Fu Dong left so, I was indifferent to his attitude, but the brothers couldn't bear it. Seeing that Fudong was so rampant, Chen Haoran first cried: "this is too arrogant, put it out that it is door-to-door provocation, elder brother, how can you easily let him go, anyway, you have offended the Buddha, simply do not do two endlessly, how good to give his son to waste!"

Haoran's temper is still grumpy. If it wasn't for me to stop him, he really dealt with the east hand. And other brothers also saw that I was wronged, and they all attached to Haoran's words, saying that we must teach that guy a lesson. I saw the brothers and sighed softly and said, "calm down, things are not as simple as you think! ”I didn't explain it to my brothers in detail, but I knew in my heart that there is still a difficult flower master to deal with. But if I moved Fu Dong this time, the Buddha would not have been involved in it. He would definitely come to fight me for his son and go out of the way. Moreover, I would never hurt Xu Nan's heart. Therefore, I can't follow it I am willing to pay for the East because, at present, I fear too much.

My brothers listened to me and said nothing more. They were unhappy. Shen Muchen saw the interests. When his brothers were silent, he suddenly stood up and said to me: "alo, I think you really need to calm down and consider it. We can't make it hard. We are relatively weak now, such as If the truth and flowers are not hurt hard, we can't get any benefits, let alone the Buddha. If they really find the door, I am afraid we can't resist it. I think you should listen to him, or avoid the wind first. After all, will the future be long! "

Although the meaning is the same, Shen Muchen's persuasion and Fu Dong's persuasion are totally two concepts. Shen Muchen is sincere and indeed stands on a calm position, saying the key point and telling the objective facts. But Fu Dong is different. It is for good, but in tone, he sneers at me, and tries to persuade me with insulting words repeatedly, which makes me unacceptable.

At the same time, I also know that I am far from the power of Huayi, but I have made the preparation to stay, and I think that defense is in his own territory, or there is a chance to fight with Huayi. The advantage that flower Ye possesses is not only a strong military horse, but it is stronger than our student party. However, I don't care. Even if Fu Dong just came, I will not retreat. Now In, Fu Dong, he came, I would not retreat. I don't want to be the poor man in Ziyi's eyes. She doesn't want to be a coward. If she doesn't care about my life and death, she should pay Dong to pity me now, and persuade me. It is a deadly blow to me. It is a kind of shame. If I really leave, I will really face her without face. What I have to do is face her again So, at this moment, I will not escape anyway. So I said directly to Shen Muchen and his serious brother:

"brothers, you have heard it. Since I come back, I can't go, of course, nor go. Otherwise, it is not only my face, but also our whole organization can no longer establish the city. We are not easy to be in This city has made a famous name and stood firm. It is the credit of our brothers and the result of our efforts. I can't destroy this achievement. Before, we have also faced crisis and hardship, but we have shared common hatred and died together. I believe this time, we will definitely survive. Brothers, do you have any confidence! "

This is what I said to Shen Muchen, and also to all the brothers present. I just want to let you know that there will never be a day to avoid. The river mountain we fought together cannot be destroyed because of my evasion. Even if I escape, they will fight against me. Therefore, since I have made up my mind, no matter the way ahead What is it, I will let go to fight, never retreat.

Brothers may also be infected by my words, they have chosen to support me, willing to join the enemy and fight against the enemy with me. While the brothers are working together, I have also said some encouraging words to all of us to encourage us to go forward bravely, not to be influenced by the evil words of the East, not to retreat because of the Buddha's strength. Now, since someone comes to our territory to engage in the influence of the public We must maintain our home. I encourage you to encourage everyone to work hard to protect our territory.

We adjusted the morale of the group, and we immediately entered the combat preparation state. Everyone held their posts. Shen Muchen and I went back to eat again. On the table, we didn't drink and eat meat as usual, but ate the meal steadily, discussed the matter, the emergency measures of the enemy when coming and all aspects were detailed We all exchanged some time on the festival.

Although, Fu Dong said I could escape tomorrow, which means that the Lord Hua will come tomorrow, but we can't relax. In order to prevent the attack, we still have to take turns on duty. This afternoon, we waited for the enemy to come, and waited until the sun set, and the sky was hung with black curtain. The lights of the hotel were shining. We still didn't wait for it When the enemy comes to attack, what we wait for is the tension that can not be contained. Although we know that the decisive battle is tomorrow, on dark night, no one can predict whether the enemy will come.

