of the mountains.

But when I think about it carefully, if a character like Foye is against me, there is no need for his son to marry against me. What's more, from Fu Dong's eyes, I can clearly see his feelings for Ziyi. It's not like acting, but acting.

But Ziyi's appearance, she seems to be really disappointed with me. Her words stinging me are so real. Her maintenance of Dong doesn't seem to be acting. I can't be sure about other things. The only thing that can be sure is that Ziyi has really changed her mind. She has completely abandoned me. Now that it is, how can I lick my face to ask her to change her mind? Her words have been said so absolutely, can I have any illusions about her? Now what should I do? I can't make up my mind.

Even so, now I can't protect myself. So, I really want to put aside Ziyi's business for a while and hide in my old nest for the time being. My father and Qiqi have also reminded me that we must pay attention to our own safety. If I act rashly, I will easily fall into the tiger of Buddha, and I will lose everything. But in my meditation, suddenly, someone knocked on the door of my office, I immediately regained consciousness and said: "come in!"

As soon as my voice fell, the door was opened, and Shen Muchen and crab came in. Shen Muchen was dissatisfied with me and said, "I said, Arlo, once you come back, you've done such a big thing. You don't let the brothers go to help, but when you come back, you hide in the office quietly. You don't put your brothers in your heart."

Time passed a lot of time inadvertently, at the same time, it also changed a lot of things. However, Shen Muchen and I still have the same feelings as my brothers. Now, only Shen Muchen dares to talk to me like this in the whole organization. After three months' absence, Shen Muchen's face is still so white and tender, but his temperament has become more natural and unrestrained Seeing his arrival, the tangle in my heart eased a little. Then, I stood up directly, met Shen Muchen, and gave him a big hug. After parting, I hugged the crab again. Then we sat on the sofa and talked.

As for my business, I just briefly summarized it. As many brothers were waiting outside, we did not delay. Even before I could change my clothes, I was taken out to eat together. When I came to the hotel box, I immediately ushered in a lively atmosphere. Most of the senior staff of the organization came, all of whom were familiar brothers. They simply set up two tables of wine for I take the wind and wash the dust.

In front of the brothers, I didn't show a heavy heart. I tried my best to open my heart and drink with my brothers. Now only wine can dilute my pain. Especially when I drink with my brothers, all the pain in my heart is put away, and the whole person is involved in the joy of meeting with my brothers.

Now, my organization has basically stabilized its position in this city, and its fame is growing with its influence. It is precisely because of its great fame that the public security of our farm is good, and no one dares to make trouble. Therefore, most of my brothers are free, and they eat, drink and have fun every day. Originally, when I was not there, the organization could still be thriving, but now, I have not given it back As soon as I came back, I offended a behemoth. Compared with the power of Buddha, we are not worth mentioning.

Even if I was free and easy on the surface, I couldn't really put it down in my heart. Shen Muchen, who has always been shrewd, also saw something wrong with me. So, when everyone was drinking, Shen Muchen couldn't help coming to me and asking me what was wrong. Facing Shen Muchen, facing this group of brothers, I had nothing to hide, of course, I could not hide it To be honest, I not only remind myself to be careful, but also let my brothers have a little sense of vigilance.

Now I have too much to drink. Just by the strength of wine, I told you about today's affairs in front of everyone. I talked about Ziyi's marriage and the matter that caused Buddha. However, the brothers in the organization knew about Ziyi, but no one knew about the Buddha. When they heard my words, they were all shocked. In the eyes of brothers, Buddha is biography Although we are well-known in this city, we can not cover the sky with one hand. Instead, we have a place in the whole city. After all, we are a newly rising organization and have not entered the mainstream. Compared with the old gangs in this city, they are weak and have profound information, not to mention the Buddha of famous towns and three provinces.

Of course, the most shocking thing for the brothers is that Ziyi actually married someone else. It really surprised the brothers. You know, I was with Ziyi before I left. We sprinkled dog food for two days in front of all the brothers. Everyone knew that Ziyi and I really loved each other, and also knew that our feelings were deeply rooted. So, brothers They all think that this is incredible, but the facts are in front of us and there is no doubt about it.

After these two things were finished, the huge box suddenly fell into silence. The original cheerful expressions of the brothers suddenly solidified. Everyone seemed to have been touched and motionless. The picture was fixed at this moment. I knew that the brothers were shocked on the surface, and they must have been flustered. After all, I did not offend others, but the famous town Even if we pacify all the guilds in the city and let them all belong to me, we can't compete with the Buddha. Besides, calming down the whole city is not something that can be accomplished in a short time. Anyway, at present, we organize a competition with the Buddha, that is to say, there is no match.However, after a short silence, all the brothers still made a statement, saying that they would live and die with me in any case. They were all warm-blooded men who were not afraid of bleeding and tears. They all supported me and asked me to take my sister-in-law back in any case. Seeing the brothers like this, I couldn't help but smile bitterly. I moved the brothers' righteousness, but The reality is too helpless, egg and stone is the world's difference, this let me this commander-in-chief do not know how to do.

What's more, it's not that I don't want to take back Ziyi, but she has changed her heart. Even if I take back her people, I can't restore her heart. What's the point of doing that? What's more, even if I really want to be the enemy of the Buddha, I can't do anything rashly for the time being. After my father has investigated the matter clearly, otherwise, I may have fallen into the trap of others. In that case, it may disrupt my father's plan and add unnecessary trouble to him. It's really not worth doing.

So, for the moment, I can only tell my brothers that the Buddha can't take the initiative to make trouble. We should try to keep a low profile in the near future. Even if he takes the initiative to find fault, we should pretend to be grandchildren and laugh with each other. After listening to my words, the brothers also understand their innocence. They are a bit whimsical indeed. They droop their heads again, keep silent and see the elder brother Brothers, I also understand. After all, it's not other people who are provoked this time.

After a meal, we started happily and ended in dullness. After dinner, everyone separated. Shen Muchen was alone with me, persuading me. Shen Muchen was a little drunk. After chatting for a long time, he also went back to have a rest. In this day, after experiencing too many things, my body and mind were already exhausted When I got to the office and had a shower, I went to bed ready to pay attention.

Although I told myself that I should not be too attached to the broken love, I couldn't help but imagine that Ziyi was lying on something else when I thought of Ziyi's wedding night tonight The picture in the man's arms, I really can't bear to think about it any more, which makes my calm heart fall into waves again.

Ziyi is my woman, is my favorite woman, we have experienced too much, now, my state is better, but she fell into the arms of others, this taste is really uncomfortable, I really don't know, if, again, what accident, I defeated the Buddha, Ziyi, she will return to my arms, I can save his heart?

This night for me, can be regarded as my most painful, but also the most difficult night, I want to sleep, but how can not sleep, the spirit has been suffering, the pain is indescribable, the whole person, tossing and turning until dawn, I unconsciously into sleep.

However, a stable sleep, for me, has become a luxury. I don't know how long I sleep. The harsh doorbell woke me up from my sleep. I got up from the bed and slowly opened the door. I found that the person standing outside was Chen Haoran. As soon as he saw me, he said to me anxiously: "no, big brother, there's an accident! ”

when Chen Haoran said this, his voice was very fast and stuttered. I immediately felt something bad. After listening to Haoran's words, my confused state immediately dissipated, and the whole person immediately got up. I had no time to think about it, so I quickly asked: "Haoran, tell me quickly, what's the matter? "

after hearing my question, Chen Haoran immediately said to me," there is a disturbance in the restaurant on the second floor! “

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