In fact, there are more or less disturbances in every venue. Some people drink too much wine and go mad, and some quarrels make conflicts. However, this kind of small matter can be handled by brothers. It doesn't need a hall leader like Chen Haoran to come out, let alone disturb my eldest brother.

Now, Chen Haoran actually came to me for this. Obviously, this is not an ordinary disturbance. So I immediately asked, "what is the situation and who is causing the trouble?"

Chen Haoran said in a deep voice: "there is no war in the Southern District."

Hearing this name, my heart can't help but burst out. This flower Lord is not only famous in the Southern District, but also famous in the whole city. His original name is Hua Wushang, in his early 30s, but he has been popular in the whole city for a long time. The reason why he is famous is that, on one hand, he has extraordinary skills, and on the other hand, he has a very handsome face. It can be said that his handsome is worthy of being the first in the city.

It is precisely because of his unmatched appearance that he has a firm foothold in this city. Because, with his attractive appearance, he is a typical prodigal in love. No matter the young lady in the fireworks place, the wife of a rich businessman or a local tyrant, or the mistress of a gangster, or even the wife and daughter of a high-ranking official, he can hook up with him as long as he wants.

When he was not famous, he was almost cut to death because he wore a green hat to others. Slowly, Hua Wushang's fame became more and more famous and his ability became stronger and stronger. No one could touch him. Even if many dignitaries know that he has put a green cap on himself, they have nothing to do with him. It can be said that Hua Wushang rose up by women. If he can get to this point, he has been forced to take all black and white.

Moreover, in this city, the Southern District is the most chaotic, with a mixture of good and bad people, separate groups, and countless big and small gangs. However, he is a worthy leader in the Southern District, and no one is fighting with him. Compared with Hua Wushang, I am a child who has not grown up. No wonder Chen Haoran cares so much.

It's just that we are very far away from the Southern District. We don't have any contact with each other or make any conflicts. Besides, I told my brothers last night that we should keep a low profile recently. It's impossible for us to offend him. However, how did he come to my territory to make trouble?

As the matter was urgent, I didn't think about it any more. After I got dressed, I went to a box in the restaurant on the second floor with Chen Haoran. On the way, through Haoran's narration, I also got a general understanding of the situation. The reason was very simple. Hua Wushang ate a fly in the dish while eating, and the waiter might not know him, so he argued with him As a result, the waiter was beaten, and his brother who watched the game went and was taught a lesson. This shocked Chen Haoran.

Obviously, Hua Wushang didn't come to eat at all, but deliberately came to find trouble. Although he was far away in the west of the city, he didn't know my name. It was even more impossible that he didn't know that this was my hotel, directly under my territory, and also our headquarters. He made trouble here openly, obviously to find me trouble and did not pay attention to us.

After a while, I followed Haoran to the trouble box. As soon as I pushed the door in, I saw a large group of people sitting inside, men and women of all kinds, all kinds of women, and most of the men were full of style, and their expressions and gestures were very attractive. However, the most noticeable person was Hua Wushang.

Although I don't know him, I can find him at a glance, because he is really different, handsome and special. Shen Muchen's handsome is not worth mentioning in front of him. He has a pair of Danfeng eyes, and his skin is white and tender. His face shape is also very standard. His outline is clear. His hair and clothes are very fashionable. In the past, he is not like a man in his thirties Shang's middle-aged uncle, I look like this, sure enough, a woman will like him.

However, on the spot, in addition to Hua Wushang, there was a person who also attracted my attention. Although he sat in an inconspicuous position and kept a low profile, he was still in my eye because I met him at Ziyi's wedding site yesterday.

For Hua Wushang, I feel that it is the first time to see Hua Wushang. I don't know whether he has been to the wedding site yesterday. Anyway, I didn't notice him. However, I was deeply impressed by this low-key man. I clearly remember that he was sitting in the guest seat at the wedding yesterday. That seat is particularly conspicuous. It can be seen that he paid his family guests, which is an important corner Color.