When the day was completely dark, our nervous heart was more intense. Especially, we didn't know if there would be a strong enemy coming in a while, and we met the great crisis in the east mouth of Fu. At this moment, the whole group was panicked. The enthusiasm in the afternoon seemed to be almost dissipated. They must remember the encouragement I gave you this afternoon and really would like to share with me Death, a bloody battle, but, before the crisis, waiting, is the most terrible, perhaps, this is the so-called storm Eve, when the storm really came, blood brothers will certainly fight high morale, but, before the storm, the calm, strange atmosphere, but people inevitably suppress.Don't mention brothers, even I am a little uncomfortable. In order to relieve the oppressive atmosphere, I dismissed some of my brothers and asked them to take a rest first. Then I took turns to stand guard in case of unexpected need. While I ran to the rooftop and stood on the rooftop. I was blowing cold wind and looking down at the prosperous city, thinking about the things that troubled me.

At this moment, my mood is really complicated. Everyone's figure is shuttling through my mind, but only Ziyi's figure is the most clear. Today, Fu Dong uses Ziyi's so-called kindness to persuade me on the surface, but in fact, he satirizes me and strikes me. His arrogant posture and contemptuous words all make me feel particularly uncomfortable. In addition, in the next 48 hours Inside, there is an unpredictable battle, which makes my heart more depressed.

Now, I have to blow the cold wind to gradually ease my mood. My eyes keep looking at the situation downstairs and paying attention to the possible danger at any time. Anyway, this crisis is definitely a great crisis. It is a life and death experience for me, and the life and death experience of my brothers. If we can't do it well, our organization will be completely destroyed. Therefore, I must All out to win the victory, the most important thing is that I want to defeat Hua Ye and beat Fu Dong hard in the face to let him know that I am not a waste to be slaughtered by others, nor a complete loser. I, Su Luo, is also a pure man and a local king.

When I was thinking about it, suddenly, my eyes became sharp. Standing on the edge of the roof, I suddenly felt that the street below was not right. At this moment, it was more than nine o'clock in the evening. People's night life was just beginning. It was a time when there was a large flow of people. Besides, the location of our hotel was also a relatively busy place here Now, there are only a few scattered people on the street, and there are few cars. My first impression is that the street of our headquarters seems to be blocked by people.

Immediately, I realized that things were not good. Then, I quickly took out my mobile phone and ordered the leaders to gather at the gate of the headquarters. While making a phone call, I did not delay. I went down from the rooftop to the hall on the first floor. As soon as I got to the hall, I called out to the brothers who held the handle: "brothers, the enemy may be coming, everyone be ready to fight!"

My words immediately alerted all the brothers. Originally, from the afternoon until the evening, the brothers were already tired. In addition, the nervous mood made the brothers exhausted. Some brothers were taking a nap. However, the words I said made some tired brothers wake up. At this time, Shen Muchen had already taken a rest All my brothers are ready to fight at this moment.

We brothers, standing at the gate of the hotel, were in full swing. Some of our brothers were nervous and others were excited. We were all holding our breath and waiting for the storm to come. In the process of waiting, one brother couldn't help asking me: "brother, there is still no movement outside? How do you see the enemy coming? Besides, Fu Dong said that the enemy would come tomorrow. "

I didn't hide it. I told all my brothers, "I found something wrong in the street. I feel that someone has done something wrong. Be careful, because Mr. Hua is a man who will avenge his revenge and will not retaliate overnight."

I believe my intuition very much, because I didn't believe Fu Dong's words at all. However, I believe my own feelings, which does not mean that my brothers believe. After all, I did not see the shadow of the enemy at all. Therefore, after waiting for more than ten minutes, when there was still no movement outside, some brothers' uneasy mood showed up again. We are not afraid of the storm I'm afraid of the taste of waiting and the tense and uneasy atmosphere, which makes some brothers uneasy.

In fact, at this time, I was a little suspicious of my intuition. I also felt that I was under too much pressure and had hallucinations. But just as I wanted my brothers outside the venue to inquire about the situation, suddenly, the lights in the hotel went out in an instant. Not only my hotel, but also other shops nearby, were all turned off. It seemed that there was a power failure, It was dark around us, and even worse, there was no moon tonight, as if the whole city was in endless darkness.

All the brothers, including me, were in a state of panic. Even some brothers couldn't help talking about how to cut off the power suddenly. When we were in a panic, suddenly, many bright lights appeared on one side of the street, lighting up the dark night again But I realized that the danger was coming

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