After I saw him, I suddenly realized that it was no accident that Hua Wushang asked me for trouble today. I had just offended the Buddha, and I was found today. Obviously, this Nancheng Wushang is a bird who works for the Buddha. I know that the Buddha is easy to deal with me, but he let me go in front of so many people Moreover, Qiqi's face was placed there. He was not easy to deal with me openly, which would also damage his Buddha's face. However, some things didn't need the Buddha's own code, and they could be solved. The Buddha didn't need big talents and little use to deal with my small organization which had just established itself. It felt that it was enough to let Hua Wushang show up.

I really didn't think that, only one day, the danger came. If I offended the Buddha, I offended all the gang leaders in the whole city. No wonder my father was worried about my safety. I thought hiding in my hometown and keeping a low profile could keep my safety. But I was still too naive after all. If I didn't go out, someone would come to my door and spend no pain I can touch the influence, but I know that once I make a conflict with him, my organization will really offend the Buddha. At that time, my organization will certainly accept a devastating blow.So, even if I had anger in my heart, I could only suppress it as much as possible. However, when my brother was injured, I couldn't ignore it. After a pause, I had to brave myself into the box. After coming in, I asked the people on the table with a straight face: "what's the matter?"

As soon as he said this, the flower sitting on the throne moved. He patted the table and asked me, "are you the boss here? Come on, come on. Tell me what's going on. I'm very lucky to have a meal in this place. I even ate a fly. I asked your lackey to call the boss. He didn't listen to me. Do you comment on it? Do you mean to bully our people in the Southern District? "

Hua Wushang's righteous words, his expression is very dissatisfied, but his eyes are full of banter and playfulness, it can be seen that he is deliberately looking for fault. Moreover, after he finished speaking, several people next to him also echoed, saying how our hotel is. It seems that they recited their lines, saying a lot of bad things about the hotel and belittled our hotel It's not as good as bullshit. It's on the same level as the garbage dump.

However, no matter what they said, I can see clearly that this group of people have made up their minds to make trouble with me. It is impossible for them to make a low-level mistake of flies in our hotel. I also understand that they have come prepared. The flies are definitely released by themselves. They are now asking me for an explanation, and they also say that my younger brother and the waiters deliberately pick things to bully others It's about getting me down.

Just when those people said something to me, the injured waiter came up to me and said respectfully, "boss, things are not like this."

I did not wait for him to finish speaking, directly interrupted his words, and my eyes, tightly locked in Hua Wushang's body, immediately, I opened my mouth and asked softly, "what are you going to do about this matter?"

Hua Wushang, hearing my words, chuckled and snorted, "it's very simple. I'm a reasonable person, and I'll pay one million yuan! "

his words immediately startled my brothers. It was blackmail, typical of the blackmail of red fruits. They deliberately pick things up, deliberately pout my face, and even more deliberately blackmail me. The most important thing is that even if I do everything according to his will, he can't let me go. He made it clear that he wanted to trouble me. I stood there and pestered for a while, then, slowed down Slowly, he said to Hua Wushang:

"Mr. Hua, as the boss of the Southern District, you come to my hotel for dinner. I welcome you. It's OK for me to treat this meal. But if you deliberately come to pick up trouble, it's a bit hard to say. Our two families have never offended the river. I don't know where I offended you and let you suppress me like this! "

now that I know the intention of Hua Wushang, I don't need to cover up with him, so I can just make it clear. When Hua Wushang sees that I'm talking to him in such an attitude, his joking eyes suddenly become serious and even flash a little angry. Although it seems that I'm on the same level with him, in fact, my momentum has not reached his level It's still quite different, so he didn't pay attention to me at all. Then, Hua Wushang nodded his head gently and said to me:

"OK, since you want to make it clear, I can't help telling you. I just think that a group of hairy boys can set up a school if you don't like it. Is it because all the people in the east district are dead, can you get up and dominate the city I thought you had something special about you. Today I saw it, I didn't expect it was a group of rubbish. The people in the old nest are so rubbish. I really don't know how you have the face to make a foothold in this city. I'm also good for you. I want me to say ah, disband as soon as possible, and the province will be crushed and killed by other people! "

Hua Wushang looked at me with cold eyes while talking. I know that even if he came with a purpose, what he just said may be from his heart. I also know that after all, he is just a small person, or a group of students who have not graduated. Therefore, it is reasonable for the old people to look down on us, but Hua Wushang belittles us so much I'm still a little angry, I can muddle to this point, in addition to luck, there is strength.

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